...that you’ve raised since infancy. You consider him your son and are willing and able to adopt this child and have also proven your competency to do just that. This scenario is exactly that of Steven Lofton and Douglas Houghton. However, despite the fact that they can provide a loving and stable environment for their foster son, they were denied this opportunity for the sole reason that they are a homosexual couple. Homosexuals have always faced discrimination, mostly for religious purposes, and have been denied basic rights that are not denied to heterosexuals. However, there are tens of thousands of children in the United States that go unadopted each year, along with even more same-sex couples. Therefore, in order to provide these children with a loving home, something that homosexuals are completely capable of providing, gay couples should be allowed to adopt in all fifty states. Today, in America, there are thousands of children reported to be living in homes with at least one gay parent. In most cases, the partner of that gay parent is given no legal parental rights. Should homosexual partners be allowed to adopt? Evidence on the effects of gay and straight parenting is very incomplete. With this lack of evidence proving that homosexual couples would be unfit parents for a child and that heterosexual couples could provide a superior home, there is no reason that gay marriage should be banned in any state. This is especially true considering that adoptive parents are subjected...
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...Arkansas is one state, out of many, that does not allow gay couples to adopt children. This law prevents numerous children from loving, supporting homes. This does not just consist in the United States, children around the world are constantly being disappointed because of laws that prevent them from having homes and loving families. The laws restrain same sex couples from offering their love and support for a child who does not have that in the first place. Same-sex couples have been just recently they have been given the right to marry in over 20 states and continue to push for equal...
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...Should Same Sex Couples be allowed to adopt? Tanisha Culberson 08/30/2015 Should Same Sex Couples be allowed to adopt? Society's image of a perfect family includes a father and a mother of the opposite sex. People feel this is what's best for a child. What a bunch of baloney this is just a stereotype. What happened to the best interest of the child? Why are there so many same-sex couples getting rejected by adoption agencies? Why are there so many children being kicked out of the school system because they have gotten too old. In the United States, more than 397,122 children are waiting to be adopted. Approximately 2,000,000 same-sex couples are interested in adopting, but religious groups are against it, and a lot of adoption agencies associated with different religious groups. Most religious groups feel as though same-sex couples should not even marry. They believe in God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, who gave them the right to judge? Same-sex couple's path to parenting is not easy. It depends on state laws and lots of money. In addition to same-sex adoption, it could help move children out of the welfare system, which would create more money for the state. Homosexual parents are more motivated and committed because they are parents by choice, not by accident. How many children are placed up for adoption by opposite sex couples? How many children are up for adoption by same-sex couples? Sexual orientation does not influence good parenting. People should...
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...Viewpoints, adoption is the process of taking legal responsibility for the care and protection of a child that is not one’s own by birth. Same-sex couple adoption should be allowed based upon the following principles: a number of same-sex couples looking to adopt or have already, same-sex parents fail to negatively impact the children, and same-sex relationships feature the same basic components and desires as heterosexual relationships. It is imperative to children who are in the position to be adopted for LGBT families to have the legal ability to...
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...Issues Surrounding Homosexuality and Adoption “Gays and lesbians are stepping up their national battle against restrictive state regulations, conservative Christians, and others to gain the same parenting rights as heterosexuals” (Kennedy 1). Since homosexual individuals are fighting so hard for the rights they are seeking, should homosexuals be given the right to adopt children? There is no reason why homosexual individuals shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children because they are capable of providing a secure and loving home for a child just as anyone else. It is also in the best interest for the child to have a secure and loving home vs. not having a home at all. Children being raised in a home where homosexuality is accepted and respected and not viewed as something wrong could change and teach others to accept and respect homosexuals as people as well. Homosexuals are human beings too, so why should they be treated any different just because of their sexual orientation? There are people that do oppose to the idea of homosexuals being allowed to adopt children. “Various arguments have been made against placing children with homosexual individuals or couples,” but the most controversial and talked about issue would be mother and father vs. same sex parents (Patterson 1). People believe that the best home for a child is a home that has a mother and a father present, yet still disregarding the fact that there are many single parents successfully raising children without the...
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...children and they don’t get the care they deserve and need. Everybody should have the right to adopt these children and give them better lives and help their development, no matter of the adopter’s sexuality. Everybody should be for gay adoption because it gets kids out of orphanages, gives them good homes, and gives the child a family. These children need a good home to grow up in where a whole bunch of other...
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...In today’s society gay marriage is very prevalent. Everyday more and more people are accepting gays and are starting to allow gay marriage. What about gay marriage and adoption? This is a topic that is becoming more prevalent than ever. I didn’t want to speak solely on gay marriage but gay marriage and adoption. I intend to inform you on the benefits and concerns that arrive from two people of the same sex who chose to adopt. In our text we discussed individual rights and responsibility. Is this a right, that two people can raise a child together or is this wrong? What would ethical theories suggest? These are the questions that I would like to answer for you as I intend on informing you the pros and cons of a gay marriage when adopting. Many gay and lesbian people are choosing to become parents through adoption; here are some reasons why they shouldn’t. One argument against gay or lesbian adoption is they cannot provide a good life for the child because of the discrimination the child might face. Some argue that children of gay and lesbian parents will be subject to harassment and ridicule. Parents are the most influential role model in his or her child’s life. Being raised by gay or lesbian parents will no doubt make it more likely for the child to choose to be gay. Parents are the ones who shape the child’s beliefs on what is right and wrong. Some might argue that same sex couples cannot reproduce naturally so therefore, it is wrong for them to even be together, much...
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...In today’s society gay marriage is very prevalent. Everyday more and more people are accepting gays and are starting to allow gay marriage. What about gay marriage and adoption? This is a topic that is becoming more prevalent than ever. I didn’t want to speak solely on gay marriage but gay marriage and adoption. I intend to inform you on the benefits and concerns that arrive from two people of the same sex who chose to adopt. In our text we discussed individual rights and responsibility. Is this a right, that two people can raise a child together or is this wrong? What would ethical theories suggest? These are the questions that I would like to answer for you as I intend on informing you the pros and cons of a gay marriage when adopting. Many gay and lesbian people are choosing to become parents through adoption; here are some reasons why they shouldn’t. One argument against gay or lesbian adoption is they cannot provide a good life for the child because of the discrimination the child might face. Some argue that children of gay and lesbian parents will be subject to harassment and ridicule. Parents are the most influential role model in his or her child’s life. Being raised by gay or lesbian parents will no doubt make it more likely for the child to choose to be gay. Parents are the ones who shape the child’s beliefs on what is right and wrong. Some might argue that same sex couples cannot reproduce naturally so therefore, it is wrong for them to even be together, much...
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...however a lot more work to be done as far as equal rights for gay families all over the U.S. The Defense Marriage Act was originally passed in September 1996 and repealed in June 2013. This was wonderful news for the LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender) community; however they are faced with a few more hurdles. Conservatives are now trying to make it impossible for same-sex couples to be able to adopt, essentially ruining any chances of having a family of their own. Two steps forward, 3 steps back… For decades, the laws against marriage equality have been tight and not in favor for same-sex couples. Conservatives felt and still feel that marriage should only be between a man and a woman and that being gay was not only a sin and an abomination, but also a lifestyle choice. It is also believed that gay unions should not have the same benefits as heterosexual ones. In the case of United States vs Windsor where two women whose marriage was legalized in New York, one of the parties passed away and the IRS denied federal estate tax marital deduction for the surviving spouse. The U.S. Supreme court found that DOMA violated the guarantee for equal protection and due process under the U.S. Constitution (Polikoff).Currently thirty-two out of fifty states now legalized same-sex unions. Unfortunately to this day, states that did not approve the legalization of same-sex unions show open hostility towards any couple that aspire to marry. (Towers) Not only are conservatives...
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...the government. An upstanding citizen who pays their taxes, serves their community and abides by the law should be afforded the rights of an American. However, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gay and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbian couples are denied the right to marry even if they are upstanding citizens and are held at an unfair disadvantage solely because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination must stop because gay and lesbian couples are law-abiding citizens as well, who should be afforded the same rights as heterosexual couples. If same-sex couples are paying taxes to build roads and help public schools like the heterosexual couples, they should be afforded the same rights. One common problem that plagues gay and lesbian couples that are denied the right to marry is their inability to claim their partner’s social security after he or she has died. Currently, there are no programs that give homosexuals survivor benefits like the ones that are provided for heterosexuals who are married or divorced. Gay and lesbian partners are not able to claim benefits of their deceased, regardless of the fact that all working citizens, heterosexual or homosexual, pay into the Social Security system for survivor benefits. Sadly, this leaves many gay and lesbian couples with an unstable retirement. The most disturbing fact is that homosexuals cannot claim survivor benefits...
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...Gay Adoption Can’t Be Banned Homosexuality is becoming more accepted and integrated into today’s society. However, when it comes to homosexuals establishing families, a problem is posed. There are many arguments to this controversial topic; some people believe that it should be legal nationally, while others would prefer that it must be banned everywhere. Although opponents of gay adoption present several reasons to support their view, I believe that gay adoption should be legal because many gay marriages are as stable as heterosexual marriages. What is most important is giving adopted children a secure emotional home whether gay or straight, it is better than the foster-care system. Barring gay men and lesbians from becoming parents is discrimination, based on sexual orientation. Initially, gay adoption should be permitted because many gay marriages are more stable than most heterosexual marriages. Gay and lesbian couples are also more probable to exhibit affection and humor in relationship. Most gay couples, just like straight couples, hold down jobs and are in safe and normal serious relationships. According to Lisa Belkin, a New York Times writer, “it’s the quality of the parenting that creates a psychologically healthy child, not the sexual orientation of the parents.” There is no evidence to suggest that children of lesbian and gay parents are less intelligent, suffer from more problems, are less popular, or have lower self-esteem than children of heterosexual parents...
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...There are millions of orphans and making same-sex adoption legal will allow them to find these children loving families. Adoption is an excellent solution to significantly decreasing the number of orphans there are in the world. Same-sex couples are a perfect opportunity for this because there isn’t a chance they will be able to naturally reproduce on their own. There is no real evidence that children are negatively affected by being raised by same-sex parents. However, many people disagree with same-sex couples being parents due for numerous reasons. It is not as easy for same-sex couples to adopt as it is for traditional couples. Same-sex couples are just like regular couples when it comes to the important characteristics of a strong and healthy relationship. Yet, they endure so much more stress and problems due to their sexual preferences. Even after all the stress, the love for the child is still the same at the end of the day. Others may disagree and say that gay adoption creates a major change in the family structure, claiming that it is important for a child to have both a mother and a father. However, many single parents who struggle finically are allowed to have kids or adopt if they chose to do so, so why prevent same-sex couples, who could provide and excellent home, from having children to call their own and to raise. A parent’s sexuality does not influence their child’s. Just because a parent has a certain view does not mean the child agrees with it as well...
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...10, 6th hour 2 December 2016 Who has the right to adopt? Same sex couples should be allowed to adopt children because the discrimination of them is taking potential parents away from orphans. The children in foster homes obviously want parents, and they same sex couples looking to adopt obviously want children. The solution is simple, but biases and invalid concerns are stopping the government and adoption agencies from seeing it. The sexuality of an adult will not matter to children who don’t have parents, they just want somewhere to call home. Children are not born judgemental they are raised to be judgemental. There is not a single baby in the world who would reject parents because...
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...have a loving relationship should be allowed to be united. Only one state allows “gay marriage”, which is Massachusetts. New Jersey, Connecticut, and Vermont allow it be called a “civil union”. The state of California use to allow Gay Marriage but in November the law was banned. The most recent state added to the list to allow gay marriage is Iowa. Iowa believes that people should live the way that they want to, freely and without restrictions. The gay rights movement is hoping to make legal the New England States within the upcoming years. Same sex couples should have the same rights as opposite sex couples. Why? With the legalization of gay marriage it should increase adoption rates since gay couple cannot pro-create. Any couple that is in love should have all the legal benefits of an opposite sex couple. Also, any couple, depending on the circumstance, should not be denied marriage in any circumstance is a form of minority discrimination and questioning of someone’s love toward one another. With all the children that need to be adopted in this world, there is no a reason why same sex couples can’t adopt a child even if they will have a loving and caring home. “There are around 150 million orphans in the world” (Sara Sidner, CNN) that are potential to be adopted if there were enough people that wanted to adopt children. That is why same sex couples should be allowed to adopt. Some states do not allow children to be adopted by same sex couples. However, if the state find...
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...Mike Thiesing Writing Workshop December 1, 2011 Gay Adoption in America How could this be fair? Same sex couples have been struggling to gain rights to adopt. Some have been successful, while others have not. But the question is not how just this issue is to the couple, but how fair it is to the child being adopted. The answer to this question is that it is not fair at all to the child who is adopted by a gay couple. Today, many same sex couples are fighting for the right to be able to adopt a child of their own without any restrictions. There are many people who are for this, but who are equally countered by many people against the issue. So the real question is, should gay couples be able to adopt children? Same sex adoption should not be allowed considering the effects, both physically and psychologically, that it will have on the child adopted. It is often believed that opposite sex relatives and friends can stand in as role models for the children so they can have both a mother and father. However, this is not an affective way of raising a child. According to “The Week” in their article about gay adoption rights, a child must have both a father and mother to have proper role models. An outside role model such as a family friend or relative is not the same as having a mother and father at home. This article also says that fewer male teachers are available as role models, so children of lesbian couples may find it more difficult to find this role model they need...
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