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Arguments Against Same Sex Adoption

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Words 1114
Pages 5
Allison Rousseau
Mrs. Bristol
English 10, 6th hour
2 December 2016
Who has the right to adopt? Same sex couples should be allowed to adopt children because the discrimination of them is taking potential parents away from orphans. The children in foster homes obviously want parents, and they same sex couples looking to adopt obviously want children. The solution is simple, but biases and invalid concerns are stopping the government and adoption agencies from seeing it. The sexuality of an adult will not matter to children who don’t have parents, they just want somewhere to call home. Children are not born judgemental they are raised to be judgemental. There is not a single baby in the world who would reject parents because …show more content…
Heteroexual and same-sex couples alike face similar challenges concerning issues such as intimacy, love and equality, and they go through similar processes to help fix these challenges. Lesbian and gay parents, just like heterosexual parents want to take care of and nurture their children. Homosexual parents want to provide a safe and healthy home for a child(Gilfoyle). Unreasonable biases will negativelty affect children and even the government. A national ban on LGBT adoption could see the federal government taking on $130 million bill to take care of children. Banning homosexual adoption is negatively impacting children, and the federal government. 9300 to 14000 children would be removed from their homes if gay couples were kicked out of the foster and adoptive systems. Children will be negatively impacted by …show more content…
(There are currently more than 100,000 kids in foster care in the U.S.) An October 2011 report by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute said that from more than 300 agencies 10 percent of the children placed were older than the age of six, which is typically the cut off for heterosexual adoption. Only twenty-five percent were older than three. Sixty percent adopted across the races and more than half were special needs. Lesbians and gays are a crucial part of the foster and adoption process. The 2007 report by the Urban Institute also found that more than half of gay men and forty-one percent of lesbians in the U.S. would like to adopt. That makes an estimated 2 million gay people who want to adopt a child without caring what kind of child they receive. It's a huge group of potential parents who could take children out of the uncertainty and horrors of the foster system. (Pappas, Stephanie). “One thirty-three-year-old man with a lesbian mother told Goldberg, "I feel I'm a more

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