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Class Differences In Trollope, And Tocqueville

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Modern America has not changed very much from the America back then. I believe that if someone where to tour America today they would include in their work the class differences, our equality, and our pride. During Dickens, Trollope, and Tocqueville’s era America had not truly developed class systems. Either a person was poor or rich, and it was not common for someone to fluctuate between the two. In todays society the middle class is becoming smaller while the lower class becomes larger. The gap between lower and middle builds every year, creating a steeper slope for the next lower generations to climb. Hand and hand with class differences is the idea of equality. While the United States is leaps and bounds further in equality than it was in the 1800’s we still are not completely equal. …show more content…
An example would be the wage gap that exists between white men, and everyone else. Many employers will pay an American white male more than his female or black counterpart, even if the other candidate has proven to be better. The United States works to alleviate discrimination, but since we claim to have always had equality someone from another country would view the US as attempting to make their claims true instead of making true claims. Next, I believe someone would write about American pride. To this day Americans believe that the United States is still the greatest country on earth, this is no longer true. Many European countries now have equality, freedom, and national unity. The United States is no longer unique and is no longer the worlds greatest country like many Americans

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