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Cash Advance Claims

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Compensation: Do You Want a Cash Advance?

So you’ve suffered from an injury and you wish to make a compensation claim? You could gain up to around £2,000 in advance if you choose to use a cash advance solicitor to help you make your claim.

Cash advances are the perfect way to help you boost your finances following an accident that was not your fault. When you make any type of personal injury claim with a professional cash advance solicitor, you will be entitled to claim a portion of your predicted sum in advance, helping you move on from your accident with some of the money you deserve.

Types of Cash Advance Compensation Claim

There are multiple types of compensation claim that could render you liable for a cash advance, including: …show more content…
In fact, almost 90 per cent of these accidents lead to some sort of injury, which can be physically and psychologically damaging to those who are left to cope with the consequences. Many different types of solicitor are capable of specialising in car accident claims, and will often offer cash advances.

Medical Negligence Claims: It’s both physically and psychologically challenging when you have been let down by medical professionals in whom you have put your explicit trust. Although many medical teams are more than capable of providing a high level of care, even when mistakes are made, there are some who do occasionally fail to provide the level of care you require. If you think you may have been a victim of a breach of care then you could not only claim compensation, but also a cash advance to enable you to cover all your costs in advance of your compensation payout.

Workplace Claims: It’s always difficult to be let down by your employer or colleagues but it’s even harder to cope with the potential financial implications of your injuries. Cash advances are often awarded to workplace injury victims, particularly if they have found themselves without any work or on unpaid sick leave following the

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