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Disadvantages Of Accrual And Cash Basis

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d it is an approach to record transaction of all larger businesses. Cash basis is an accounting method which revenues will only be recorded when received, and expenses to be recorded when paid to the creditor. Timing of revenues and expenses to be recognize had always been the main difference between accrual and cash basis. For example, let say you own a business that sell computers and you sell RM4800 worth of computers. Under accrual basis, the RM4800 is recorded as revenue as soon as the sales is made, even if you did not receive the money immediately. While for cash basis, the amount of the sales, Rm4800 will not be recorded until the day payment is made by the debtor. For accrual basis, if there is payment made in advance for services …show more content…
Unlike accrual basis which is complicated, cash basis is simple and flexible. Cash basis can be implemented easily by just tracking the cash flow. Accurate tracking of cash flow is also one of the main advantages by cash basis. Cash basis accounting give an accurate reflection of the cash flow as it only record revenues and expenses when the cash is actually in your account , you will get to know how much cash on hand you have on current time period. There is also less bookkeeping needed for cash basis. Transactions will only be recorded when cash go out or come in into your account which lead to tracking your account is fairly easy and straightforward. However in long term, it is not a good method to measure the profitability as it does not recognizes receivables(debtors) and payables(creditors). It might possibly show that the company earning profit with cash basis but in fact it losing money. Cash basis give a false impression of the revenues and expenses of your business while cash flow being tracked accurately. For example, your company generated a lot on revenues this year, but the payment can only be received on the following year. As a result, even though you will get your payment next year, your business will still show a negative cash flow as you do not have the cash in

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