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Same Sex Couple Adoption

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Sexual orientation fails to directly correlate with the quality of parenting. Successful parenting entails the ability to nurture and the creation of a home full of love. According to Opposing Viewpoints, adoption is the process of taking legal responsibility for the care and protection of a child that is not one’s own by birth. Same-sex couple adoption should be allowed based upon the following principles: a number of same-sex couples looking to adopt or have already, same-sex parents fail to negatively impact the children, and same-sex relationships feature the same basic components and desires as heterosexual relationships. It is imperative to children who are in the position to be adopted for LGBT families to have the legal ability to …show more content…
According to “LGBT Adoptions,” no evidence supports children of lesbian and gay parents “having less intelligence, suffering from more problems, being less popular, having lower self-esteem in relation to their heterosexual counterparts.” In addition, research supports sexual identity being independent of an environment with children being more influenced by the interactions they have with their parents rather than their sexual orientation. The children of these LGBT families will not be “turned gay” based on their parent’s sexual orientation and will thrive in the same way they would with a heterosexual family. Furthermore, these children will be influenced by many other friends and family members in addition to their parents. The final argument entails the …show more content…
One major argument is that “same-sex couples are far too volatile and unstable as a group for society to justify risking the safety of its children” (Rogers). Rogers suggests that the group has higher rates of suicidal tendency and domestic violence. One could understand how individuals come to this opinion based upon increased media coverage of LGBT suicide in relation to the suicide of heterosexual individuals. These individuals fail to see the prevalence of gay men and lesbian women who strive to form strong committed relationships; many of which are successful (Gilfoyle). They further their argument with the idea that sexuality has a social basis (Hansen). Children with same-sex parents may feel more comfortable with exploring their sexuality than those with heterosexual parents is a basic principle for a valid argument. However, sexual orientation is not based upon the sexuality of the parents as there is no relation between sexuality and environment. Their argument concludes with the prevalence of a negative social impact on the child due to having same-sex parents (Power). The validity of this argument can be noticed with the idea of the inability of society to recognize family makeup which is evidenced by daddy-daughter dances. Those who argue this point neglect the facts that children in LGBT homes fail to show decreased “self-esteem, quality of life psychological advertisement or

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