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Summary: Restaurant Sentenced To 4 Years

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Have you ever wondered why not only one citizen, but a mass, becomes effortlessly fooled into believing fake news and pseudo-events? The current United States society enables the ability to avoid trickery in presuming untruths and pseudoscience by analyzing news, researching a plethora of information, and looking in depth to a topic. The articles “‘Pizzagate’ Conspiracy Theorist Who Shot Up DC. Restaurant Sentenced To 4 Years” by Ryan J. Reilly, Hidden History: Exploring Our Secret Past Chapter 21: A Flood of Pseudo-events by Daniel J. Boorstin, Unspun finding facts in a world of disinformation by Brooks Jackson and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, “Everyday Survival” by Laurence Gonzales, and “Does Truth Matter? Science, Pseudoscience, and Civilization” …show more content…
Boorstin. In today's society humans crave satisfaction. One receives “enough” information, and then asks for more in which the reporters deliver whether the information contains truth or not. The article, “‘Pizzagate’ Conspiracy Theorist Who Shot Up DC. Restaurant Sentenced To 4 Years” by Ryan J. Reilly implies that citizen “Edgar Maddison Welch had bought into a fake story suggesting child sex trafficking” (as explained in the subtitle). The story of a 28 year old man mistakenly believed the pizza parlor called Comet Ping Pong illegal practiced of procuring or trading in human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation. In the article, Reilly writes “Jackson said she believed Welch to be a nice person …show more content…
Science, Pseudoscience, and Civilization” by Carl Sagan also proves that America contributes in a global trend of pseudo events leading society to danger, but one can prevent such actions by searching for artifacts, researching, and discovering facts among one. For example, the quote “Perhaps the sharper distinction between science and pseudoscience is that science has a far kenner appreciation of human imperfections and fallibility than does pseudoscience (or “inerrant” revelation),” depicts that science allows imperfections and the ability to fail, but keep trying while on the other hand, pseudoscience states beliefs and practices that are not factually proven. Throughout researched and fact checked articles expressed previously, one shall realize America can disregard fake news by reviewing news and following the proper guide to finding every

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