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USS Chief

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The rank of Chief Petty Officer in the Navy represents leadership. Taking the symbolism of this rank into account, it’s no wonder that three of the United States Navy’s ships have been named after it: the USS Chief (AMc-67), the USS Chief (AM-315), and the USS Chief (MCM-14). Each ship has it’s own unique history and has played a role in keeping the waters safe for the United States Military. The USS Chief (AMc-67) was an Accentor-class minesweeper with a length of 97 feet and one inch and weighed 185 tons. Before being commissioned, the ship’s name was changed to the USS Bold on May 23rd, 1941. Commissioned on May 27th, 1942, the USS Chief/Bold (AMc-67)’s purpose was to scour waters (primarily American) in order to detect and denote mines. As her first assignment, on June 12th, 1942, the AMc-67 sailed down to Yorktown, Virginia to receive training. “The coastal minesweeper reported to the Mine Warfare Training School and conducted two weeks of training there before being detached to proceed to the 6th Naval District”(“Revolvy, LLC.”). For the duration of WWII, the AMc-67 generally operated along the coasts of …show more content…
Some located on the top of the crest, others located on the fouled anchor. The stars above the anchor are arranged in a similar fashion as to represent the “International Navigational Symbol for lights and shapes about the mast; signifying a vessel engaged in mine clearance operations” (“USS Chief MCM-14”). The stars located in the center of the crest are located upon a fouled anchor; the insignia of a Chief Petty Officer. This insignia is on the crest because it represents leadership. As mentioned earlier in the essay, all three ships are named after the rank Chief Petty Officer for it’s resemblance to leadership. There are stars upon the fouled anchor because they honor the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy. There are three of the stars to honor those Master Chief’s of the past, present, and the

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