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Dental School Research Paper

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Reflection #4
Well this semester was a good semester but, also a really stressful semester. I can say that it was better than last semester. I felt it was stressful for the classes that I was taking, one of the courses that I really struggle with were Chemistry and Biology. I felt that Chemistry it’s just a really hard course in general, plus I haven’t taken Chemistry since my junior year of high school. Even though my major includes a lot of chemistry and biology, sometimes still really hard for me to understand the concepts. I felt like I didn’t do that good on finals, but I still have faith that I will pass all my classes. Besides academics I was able to get more involved around campus this semester. Like I mention on my previous reflections, …show more content…
I was learned new ways to manage my time, and to become more organized. Also I did a lot of networking with other brothers from other schools, I came across brothers who have the same interest as me, they also want to go to Dental School. Taking about Dental School, this semester I was really thinking about what I want to do with my life after college, I really want to become a Dentist, but the road to it, is super hard. There’s being a lot of time where I just want to change my major, and focus on a social science area. But I have to talk to a lot of people about this and the answer they give me is, nothing that’s worth it easy. That’s when I decide that I’m going to stick with this major. Another thing that happen to me this semester is that I became part of SSU Faces, next semester my face is going to be around campus. This is something that I’m extremely grateful for, I never thought that this was going to happen to me, but look at me now. As an overall it was a good semester but, also stressful at the same time. I learn a lot from this semesters, that I’m planning to apply for next semester. I want to become more organized with homework and midterms, and last but not least this class help me a lot with opening my eyes to new things that I didn’t

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