...1838 a long line of Cherokee Indians Trudged through the Georgia countyside. These Native Americans were heading for the Indian Territory in Oklahoma. It was not the Cherokees that chose to make, this long, difficult and kaotic trip. The U.S government forced them out of their homes and set them on this long and disturbing journey. A few Indians traveled by water. Most traveled by land. Woman carried their babies and the sick and elderly traveled by wagons. In fact A gentleman by the name of George Hicks led one of the cherokee groups in fact before departing he sent a letter to the leader of the departing cherokees and stated that it was with great sorrow that they were being forced by the white man out of the state away from home were they were born and raised and sent him a farewell.The trip to the Indian territory took about six months. They were about sixteen thousand cherokees that marched through the rain, snow, and bitter cold. Traveling about one thousand {text:soft-page-break} miles away. Traveling without food, clothing,or shelter. How horrific it was for the four thousand people that died on this route and in doing so never had a proper burial they had to be buried in shallow unmarked graves. Having to bury forteen and fifteen people at every stop. How? We ask the U.S could not be bothered to share America's riches with a different race which whom they viewed as inferior and less civil to their own culture. The cherokees that...
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...My great grandfather was part Cherokee Indian. Cherokee Indians have a very unique culture and that culture they have built has been from other culture’s influences. They have traditions and customs that they hold close and practice still to this day. I am going to go into detail about their dances and everything that goes a long with it such as music and their costumes. The Cherokee have many traditional dances, ancient, modern, religious, social and there are some that are no longer practiced. The stomp dance is the most important of all. The stomp dance ritual occurs throughout a time span of a whole day. They prepare for the dance all day long. Creating a fire, cooking food, give sermons, and play stickball, a game resembling...
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...and had their first contact with the American Indians, there were numerous of unique indigenous cultures that have been uniquely formed by their landscapes and history. A tribe’s language, worldviews, knowledge and religion come from their local lands, shaping them to be who they are. Though every American Indian tribe has the belief of bringing harmony, respect and balance amongst the human community and the natural world, each illustrates these beliefs differently depending ones cultural values, knowledge and worldviews. American Indian tribes can differ from one another in many ways relating to ceremonies, prayers, songs, medicine, and other rituals, expressing their own unique cultural values. Their homelands, as well as the mountains, caves, and rivers all carry some kind of symbolic meanings and purposes relating to their culture understanding. For instance, the Yaqui tribe is known to perform deer songs and dances, a central ritual within their culture, that allows them to spiritually be, live, connect or communicate with one’s universe (Evers and Molina). Whereas for another tribe, such as the Tewa, perform their own unique rituals. The Cherokee tribe is one of the many indigenous tribes in North America that have been shaped by their local landscape and history. Like every American Indian tribe, the Cherokee consists of many different cultural worldviews, traditions, and beliefs that brought them to express their culture in their own way. In this paper, I will present...
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...particularly the Cherokee Nation. The policy of Indian Removal saw the removal of the Cherokee people from their original homelands in the Southeast to areas west of the Mississippi River; this was implemented during the reign of then-President Andrew Jackson. Thus, the basis of this program, of which the Trail of Tears was representative, centers on white settlers' land hunger and their belief that American society could not exist without Native American tribes. Debates over Cherokee removal highlighted a contest between rival notions of land expansion, culture, and self-determination. Whereas Jackson,...
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...Research is essential to all disciplines in Psychology, including Cross Cultural Psychology, for theory development, theory testing and to test theories against other theories. Also, research is a way to test ideas and hypothesis about different cultures related to specific concepts and trends gender, immigration attitudes, and comparative research compares different cultures to determine how they differ and/or are similar on such concepts as gender issues, child rearing, cognition, attitudes, etc. as they relate to culture. That is cross-cultural relative study and additional kinds of study can be concerned in the methods in which culture and correlated ideas for instance ethnicity influences the behavior and thinking of human being also how human being behavior and believe explain and reveal phases of an individual culture. Research builds the knowledge base for cross cultural psychology and investigates and tests the major trends in the field. Research investigates different cultures on a number of domains in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Certain trends or domains are prevalent in the field of cross cultural psychology including evolution and biology, awareness and reasoning, morals and outlooks, social psychology, behavior in culture, therapy and mental health, gender issues, parenting and human development, cultural change and ethnic psychology, also work and structural psychology. Additional trends consist of collectivism and individualism, towards common characteristics and...
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...Wilma Mankiller was born November 18, 1945 in Oklahoma but later relocated due to the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Indian Relocation Program of the 1950’s. Because the relocation program failed to keep promises it made to Native Americans, Wilma became an activist fighting for the rights of Native Americans (Wallis). Wilma Mankiller was the first female elected Deputy Chief and later became the first female in modern history to lead a major Native American tribe by becoming the first Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma in 1987. With an enrolled population of over 140,000 members and an annual budget of more than $75 million, her accomplishment is equal to that of a chief executive office of a major corporation (Yannuzzie). Her areas of expertise include community development, public relations, tribal governance, leadership and writing. During her time in office, Wilma faced many challenges and turned them into accomplishments. She bettered the lives of her people by building health clinics, bringing water and electricity to poor communities, and supporting small businesses. These things meant a great deal too many people, but Wilma also tackled big issues like the male-domination of the Cherokee Nation, which went against traditional Cherokee values (Mankiller and Steinem). She also spoke out against Native American stereotypes and worked to make the mainstream image of Native Americans one of regular people with the same wants and needs as everyone else. And...
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...will not perish, if this great nation may be saved?” – Elias Boudinot, Cherokee Nation, December 29, 1835 There might not be any other ethnicity in the United States that has suffered as much deculterization, destruction and blatant ridicule by the majority ruling class than the Native American people. The very beginning of Anglo settlement in the new world marked the beginning of the end of the very way of life and culture that the native people enjoyed prior to the rampant spread of disease and warfare that would come to symbolize the Native relationship with the Anglo-European people of the United States. As the Anglo grip on the nation grew tighter, it became apparent that either you accept violence as your tribe’s only salvation, or you decide to accept whatever offer the ruling white class decided to offer your tribe, in hopes that your tribes willingness to abide by whatever rules and regulations imposed will eventually save your people from the fate of so many of your brothers and sisters across the country. No tribe personified this reality better than the Cherokee Nation of the Southeastern United States, and no one Cherokee Indian should be connected with the struggle of acculteration verses preservation than Elias Boudinot, the editor of the Cherokee Phoenix, the first Native American paper in the United States. As it will be revealed, Boudinot is one of the most controversial members of Cherokee history, a person whose sharp intellect and journalist ability set the...
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...Spanish conquistadors were driven to the new world in hopes of cultivating the rich stores of resources. In their encounters with the Indigenous population the underlying belief held by the Spanish was that the Indigenous people whom they referred to as “Indians” would be better off enslaved and under Spanish control. This is seen when Cabeza de Vaca encountering Indigenous people for the first time states, “Indians do not have the capacity to remain by themselves.” This statement by Cabeza de Vaca reflects the prevailing misguided morality of the Spanish colonists which lead to the enslavement and removal of Indigenous freedom. This misguided sense of morality led to the enslavement of Indigenous people by the...
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...Luis Thompson ANTH 252 Doctor Hemphill Yokuts v. Cherokee I. Introduction This paper is a basic introduction to two native North American tribes; the Yokuts of the California cultural area and the Cherokee of the Southeast cultural area. First I we will delve in to the general backgrounds of these two tribes, followed by an in depth examination of Religious beliefs practiced by each tribe, as well as the Life cycle rituals of the Yokuts and Cherokee. Directly proceeding this we will then contrast the former in depth examinations with that of the Tlingit tribe who resided in the Northwest culture area and also we will contrast The Yokuts and the Cherokee with the Zuni tribe who reside in the Southwest cultural area. General Background: Yokuts The Yokut tribe is a group of native North Americans found in the California culture area. The Yokut tribe inhabited the San Joaquin Valley of California. The Yokut tribe has been broken up into three main groups based on the area that their territory encompassed. The are the Northern Valley Yokuts who inhabited the region beginning in the northern most San Joaquin valley, present day Stockton, to the area where the San Joaquin Valley turns northward toward the Calaveras and Mokelumne rivers, or present day Modesto. The Next division is known as The Southern Valley Yokuts. This group of Yokuts lived in the Southern San Joaquin Valley from the upper forks of the Kings River, present day ...
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...The Indian Removal Act was a law issued through our 7th president, Andrew Jackson, on the 28th of May, 1830. It was passed through Congress, authorizing the president to negotiate with southern Indian tribes for their relocation to territory west of the Mississippi River. This would, of course, be in exchange for their ancestral homelands, a trade being made between the United States and five Native tribes. A general resettlement of the the Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, Cherokee, and Seminole Natives would transpire, and between 1830 to 1840, approximately 60,000 Natives went through migration. Though many may argue that this was an act unconstitutionally passed, the amendments of our constitution say quite otherwise. The actions President Jackson...
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...music. Before I began to develop any sort of directed, narrowed research questions, I asked myself first, “What is Native American music?” Regarding various definitions of the so-called “genre,” I discovered that Native American music shouldn’t be typified into any genre or defined style of music. It was the perspective toward music that was unique to Native peoples, and this perspective is key in understanding the Native American influence on later creations of music. Definition and Philosophy Native peoples tend to view their music in a distinctly different way from Euro-Americans. To Natives, music is thought; music appeared to be particularly inclusive into Native Americans’ way of life, and is unique in its origin, meaning, and efficacy. To ask “what is Native American music?” would be a question foreign to Native Americans, especially during the time that Native American music was first discovered. One aspect of music specific to indigenous peoples is its place in daily life. In fact, “its place in human affairs are much more significant to Indians than its mode of construction or technical character.” (Native American Music, 1980, p. 12) Unlike the Euro-American perspective toward music, cultural music itself wasn’t marginalized into any niche or complex art form. Rather, Native Americans used music as a prerequisite or compliment to ceremonies, rituals, dances, stories, narratives, warfare, hunting and gathering, and other aspects of life. Music was a vital part of life...
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...An outsider’s understanding of Mao requires a feat of imagination, first to recognize the nature of his supremacy. Mao had two careers, one as rebel leader, one as an updated emperor. He had gained the power of the latter but evidently retained the self-image of the former. Because authority in China came form the top down, as was recognized even in the mass line, once the CCP had taken power its leader became sacrosanct, above all the rest of mankind, not only the object of a cult of veneration but also the acknowledge superior of everyone in the organization. Such of the CCP had been put together by Mao that it could be regarded as his creation, and if he wanted to reform it, that was his privilege. Only if we regard him as a monarch in succession to scores of emperors can we imagine why the leadership of the CPP, trained to be loyal, went along with his piecemeal assault on and destruction of them. Mao also seems to have had in mind the idea that student youth could be mobilized to attack the evils in the establishment and purge China revisionism. It would be a form to manipulate mass movement, which his experience told him, was the engine of social change. (387) The Cultural Revolution, like the Hundred Flowers Campaign and the Great Leap Forward, turned out to be something he had not envisioned. Allowing for many variations, the purge rate among party officials was somewhere around 60 percent. It has been estimated that 400,000 people died as a result of maltreatment...
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...Major Event/Epoch in American History | Time Period/Date(s) | Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History | 1) Describe three different American Indian cultures prior to colonization. | 17,000B.C.–1492A.D. | One American Indian culture that existed prior to colonization was the Paleo-Indians. These were highly nomadic people who hunted mastodons, woolly mammoths, and other mammals of similar size with spears. They had nomadic tendencies, which led them to live a rather isolated way of life. This helped to avoid the spread of some extremely contagious diseases and allowed families to survive (Brands, 2012, p. 5). Another pre-colonization culture was the Plains Indians. This particular culture survived by using a combination of hunting, gathering, and farming. This development led to the establishment of villages near river valleys that assisted in the influx of population. The conditions in which the lived were optimal for multi-generation survival (Brands, 2012, p. 7). A third American Indian culture that thrived prior to colonization was the Aztecs. They were able to build enormous cities with complex governments, ruled by aggressive men. The Aztecs successfully developed their own hieroglyphic writing as well as a genuine solar calendar. Over time they conquered a great number of foes across the Valley of Mexico and participated in the practice of human sacrifice, which aligned with the maintenance of their crops. They considered human blood...
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...Kole Parsons Eng 110 11/15/2011 Who are the Blackfeet Indians? What is a Blackfeet Indian? There are two ways to answer this. One is the legal way that most white people would understand and the other way is the way that only we as Indians would understand. The formal definition of Native American is; “A member of any of the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere. The ancestors of the Native Americans are generally considered by scientists to have entered the Americas from Asia by way of the Bering Strait sometime during the late glacial epoch.” Legally speaking, by white man standards, one has to take the definition from the Bureau of Indian Affairs which says; “According to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, in order to be officially defined as an American Indian, a person must meet all of the following criteria: • He must be listed as a member of a federally recognized tribe. • He must be able to definitively trace his Indian ancestry back at least three generations. • He must be formally approved by BIA officials. • His blood quantum must be at least 1/4 American Indian. There are other criteria for a whole tribe to be recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. That consists of seven requirements. Those government definitions are: • Traditional • Constructed as imagined community • Blood Quantum • Residence on Tribal lands • Construction by others • United States government definitions ...
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...warrior, protector, and helper. The war itself, brought everyday hardships on everyone but especially the Native Americans. The life of a native american soldier in the Civil War was not always easy. Although the Native Americans knew that they would possibly be giving up their freedom and the land they possessed, they still did what they needed to do for their culture. Approximately 20,000 native americans served in both the union and confederate armies and fought in many battles. Native...
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