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Chia Seeds Research Paper

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Are you feeling that your body is not getting the nutrients it needs? Do you keep on searching for the best healthy foods and supplements? Have you ever thought that your quest towards an ideal healthy diet is beyond your reach? Well, there is great news for you! Chia seeds pack a punch when it comes to nutritional content.

Chia and Its Energy-Providing Capabilities

Chia seeds come from a desert plant named Salvia hispanica found in Mexico. Men used chia seeds for an energy boost back during the Aztec and Mayan times. The energy boost mostly comes from the antioxidants, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids contained in the chia seeds.

Funny story, even Christopher McDougall, the author of the book "Born to Run" was able to try out an energy drink made of chia seeds, offered to him by a Mexican tribe, and he said that it gave him a rush of power that beats Red Bull. These people, the Tarahumara, are capable of running through ultramarathon distances, with a diet of no more than chia seeds in water. After the profiling done by McDougall, advertisements about chia seeds as an energy food started. …show more content…
Just these nutrients are decent already. Not to mention the fact that chia seeds are gluten-free.

As for minerals, chia seeds offer 18%-30% of the RDA for calcium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. Also, chia seeds contain Vitamins B1, B2, and B3, as well as potassium and zinc in considerable

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