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The Declaration Of Independence: Mother Country Of Great Britain

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The Declaration of Independence announced its separation from its mother country, Great Britain. It was composed into three parts; the introduction, which stated the reasons why it was created and explains the colonists beliefs about the purpose of government. The middle section lists all 29 complaints against King George III. The Conclusion declares the United States as an independent nation and clarify what that means for their relationship with Great Britain and other nations.
Popular Sovereignty is the principle that the legitimacy of the government depends on the will or the consent of the people. The Declaration of Independence was their own way of saying that the government of Great Britain was no longer legitimate over the colonies. In a representative democracy, the people have the authority to vote for officials to give them the power to make the decision on their behalf. They are also capable of removing officials from office if they feel they are not fulfilling their purpose in office. Benjamin Franklin explained the idea of popular sovereignty when he said, "In free governments, the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns." …show more content…
Government only exists because the people have willed it or given their consent to certain leaders to rule. The Declaration of Independence then states that if the government fails and/or denies rights, the people can abolish it. John Locke had stated his idea on social contract when he said "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government ..." This means that when the government is no longer doing their job of protecting natural rights, the people can abolish it and set up a new

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