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John Adams Research Paper

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John Adams John Adams was the second President of the United States of America prior to serving as the first Vice President. He is known as one of the Founding Fathers and diplomat leading America to Independence from Great Britain. Adams was a well educated man who promoted republicanism and a strong central government. Though now known as Quincy, Massachusetts, President Adams was born in Braintree, Massachusetts on October 30, 1735. Adams’ mother, Susanna Boylston Adams, was a descendant of the Boylstons of Brookline, a well known family in the Massachusetts Colony Bay area. Adams’ father, Deacon John Adams Senior, a farmer, and town councilman, came from a Puritan family who emigrated from England in 1638. John had two younger brothers, …show more content…
Abigail was an intelligent women who became Adams political partner. Adams and her wrote letters to each other revealing the deepest thoughts of the two. Together they had six children. Their first child Abigail Amelia Adams, who was born July 14, 1765, who stayed with her mother while the boys were away. Then John Quincy Adams who was born July 11, 1767, who later became the sixth President of the United States. Then Charles Adams who was born May, 29, 1770, who is known as the child who was disowned by John Adams. And finally Thomas Adams who was born September 15, 1772. Unfortunately, two of the six kids passed away, Susanna Adams who tragically died before the age of two and Elizabeth Adams who was a …show more content…
“He believed that every person deserved a defense…”(John Adams, Bio). Because six of the eight soldiers didn't get convicted his law practice suffered tremendously. But due to his great actions later on he regained his reputation. In 1770, he was elected to the Massachusetts Assembly and represented the colony at the First Continental Congress in 1774. In 1775, he nominated George Washington to be the commander-in-chief for the colonial armies. Adams was an active member in many committees and chaired twenty-five during the Second Continental Congress. In of May of 1776 he offered a declaration of independence from Great Britain. Adams was a supporter of the Declaration drafted by Thomas Jefferson. Later Congress pointed him ambassador of France at the French court. After he returned from France in 1779 and he participated in the framing of a state constitution for Massachusetts where he later offered a commercial treaty with Great Britain. Two years later he helped Franklin, Jay, and Laurens to create the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain and was one of the signers which ended the Revolutionary War, in 1783. In 1789 he was elected Vice President under President George Washington. And in 1796 was elected President and his Vice President was Thomas Jefferson. Adams and Jefferson of different party sometimes didn't get

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