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Child Abuse - a Lifetime Sentence


Submitted By jodancliff
Words 2077
Pages 9
Child Abuse a Lifetime Sentence
Jolene Dancliff
Dan Price

Child Abuse a Lifetime Sentence

Once into adulthood, victims of child abuse search for some form of coping mechanisms to forget or mask the trauma and the pain of child abuse. According to Shub & Cabrera (2011) “Every week 60,000 cases of child abuse or neglect are reported in the United States, and 3 million reports of child abuse or neglect are being filed every year” (p.1). Approximately 50% of child victims abuse drugs or alcohol. (Shub & Cabrer, 2011). The abuse often stems from a response to guilt or a negative self-image. Although as serious as child neglect is, physical abuse more often will result in the abuse of drugs or alcohol. Poverty, social inadequacies and lack of academic achievement all lead to the probability of an adult survivor turning to drugs and alcohol as a way to relieve their internal turmoil. Adult survivors that suffered poverty in their childhood struggle financially due to inadequate resources to obtain quality education. They also have a lack of adequate housing or access to nutritional food. These all increase the odds of the survivor turning to substance abuse. People who are abused often are unable to fit comfortably into any social setting. Because of their insecurities and their uneasiness, it is easier for them to cope when they become intoxicated or high. It bolsters confidence and gives them a false sense of confidence. However, for some, this is the only way that they can interact socially. While abusers either ignore or pay an inordinate about of attention to their victims, it is most generally negative attention and their connection to their victims is negative. Our early years are formative years. This is when we learn how to love, how to behave and what to expect from others. If the lessons that we are given are

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