...How the death of a patient can impact on nurses: A literature review During 2012 there were 499,331 deaths registered in England and Wales, a rise of 3.1% compared with 2011. Almost half of these occurred in National Health Service Hospitals. (Office for National Statistics, 2012). These figures indicate a substantial amount of individuals dying in a hospital setting each year, therefore a large proportion of patients will be receiving some form of care prior to and at death (Blackwell 2010 p.1). Numerous research studies have been carried out by theorists identifying the impact of bereavement on different individuals. The earliest thorough study of grief and loss developed from Freud with his classic paper ‘Mourning and Melancholia’ (Freud 1917 cited in Payne et al 1999). Freud believed that for the bereaved to detach from the deceased one must work through their grief by reviewing memories and thoughts of the deceased (Ellman 2010). Other theorists have recently identified death and the importance of understanding it. 'Death is a natural progression from life. Most nurses will be exposed to the physical and emotional effects of this experience as they care for a dying patient. The nurse is taught how to provide support for the patient and family as they proceed through the stages of grief. Often, however the nurse may not realise his or her own need to grieve'. (Brosche 2003 p. 173). Although nurses try to remain professional whilst at work...
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...NEEDS INSIGHT INTO, IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE FLEXIBILITY AND WORK-LIFE BALANCE TRADE-OFFS THAT ARE PREFERRED IN ANY PARTICULAR COUNTRY…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16 5. GIVEN THE IMPERATIVES OF MODERN CAPITALISM, IS IT LIKELY TO SEE CONVERGENCE ACROSS COUNTRIES OR AT LEAST CONVERGENCE ACROSS THE NATIONAL OPERATIONS OF MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES?................................................................................18 6. CONCLUSIONS…………………………………………………………………………….……………………………..19 7. REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19 1. INTRODUCTION Blyton and Jenkins (2007;74) defined Flexibility through two different approaches, “For employers, workforce flexibility refers to the ability to use labour in a more adaptable and variable way. For employees, flexibility refers particularly to the degree of choice available in their work arrangements”. This essay will analyse the evolution of flexibility and work-life balance since...
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...Aloysius Joyce, better known as James Joyce, was born on February 2, 1882 in Dublin, Ireland. Joyce soon grew to have quite a large family. He was the first of ten surviving children to be born to John Stanislaus Joyce and Mary Murray Joyce. Two of his siblings died of Typhoid. Due to the large number children the Joyces had and his father’s drinking, the Joyce’s gradually sank deeper into poverty throughout Joyce’s young life. As a child, Joyce displayed impressive writing skills and a love for literature and poetry. Dante, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and many other great writers and philosophers were among the literary giants that Joyce would occupy himself with. Joyce also showed linguistic talent...
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...schools, which were designed to prepare them for professional occupations. Those of lesser ability moved to Secondary modern schools which focused on providing pupils with the skills necessary to prepare the students for more manual and unqualified jobs. A third sector was introduced called a Technical college. This was primarily based on teaching the children purely manual skills which in turn would be used for manual labour. This system frequently served to reinforce social inequality because it was largely middle class children who went to Grammar school, while the working classes were frequently restricted to either Secondary Modern’s or technical schools. The difference being that middle class families provided their children with advantageous primary socialisation in the form of literature, using a wide vocabulary, etc which resulted in a stark difference in ability at the age of eleven. The system was highly criticised by saying that it did not allow fair opportunity for children from all social backgrounds so in response to this in the 1960’s/70’s the British Labour Government designed and introduced the ‘Comprehensive’. The...
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...Assess sociological explanations of ethnic differences in educational achievement. (20) Tony Lawson and Joan Garrod (2000) define ethnic groups as ‘people who share common history, customs and identity, as well as, in most cases, language and religion, and who see themselves as a distinct unit.’ When talking about culture we use terms such as customs, language and religion that is, about all of the things that are learned, shared and valued by a social group. It is a mistake to think of ethnic groups as always being defined by physical features such as skin colour. Although many ethnic minority groups in the UK are non-white, this is not applicable to all groups. According to Crystal (03), well over 100 languages are in routine use in the UK. Today, children from minority backgrounds make about21% of the pupils in English schools. The level of achievement of different ethnic groups varies greatly in Great Britain. This may be due to factors such as home background, class, language and in-school factors. Recent studies highlight the effects of racism. It is believed that ethnicity influences such factors, leading to an impact upon their education. When ethnic minority students do underachieve in education this may be explained partly by social class disadvantages and partly by educational disadvantages related specifically to their ethnicity. Although members of ethnic minorities are found throughout the UK class structure, Afro-Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin...
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...to house and clothe the wretched men, women and children who came to their doors as a last resort. For few would reside in the workhouse by choice. The conditions made prison seem comfortable in comparison. But the Beadle — the supervisor of the workhouse — cared less for the law than for his own pockets. He could make a small profit from able-bodied adults and children by setting them to work outside the workhouse, while he siphoned off some of the money that was supposed to feed them. Babies, on the other hand, were not profitable. The workhouse gate clanged shut. It was a bitterly cold day and a harsh wind was whistling up Cleveland Street, in the Georgian suburbs of North London. A crowd began to gather as the young woman went into labour on the pavement. They all knew that no newborn baby could survive long in such circumstances. ‘The infant perished during this inhuman scene,’ a local newspaper reported afterwards. What became of the unhappy mother...
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...detriments of the use of zero hour contracts. The effect on the employee’s wellbeing whilst employed on said contracts, and also what sort of organisational culture surrounds those on zero hour contracts, how this in turn may have an effect on their wellbeing. Why the use of zero hour contracts are on the rise, and so prevalent in the UK market, it will also investigate what the government plan to do once their consultation is complete to help individuals on these contracts. The aim of this research is to establish how zero hour contracts came into existence, why zero hour contracts are used, and what effects these contracts have on employees. What is a zero hour contract? ‘Zero-hours contract’ is not a legal term. The CIPD Labour Market Outlook survey (2013) defines it as: ‘an agreement between two parties that one may be asked to perform work for the other but there is no set...
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...Knowledge and Understanding | | Exceptional First | First | Upper Second | Lower Second | Third | Marginal Fail | Fail | Zero | 1 | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key issues affecting the lives of disable people | Critically discuss key issues that affect disabled people’s livesWhere relevant, identify connections between different issues. Show awareness of the views and perspectives of disabled people. (WA; OP) | Discussion shows exceptional understandings of issues that affect the lives of disabled people and there is an exceptional level of criticality evident throughout The work draws on an extensive range of literature to support points (EF) | Discussion shows excellent understanding of issues that affect the lives of disabled people and there is a high level of criticality evident throughout The work draws on a wide range of literature to support points(H/M/L) | Discussion shows very good understanding of issues that...
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...HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resource management in UK perspectives Contents Introduction 3 Literature review and Critical analysis 4 World War I and II 4-6 Training and development 6-7 Total Quality Management (TQM) 7-8 Conclusion 8 References .............................................................................................................................................9 Introduction The purpose of this essay is to consider the work of Audrey Collin in British perspectives compared to the international perspectives. Secondly to identify human resource issue and look at in British point of view. The studies of HRM by Collins provide us a colourful findings and rich competing theoretical outlook. HRM run through all human resource processes such as recruitment, selection, and performance evaluation as well as formal human resource policies, which direct and to some extent hamper the progress of specific practices; and over arching human resource thought, which state the principles that inform an organization's policies and practices. Ideally, these embrace a system that exert a pull on, develops, motivates, and maintain workers who guarantee the effective operation and survival of the business and its component. To be on familiar terms with HRM in context we must think about how these elements of HRM are affected by the internal and external environments of organizations. The internal organizational contextual factors...
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...ANNOTATED SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR HISTORICAL INTERPRETATIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION IN BRITAIN Gerard M Koot History Department University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Allen, Robert C., The British Industrial Revolution in a Global Perspective, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. viii, 331. Allen’s book is an excellent example of the persuasiveness of the new economic history. It is solidly rooted in statistical data and uses sophisticated methods of economic analysis but its analysis is presented in plain English. He argues that the first industrial revolution occurred in northwestern Europe because its high wages during the early modern period encouraged technological innovation. Although high wages were initially a consequence of the demographic disaster of the Black Death, they were reinforced during the early modern period by the economic success of the region around the North Sea, first, in European trade and manufacturing, especially in wresting the textile industry from the Italians, and then in world trade. According to Allen, the first industrial revolution took place in Britain instead of the Low Countries primarily because of Britain’s abundant and cheap coal resources, combined with the central government’s ability to use mercantilist policies and naval power to reap the greatest benefits from an expanding European and world trade. Once it had taken the lead from the Dutch, and defeated the French, Britain used its comparative advantage...
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...debate, and enable them to apply their knowledge and understanding. Introduction to strategic human resouce management This chapter charts the development of strategic human resource management. It assumes a certain familiarity with the evolution of HRM, early HRM models and frameworks and their theoretical underpinning as discussed in Chapter 1. The aim of this chapter is to provide a challenging and critical analysis of the strategic human resource management literature, so that you will be able to understand the synthesis both within and between strategic human resource management and strategic management in its various forms. Since the early 1980s when human resource management arrived on the managerial agenda, there has been considerable debate concerning its nature and its value to organisations. From the seminal works emerging from the Chicago school and the matching model of HRM (Fombrun et al., 1984), the emphasis has very much concerned its strategic role in the organisation. Indeed, the now large literature rarely differentiates between human resource management (HRM) and strategic human resource management (SHRM). Some writers have associated HRM with the strategic aspects and...
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...“It is no longer possible to pronounce in some binding way what family, marriage, parenthood, sexuality or love mean, what they should or could be; rather these vary in substance, norms and morality from individual to individual and from relationship to relationship.” (Beck, U and Beck-Gernsheim, E. 1995:p5). Through history there has been a varied view on the family, with changes in the functions, roles and relationships within the family being widely debated. There has been a major development with the types of family that exist in Britain today, with influences from the widening ethnicity of Britain it has adapted to many different cultures. Functionalism is considered the consensus view of the family. They see the family as a vital organ and the cornerstone of society. George Peter Murdock conducted a study entitled “social structure” (1949), in which he studied 250 societies both small and large. He claimed the findings of this was that some sort of family existed in every society which means the family is universal. (Haralambos, Holborn. 2008). According to Murdock the family is an institution which fulfils the functions essential for a harmonious society. He believed the family provided a stable environment hence strengthening the emotional bond between parents and children. Murdock believed that the family performed four essential functions sexual, reproductive, economic and educational. (Taylor. 1995). However Talcott Parson suggested that the family lost most...
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...need or crisis, while it is important for us to become aware of a global problem or crisis. Poverty is defined as two meanings;Absolute poverty; when a persons income is so low that they cannot afford the basic essentials for living.Relative poverty where there income is well below the national average of living usually around £15,000 pounds a year(gcse sociology ). Child poverty has become a significant issue in the UK. Its definition itself has become quite controversial. This essay will use the definition set by the government. Labour has defined child poverty as any child living in a household with below 60% of average income after housing. (www.society.guardian.co.uk) It has grown substantially in the 1980s and 1990s. The recent increase in child poverty is particularly a British phenomenon. According to figures, the level of child poverty in the UK is very high . Child poverty affects 3.5 million children in the UK. Inner city areas of London, Manchester, Leicester, and Glasgow are among the worst hit areas in the United Kingdom. Many people fail to recognise that here in the UK, that the main causes of child poverty are by issues surrounding the household. The highest affected Those in high unemployment and on low incomes Lone parents with two or more children in the household The essay will try to explain the causes such as unemployment, family structure, marital status, ethnicity, housing...
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...invent a rigid code of values that reflected the world as they wanted it to be, based on: * duty and hard work; * respectability: a mixture of both morality and hypocrisy, severity and conformity to social standards (possessions of good manners, ownership of a comfortable house, regular attendance at church and charitable activity); it distiguished the middle from the lower classes; * charity and philanthropy: an activity that involved many people, expecially women. The family was strictly patriarchal: the husband represented the authority and respectability, cosequently a single woman with a child was emarginated because of a wide-spread sense of female chastity. Sexuality was generaly repressed and that led to extreme manifestations of prudery. Colonialism was an important phenomenon and it led to a patriotism deeply influenced by ideas of racial superiority: British people thought that they were obeying to God by the imposition of their superior way of life. The concept of “the white man’s burden” was exalted in the works of colonial writers (such as Rudyard Kipling). This code of values, known as “Victorian Compromise” founds its basis in some religious and philosophical movements: * evangelicalism: influenced the emphasis upon moral conduct; it had been created in 18th century by John Wesley who believed in the dedication to humanitarian causes and social reforms; * utilitarianism: whose theorist was Jeremy Bentham, neglected human and cultural values and...
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...can research tell us about the influence of parenting, especially the parent-child relationships in millions of ‘ordinary’ families? This paper: ■ Summarises findings from seven reviews of existing research that were commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to inform its own Parenting Research and Development programme. ■ Considers parenting from the perspectives of mothers, fathers and children themselves, as well as those of black and minority ethnic parents and families living in poverty with restricted access to support services Editor: David Utting August 2007 www.jrf.org.uk Key points ■ Differences in child temperament, among other factors, demonstrate that flexible, adaptable parenting is more likely to be effective than a ‘one size fits all’ approach. ■ The quality of parent-child relationships shows considerable stability over time. Some dimensions of parenting are important in children’s lives irrespective of age, especially whether relationships are warm and supportive or marked by conflict. ■ Warm, authoritative and responsive parenting is usually crucial in building resilience. Parents who develop open, participative communication, problemcentred coping, confidence and flexibility tend to manage stress well and help their families to do the same. ■ Young children’s relationships with their mothers typically affect their development more than father-child relationships. But teenagers’ relationships with their fathers appear especially...
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