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Child Observation Paper

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The setting of this interview took place in the child’s home, a familiar place for the baby with his mom and dad. The child is fourteen months old. While observing, the child was playing with his toys and interacting with his mother by making verbal noises such as a squeal, grunt, or pointing to things that he wanted. The overall quality of interaction with his mother and father was limited, as he was playing more independently rather than with his parents. He did not show much verbal communication while I was observing but his parents told me that he says one-two syllable words with people he is more familiar with. In this interview/observation, I recognized his ability to get his mom’s attention by screaming or letting out a loud squeal/grunt. He would scream when his mom took away her phone from him, showing that he wanted to keep it in his reach. He also is prone to pulling on her pant legs to get her attention or to get something. His mother stated that he will point or grunt at something that he wants and will try to reach for things. I observed this when he would point or reach for his sippy cup when he wanted a drink. Sometimes, …show more content…
One of the strategies I observed was talking using motherese or infant directed speech to the child and participating in protoconversations, which resembled more mature conversations between and older child and his/her mother. I observed the mother having more of an exaggerated pitch with the child and using a soft, soothing tone. This made the child feel comfortable and calm in his own environment. Another strategy I recognized was them “game playing” such as peek-a-boo, or the child would peek his head around the corner and myself or the mother would respond to him in a way that motivated him to do it again. This provides a way for the child to feel more comfortable and willing to use more verbal

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