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Childhood Obesity In Public Schools

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One afternoon in the school lunch line, Jessica was thinking out loud. “Should I get the brussel sprouts, or the cheetos? I know the cheetos are delicious, but the brussel sprouts are healthier, i'll get those.”
Childhood obesity is on the rise in the U.S and many people think that banning cafeterias from selling junk food is the best solution to this problem. However, Public schools should not ban the selling of unhealthy food in cafeterias because, kids will still find a way to get junk food. Plus, it could have a negative effect on the school, and junk food is not the only reason for childhood obesity.
Banning junk food will not stop kids from getting their delicious treats. Many kids pack their lunch from home, and can bring whatever food they want. For one thing, kids could just go home and eat even more unhealthy food than they were getting at school, which could lead to even bigger and longer binges. Also, when people define junk food, something different comes to everyone's mind. Some people consider pizza and cheeseburgers junk food. Would they take these away too? I think it's good to allow yourself some pleasurable foods every once in awhile, just don't overdo it. …show more content…
First of all, healthy and organic food tends to be more expensive than junk food, which could increase the schools taxes and the cost of school lunches. Further studies have proven that taking away junk food could lead to a sense of boredom among the students, which could potentially lead to a result in a decreased academic performance. This would happen because kids don’t like the food they’re eating or simply don't eat it. Some students may attempt to smuggle in junk food, if junk food is banned from being in school cafeterias, then school officials might have to dig through students lunchboxes and enforce rules, which I dont think kids would like. I don't think parents, in particular, would approve of this

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