First off I know that Mike and I haven’t had the best relationship as brothers to say the least. We have had many, many fights, in fact we get into one almost every time we see each other. But even with the fights I still try to impress my brother and truly do look up to him greatly. We have had many fond moments together also, whether its courtside tickets to pacer games, watching football together on Sundays, including Tim Tebow’s miracle in Pittsburgh, beating him at fantasy football, and in return Mike destroying me in basketball after tons of trash talk. I have seen Mike mature tremendously over the years. For example when Mike was in high school he was the biggest lazy bum ever sleeping in till noon every weekend, now a days he is up at 6 or 7 nearly every morning to walk the dogs and go to work. I know that Mike always will have my back and loves me tremendously even though he tries to hide it sometimes, and words can’t describe how proud I am to say I have a brother like him. Over the coming years as I grow older I know that our relationship will just get stronger. Lastly, I couldn’t be happier to welcome such a great person in Brittney to our family. I am honored to call you my sister in law. I am very proud of both of you, and I hope your withstanding love carries you into a joyous marriage through each of your