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Submitted By ranalli95
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Chris Ranalli I. Intro a. Who here actually reads our textbook? b. I believe if textbooks were electronically issued students would use them more often than physical textbooks. c. For every class the teacher issues a textbook that some may never pick up again till the end of the semester. d. I know I use my laptop or phone more than I use my textbooks e. Need, Satisfy the Need, Visualize

II. Main Point- Need Statement f. Physical textbooks should be transferred electronically for students g. Most textbooks that students purchase are never used or opened. h. Because they are never opened the students are not retaining the information by just settling for google searched answers. i. Some of the science textbooks are very bulky and heavy to carry. j. Us as students are not getting fully what we should out of our classes

III. Main Point- Satisfy Need k. Textbooks being accessible on electronic devices l. The textbook that the professors address students to buy all should be electronically accessible. m. Today everybody has access to a laptop, tablet, or some type of electronic device. n. An electronic textbook will be looked at more than a physical textbook due to students always being on some type of device. o. Students are already showing up to class with their laptops for note taking and other writing assignments.

IV. Main Point- Visualize p. If this is carried out students won’t waste money on textbooks, students will look at the material more rather than just searching for online answers. q. If this is not carried out the information in the textbooks won’t be retained, students will look for other ways to answer questions, and students will waste the money they spent on purchasing the textbook.

V. Conclusion- Request Action r. You can make this happen by writing a letter to the publishers of the textbooks discussing how an electronic textbook would benefit your more than a physical textbook.

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Christianity And Christianity: How Christianity Changed The World

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