...Crohn's disease is named after the physician who described the disease in a paper written in 1972. It is also called Morbus Crohn's, Granulomatous enteritis, Regional enteritis, or Terminal ileitis. The disease is usually chronic, with recurrent periods, and also periods of remission. The spread of Crohn s disease into the world is getting worse, and there is still no cure or prevention known to the disease. Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease ,IBD, the general name for diseases that cause inflammation in the intestines. Crohn's disease can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and to another type of IBD called ulcerative colitis. Crohn's disease may also be called ileitis or enteritis. Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the top layer of the lining of the large intestine. Crohn's disease affects men and women equally and seems to run in some families. About 20 percent of people with Crohn's disease have a blood relative with some form of IBD, most often a brother or sister and sometimes a parent or child. The most common complication is blockage of the intestine. Blockage occurs because the disease tends to thicken the intestinal wall with swelling and scar tissue, narrowing the passage. Crohn's disease may also cause sores, or ulcers, that tunnel through the affected area into surrounding tissues such as the bladder, vagina, or skin. The areas around the...
Words: 1544 - Pages: 7
...Multicultural Families Tammy Thomas Liberty University Abstract This paper discusses the dynamic issues involving the diversity of multicultural families in regards to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic, gender and sexual orientation. This paper will also highlight same or different minority or cultural backgrounds, identity and biases involving multicultural families. How multicultural families incorporate their beliefs, cultures and values into a family unit as well as the transformation of acculturation. Challenges involving racial identity, ethnicity; where do people with different cultures fit in and make it work; the population of multicultural families has risen and continue to do so. Socioeconomic status in multicultural families varies from household income, occupation, education level, and upper, and middle or lower class standard of living. Certain barriers may contribute to multicultural families such as language, behavioral, health and mental stress, depression, roles of husbands and wives, gender, sexual orientation; family values are very important in interracial families, are the collaborations among families discussed to blend values from each culture. This paper will portray the dynamics of multicultural families. Keywords: multicultural, families, race, ethnicity, acculturation, mental stress, and values. Multicultural Families Multicultural is an integration of different cultures identities belonging to vary subgroups from diverse countries and or...
Words: 1846 - Pages: 8
...needed by the body to maintain regular good health. If long term vitamin deficiency occurs, a deficiency disease can develop, and this can also lead to probable death. Unlike some other food substances, such as protein and carbohydrates, of which the body needs to consume large regular quantities, vitamins are needed in small quantities. Hence, vitamins, minerals and supplements should be an important part of our daily diet in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle and to avoid vitamin deficiencies. According to researcher Meirner “a deficiency in either vitamin B12 or folate may due to inadequate dietary intake, malnutrition, chronic, significant alcohol intake, problems with gastrointestinal absorption, history of gastric surgery, sever Chrohns disease, pancreatic insufficiency, or the use of certain drugs. Vitamin B12 is synthesized from bacteria and is found in all animal sources. Strict vegetarians; those who do not consume any animal, fish or dairy products are at a higher risk for vitamin B12 deficiency unless their diet is supplemented with vitamins. With the exception of strict vegetarians, vitamin B12deficiency...
Words: 1957 - Pages: 8