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Chronic Medical Issues and Adolescents


Submitted By Indigoa
Words 1524
Pages 7
Chronic medical conditions are often described as an illness or a disability that are able to affect someone for a prolonged period of time. Adolescence is a stage of development and discovery and those who are diagnosed with a chronic illness during this period will often find it more challenging to cope than their healthy peers. This essay will discuss the emotional, familial, social and physical changes and difficulties for adolescents undergoing treatment of a chronic illness and will also discuss their possible future outcomes and ways of endorsing positive development.

The emotional state of someone undergoing treatment of a long-term illness or disability is usually the independent factor in that person’s overall health. Somebody’s mental health will influence their attitude about themselves physically, socially and can impact their future choices and family life. In an evaluation of The Adolescent Leadership Council (TALC) by Adams et al (2013), the foundations of developing a strong positive mental state in someone who is undergoing treatment for a chronic medical condition are discussed. The foundations of the TALC programme are to link adolescents experiencing a chronic illness to talk over what is happening with others and not feel isolated in their developmental years, and to help the adolescents acquire self-confidence within themselves. It is paramount that health care professionals understand that youth living with a chronic illness are striving for normality and so the treatment should be aimed at helping the adolescent achieve that feeling (Franck et al, 2008). By providing easy access to counselling and youth support, the adolescent will sense that they are taking an active role in their treatment. Regular discussion and feedback with the close family and friends of the chronically ill adolescent will also help to maintain a positive

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