...Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, have gained a considerable amount of popularity in the United States since its introduction. These hand-held, battery-powered devices initiate the appearance and function of a conventional cigarette. This is done when the atomizer heats up the solution and provides a nicotine vapor, instead of smoke, to the user (Mayo Clinic, 2013). Many of the manufacturers of electronic cigarettes boast the safety of these products although there are little evidence supporting that claim. Nevertheless, people continue to purchase them, and it is important to start implementing stricter policies on them. The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009 gives the FDA authority to regulate the marketing, manufacture and sale of tobacco products (Products, 2013), but the original intent of the FDA is to regulate electronic cigarettes as therapeutic drug delivery devices because of the contents of the liquid. In 2010 the United States District Court of Appeals declares that electronic cigarettes should be considered tobacco products (Grana, 2013). Unfortunately, since this declaration, the FDA has not exercised regulatory authority over electronic cigarettes. A main reason for this is partly due to the government shutdown in October. Prior to this, the FDA has taken steps to provide a proposed rule to the Office of Management and Budget, which is currently reviewing it (Staff, 2013). In the absence of FDA regulation many states, localities...
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...TOBACCO USE IN POLAND 11/8/2012 HCM657-DL Introduction Smoking causes a long list of diseases, leading to premature death in half of all smokers. Tobacco is implicated in numerous cancers including bladder, kidney, larynx, mouth, pancreas, and stomach. Lung cancer is the most common disease caused by smoking. Smoking is also a major cause of cardiovascular diseases, including strokes, heart attacks, and respiratory diseases such as emphysema. Many additional costs are generated due to health issues caused by smoking. Poland is slow in bringing around tobacco control, but continued advancements and increased social awareness is changing the perspective of many smokers. According to the World Health Organization – Europe 2009 report, there are approximately nine million tobacco-smokers in Poland, representing 29% of the country’s adult population. Results of a national survey conducted in 2007 indicated that 34% of men and 23% of women smoked on a daily basis. Tobacco-smoking has been a persistent and serious social problem for many years. (1) Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death in the world today, killing as many as half the people who smoke tobacco. Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), conducted in Poland in 2009-2010, was a nationally representative household survey (2). This was conducted by men and women aged 15 and older regarding tobacco consumption. The reasoning behind the survey was to produce internationally comparable data on tobacco...
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...Abstract This paper is a cumulation of a three part portfolio assignment describing the tobacco tax issue in the United States. The first part of the paper defines the tax issue and gives a brief history of the tobacco excise tax. The second section discusses the stakeholders and an analysis of the issue. And lastly, I describe my policy perspective. The Tobacco Tax Issue Is taxation on tobacco an effective means of decreasing the smoking rate or is it just an elaborate ploy to increase taxes by playing on voter emotions? The message is clear and has been etched in our minds over the years; tobacco kills. Tobacco and secondary tobacco products kill an estimated 440,000 Americans per year. Over the past several decades, state and local governments have passed tobacco excise taxes and other laws regulating the use of tobacco. But who is actually behind the legislature? First Tobacco Tax Tax on tobacco was first implemented by Alexander Hamilton, secretary of the treasury, in 1794 (Altman, 2009). The tax was soon repealed, but excise taxes have been a staple in federal revenues since the American Civil War. In 1921, Iowa successfully passed the first state tax on tobacco, with many states to follow. Not only does the federal government and state governments tax tobacco, but now city municipalities are also imposing a local tax on tobacco (Altman, 2009). But what is the current tobacco tax about? There are several sides to...
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...E-cigarettes are on the public health agenda and during the European Regional Committee of the World Health Organization the discussion around e-cigarettes were highly debated. A common topic was the dramatic rise in the marketing of e-cigarettes that is now being seen in many countries (McKee 2013) The availability of e-cigarettes makes it easy for anyone to purchase them and many small-scale e-cigarette producers have set up business during the past five years. They promote devices through advertising and social media. Images aimed at adolescents are similar to those previously used by the tobacco and alcohol industries. More recently tobacco companies have quickly entered the e-cigarette industry and bought up e-cigarette manufacturers and might be a whole new tobacco industry (Ashron 2014). It is fairly obvious that the “new tobacco industry” is aiming towards adolescents. This turn in the marketing and industry is not good news, because you would think that the whole purpose of e-cigarettes were to help people quit smoking, not getting people to start “vamping” (Kamrow 2013). The disagreements about e-cigarettes and its effect on public health have brought tension between individual benefits and the wider population perspective. There are many subjective reports that states that users of traditional cigarettes find e-cigarettes to be helpful in reducing smoking, however there are no strong evidence that proves e-cigarettes to be better than existing support, such as...
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...Natallia Harry Professor Deavers ENG 111/9 12.09.09 Smoking bans Lately, the health hazards connected with "passive smoking" or "second-hand smoke" - also known as "environmental tobacco smoke”, have been gradually getting increased recognition. The majority of people in modern society are aware that smoking can cause health problems not only in smokers but in people nearby. In recent years many cities, districts and whole states have cracked down on smoking in public. As of October 2009, nearly 60 percent of the U.S. population, or more than 175 million people, live in areas that have passed strong smoke-free laws covering restaurants and bars – a figure that has nearly doubled in size in three years ( Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids). While the purpose of smoke-free laws is to protect health, some have expressed concern that an unintended side effect might be economic losses, especially within the hospitality industry. In fact, according to the Report of the Surgeon General ,who is the leading spokesperson on matters of public health in the federal government, “The results of all credible peer- reviewed studies show that smoke-free policies and regulations do not have a negative impact on business revenues … and they are the most effective way to improve worker and business health”( Report of the Surgeon General). The number of smokers in America is truly a staggering number; according to an in-depth study by the Institute of Medicine, approximately...
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...Regulations Stifle Business Owners Smoking Preference Smoking related issues has become a very controversial topic. Some people may agree that cigarette smoking should be regulated while others may think that it is an individual’s choice to smoke wherever or whenever they want to. This makes smoking cigarettes an arguable topic. United States (U.S.) legislators, state governments, and local authorities have been increasingly restricting where consumers can smoke. Legislation has been further limiting smoking in public places which is causing businesses to lose customers. While it is plausible to control smoking in some industries, business owners of strictly adult only enterprises should be allowed to decide whether smoking or nonsmoking preferences help their business to be profitable. Lawmakers that have banned widespread smoking in communities may not understand the economic impact on businesses that depend solely on adult patrons. For many years, there were no regulations against smoking tobacco products. This allowed the tobacco industry to cash in on the profitable commodity. Smoking became a status symbol. “From the beginning of the 20th century, society[->0] considered smoking fashionable and a status symbol” (Zilli). However, by the 1990s, “The World Health Organization (WHO), seeing smoking as the most preventable cause of ill health worldwide, edged in 1994 a little closer to its objective of a smoke-free world” ("Tobacco"). Arguments that support smoking bans include...
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...Electronic Cigarette Stop Program Jennabelle Jo Andrews Alexander NUR/598 September 8, 2014 Linda Roan Abstract The Public health Department in Las Vegas Nevada has become concerned with the increasing popularity and use of electronic cigarettes. The consequence of e-cigarette use on the health of the public is uncertain. There is a lack of information, and regulation making it unknown if these products are safe. One of the main concerns is the potential influence on children, and whether or not the use of e-cigarettes will cause them to become addicted to nicotine. Nicotine is known to be addictive, therefore, no matter how safe it can be delivered, the use of addictive materials will cause the user to become accustom to their regular dose which will encourage increasing it. This objective of this project is to implement a school-based education program in elementary, middle, and high schools across Nevada over the next year. Introducing a program at the schools is an opportunity to stop the beginning of nicotine use, thereby eliminating the health concerns associated with it. The research shows that school based programs do have a positive effect on health issues. The CDC notes that most U.S. schools have put in place policies and programs concerning tobacco use ("Centers For Disease Control And Prevention", 2014). This is beneficial because many resources are available to make this program a success. This paper summarizes the steps that can be taken...
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...WHO smoke-free city case study Advancing the enforcement of the smoking ban in public places – Davao City, Philippines © World Health Organization 2011 All rights reserved. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to the WHO Centre for Health Development, I.H.D. Centre th Building, 9 Floor, 5-1, 1-chome, Wakinohama-Kaigandori, Chuo-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, 651-0073, Japan (fax: +81 78 230 3178; email: wkc@wkc.who.int). The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by WHO to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind...
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...water” which currently other countries face. (min1500words) 1.0 Introduction The use of cigarette for cigarette has been practiced for centuries. The cigarette plant has been grown in America since the 17th century and cigarette has been used in various forms since. The form of cigarette cigarette by rolling the leaves in fine paper was frequently done by hand for those who practiced it, which limited the habit of cigarette. In 1865, a man named Washington Duke from North Carolina began to roll cigarettes and sell them to others for profit. In 1883, James Bonsack invented a machine that could roll cigarettes and produce thousands per day. Bonsack began a business called the American Cigarette Company, which was the first company to produce cigarettes on a large scale. The mechanized production of cigarettes widely increased the popularity of cigarette, and made cigarettes much more accessible to those who wanted to smoke. Premade cigarettes were available for those who did not wish to roll their own cigarette and cigarettes became available in quantities by the pack. In the late 19th century cigarettes were being sold in packs and marketed throughout the United States. Cigarettes were packaged into containers of ten that were marked with the name of the company that manufactured them and various logos or designs. The packs of ten cigarettes sold for five cents each. Cigarette packages were made of paper with a small card inserted to reinforce the package. These cards...
Words: 5090 - Pages: 21
...participates in regarding society and business. I am currently in the Army and law is very influential to all military operations. Military personnel are subject to federal law and military regulations. Rules and regulations are the foundations for the military profession. The case of Cipollone v. Liggett is a fascinating doctrine that illuminates how state and federal law relates to our society. This essay will provide insight to the role and functions of law in our society. Functions of Law in Business and Society Law is crucial to daily operations in people’s personal and professional life. The function of law is to develop structure, assign precise amounts of power to different branches of government, and provide protection to citizens. (Melvin, 2011) Ethical standards are the basis to developing a strong structure to use as a baseline when creating laws. Society dictates the need for certain laws. A highly ethical and adapting foundation must be in place to build a civilized society. Law is responsible for issuing power to the branches of government. It is vital to a democracy to ensure that there are checks and balances. Power needs to be split between all branches to protect citizens from a dictatorship. A proper balance of power helps to develop a government that supports the needs of the people. Law is directly responsible to the structure of our government. State legislature can determine laws for businesses and corporations. Laws can enforce standards and policies...
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...Introduction Cigarette smoking is tremendously widespread and is the most crucial problem that many countries are facing up to now. Despite all laws that restrict smoking and the emphasis of media that smoking kills, it still remains as the most addictive vice that begins early in childhood and adolescence which results to a lifetime habit. Tobacco use is one of the preventable causes of death, yet, will be the leading cause of preventable and premature deaths globally in next few years (Salazar, 2004). As years come, the average age of smokers is declining. The youth is greatly and easily influenced by smoking especially if proper guidance for them to avoid it was not established. Indisputably, smoking creates a big impact on people, and year by year, the population of smokers increase thus tobacco-related illnesses that may lead to death also increase. Even the expression that “Warning: Smoking is bad for your health.” is not enough to encourage people especially the young to pick up the habit. It is seriously evident that the several programs or regulations formed to avoid and quit smoking needs more “press on” to switch down its impression to the people Background of the Study There are 1.25 billion smokers around the globe and consequently, one-third to one-half of it, which is almost 6 million people, will be killed in the year 2010 from the disruptive effects of smoking. According to the nonprofit research and advocacy organizations, smoking rates have declined...
Words: 3684 - Pages: 15
...beginning of your Acting Deputy Committee Management comment. All comments will be posted Officer. without change to http:// [FR Doc. 2011–23634 Filed 9–14–11; 8:45 am] www.regulations.gov, including any BILLING CODE 6450–01–P personal information provided. Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search the electronic form of all comments DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION received in any of our dockets by the name of the individual submitting the Office of the Secretary comment (or signing the comment if submitted on behalf of an association, a 14 CFR Part 252 business, or labor union, etc.). You may [Docket No. DOT–OST–2011–0044] review DOT’s complete Privacy Act statement in the Federal Register RIN 2105–AE06 published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR Smoking of Electronic Cigarettes on 19477–78), or you may...
Words: 5839 - Pages: 24
...Philip Morris International (PMI), the global leader in tobacco products, is currently experiencing risks to its profitability and future operations, particularly from increasing taxes and prohibitive public policy. PMI must balance strategies which address the heightening involvement of western governments in the tobacco industry with the growth opportunities in developing markets. The following outlines the three most significant risks facing PMI and identifies existing strategies in comparison to competitors. The first significant risk facing PMI is government restrictions on advertising. Governments globally are increasingly restricting the means by which PMI can actively market to consumers. As a result, the branded tobacco industry has been limited to select sponsorship and online marketing efforts. The latest restriction involves mandating plain packaging. Australia is set to become the first country to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes in December 2012, thereby eliminating a critical brand marketing vehicle for the industry, a precedent that will have worldwide repercussions. Such measures are anticipated to expand to other regions, which restrict PMI’s ability to launch new (and differentiated) brands and to command a premium price. In the event that the tobacco product industry becomes a commodity market, with no way to differentiate other than price, production cost-reduction initiatives will serve to partially mitigate against the risk to profitability. In...
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...Taxation On Cigarette Smoking Economics Essay In the following paper you will be able to see who is likely to be more affected by tax increases on cigarettes: all adults or young adults. You will also be able to see how we can reduce the effects of cancer by reducing the cost of other tobacco products. You will also see long term elasticity of demand for cigarette smoking and what does this mean for the likely impact of taxes on long-term cigarette use and do you think taxing can be effective in decreasing the use of alcohol? Explain your answer using economic theory The people that are mostly affected by the increases in tax on cigarettes according to Frank J. Chaloupka would be the youth and Adults. The single most consistent finding of many econometric studies of the issue of cigarettes price being increased would lead to a drop in smoking. The ten percent increase in cigarettes price would overall drop the consumption of cigarettes sales by fiver percent. (Chaloupka, p. 3) By increasing the price in cigarettes it would most likely affect the youth and young adults do to the price increase. According to Study in 1996 by Chaloupka and Grossman they confirmed the earlier studies that the are three times as sensitive to the price increase then the adults (Chaloupka, p. 4) because they don’t have money like adults would have. Over all with the tax increase we will see a decrease in overall sales of cigarettes. To have the great effect on reducing cancer from the use of tobacco...
Words: 1657 - Pages: 7
...before the Europeans came from England, Spain, France, and Italy to North America. Native American smoke tobacco though a pipe for special religious and medical purposes. They did not smoke every day. Tobacco was the first crop grown for money in North America. In 1612 the sellers of the first American colony in Jamestown, Virginia grew tobacco as a cash crop. By the 1800s, many people have begun use in small amounts of tobacco. Some chewed it. Others smoked it occasionally and a pipe or they hand rolled cigarette or cigar. On the average, people smoked about 40 cigarettes a year. The first commercial cigarettes were made in 1865 by Washington Duke on his 300-acre farm in Raleigh, North Carolina. The American tobacco Company was the largest and most powerful tobacco company until the early 1900s. In 1902 Phillip Morris Company came out with its marble brand. They were selling cigarettes mainly to men. Everything changed World War...
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