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Ciliary Function Lab Report

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It has been found out that smoking tobacco can cause damage to cellular pathways in the lungs. This damage to cellular pathways can lead to impaired lung function. This can lead to disease in the lungs, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or lung cancer. One of the functions of the lungs that can be impaired is ciliary function. The lungs have to be able to keep participles from accumulating in the lungs, this happens through ciliary function. Cilia will beat to bring trapped participles out of the lungs. In diseases caused from smoking tobacco, it has been found that the ciliary function has been impaired. The cilia become paralyzed and cannot beat participles out of the lungs (Lab Manual for Lab 3 and 4).
In this lab the function …show more content…
Next , we labeled sample collection tubes with that time 5, 15 and 30 mins, for the two extracts and control. The control also had a time 0. Then we added 20 µl of 3% glutaraldehyde to all the sample tubes. Next we added 200 µl Tetrahymena cells to the extracts and control tube. Then we removed 40 µl of Tetrahymena from the control for time 0. At 5, 15 and 30 minutes, we removed 40 µl of Tetrahymena and added them to their previous labeled sample tube. This was done to kill the cell so they remain at the time interval they were removed at. This was done until all samples were collected. The samples sat for a week. Then, we collected our sample tubes. Next, we removed 15 µl of cells from each sample tube and add it to a slide. Then put a cover slip over it. Then we focused at 400x on the microscope and counted the number of vesicles from 10 cells. This was done for all the samples collected. Finally, we recorded the number of vesicles for each sample in the table given in the lab manual (Lab Manual for Lab 3 and …show more content…
Since we had hypothesized that, the tobacco extract would have a negative impact on vesicle formation. As seen the stronger, the extract there was fewer vesicles formed (Fig 1). This supports the idea that tobacco has an affect on vesicles formation, which means that ciliary function has been effected. It does show that even with the tobacco extract, that vesicles formation does increases over time in all the extracts. Even though this is happening, as the extract got stronger, the rate of vesicle formation slowed. Since vesicle, formation is a measure of how well the cilia are

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