Premium Essay

Cipd Employment


Submitted By darrynldixon
Words 3205
Pages 13
ASSIGNMENT 2 (EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT) 1. What is employee engagement and how does it differ, if at all, from related concepts like employee involvement, employee participation and employee consultation? How far is employee engagement something which is genuinely new and distinctive, or is it merely a repackaging of old and well-established ideas?


Employee Engagement – A sanity check
Before we look at employee engagement, two things to take into account:
A quote attributed to Benjamin Disraeli (despite never appearing in any of his memoirs) “There are lies, damned lies and statistics.” (Wikipedia)
There are an increasing number of publications, surveys and studies on employee engagement, with the number steadily increasing for at least a decade. Google Scholar currently lists some 99,100 articles related to employee engagement, with 6460 already in 2012. (Google)

Employee Engagement - Origin
Employee engagement is neither a new concept nor repackaged old-hat – it is an evolution of how employees have been treated within a company, and how they respond to that treatment.
“Before the Industrial Revolution, most, if not all, business was local – the corner shop (store), the family farm. Then the industrial revolution changed what we did, where we lived and what businesses focussed on.” (Achievers)
In the post war era, main industry was formed around the mass production model where an employee would perform a set task and have no need to know about how other tasks were undertaken within the organisation, nor what the companies longer term strategies could be. (Wikipedia)
As employees have morphed into thinking performers, companies have found that performance (and therefore output/profit) are enhanced the more the employee is engaged with the organisation.

Employee Engagement – What is it?
Employee engagement could be seen as the individual

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