...Organisations and the Role of Human Resources 31 4 3HRC Sept. 2011 Purpose and aim of unit This core unit provides an introduction to the role of human resources and learning and development (HR/L&D) within an organisation and the environmental context. By the end of this unit the learner will have developed their understanding of how HR activities support an organisation’s strategy and assist the achievement of business objectives and how these are shaped by internal and external factors. This unit is suitable for persons who: are aspiring to, or embarking on, a career in HR/L&D are working in the field of HR/L&D in a support role and wish to develop their knowledge and skills have responsibility for HR/L&D activities and decisions within an organisation without a specialist function are employees or independent consultants within the field of HR/L&D wish to understand the role of HR/L&D in the wider, organisational and environmental context. Learning outcomes On completion of this unit, learners will: 1 Understand the purpose of an organisation and its operating environment. 2 Understand the structure, culture and functions of an organisation. 3 Understand how HR activities support an organisation. 1 Equivalents in Ireland = 5; Scotland = 6 CIPD unit 3HRC - Version 2 - 17.03.10 1 Unit content Indicative content is provided for each of the learning outcomes of the unit. The content is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive but should...
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...Induction In this factsheet What are coaching and mentoring? Developing a coaching culture Who delivers coaching in UK organisations? When is coaching the best development intervention? The role of HR and L&D in managing coaching activities CIPD viewpoint Useful contacts Further reading Guides Coaching and buying coaching services Developing resilience: an evidence-based guide for practitioners Survey reports The coaching climate Resourcing and talent planning 2013 Books Everyone Needs a Mentor Designing, Delivering and Evaluating L&D: Essentials for Practice What are coaching and mentoring? Coaching and mentoring are development techniques based on the use of one-to-one discussions to enhance an individual’s skills, knowledge or work performance. It is possible to draw distinctions between coaching and mentoring (as discussed below) although in practice the two terms are often used interchangeably. While the focus of this factsheet is on coaching, much of the analysis presented here is also applicable to mentoring. Training courses Value-added Learning and Development - Short courses - Training - CIPD Using Neuroscience to Develop Your Coaching Practice - Short Courses - Training - CIPD Conference details Social Media in HR Conference Social Media in HR Conference 2013 What is coaching? Coaching targets high performance and improvement at work and usually focuses on specific skills and goals, although it may also have an impact on an individual’s...
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...1.1 Explain the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be effective in an identified HR or L&D role. The explanation should refer to the HRPM, and include a summary of the HRPM (particularly the 2 core professional areas) and an explanation of the activities and knowledge, at either band 1 or 2, of any one of the professional areas. The CIPD HR Profession Map specifies the activities, knowledge and behaviours involved in different HR/L&D roles. It’s a framework of things you need to do and know in order to be a successful HR professional. The HRPM is made up of 10 Professional Areas, the 4 Bands of Professional Competence and the 8 Behaviours. The two Core Professional Areas are Leading and managing and Insights, Strategy and Solutions. These areas are vital to all HR professionals. Insights, Strategy and Solutions - This area deals with the professional’s understanding and insight into an organisation. Through knowledge of how the business works an HR professional can put into practice strategic solutions to effectively manage an organisation’s specialist requirements. Leading HR - To effectively lead in HR one must act as a ‘role-model leader’. This includes developing yourself professionally, whilst also leading, supporting, and tracking others development. Adding value and making a positive difference with the organisation, and then evaluating this impact is also pivotal within this area. The remaining 8 professional areas cover specialist activities...
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...Foundation Core Units Multiple Choice Test Section 1 Developing Yourself as an Effective HR/L&D Practitioner Question 1 “Effective HR professionals really have to succeed by understanding the business, the market and the customer as well as the Chief Executive or the Marketing Director. It’s about understanding what the organisation would look like if it was really humming, really succeeding. Translating that back into culture, working practices, learning, motivation, reward, selection – those are the strategic choices…to make” - Geoff Armstrong, CIPD. Aside from this, what other skills and qualities do you think are necessary for HR professionals today? Right Having an understanding of the purpose and role that HR plays within a successful organisation Question 2 How do the skills listed in Question1 help you as an HR professional carry out your role more effectively? Right Having an understanding of HR’s roles and purpose makes it easier to support change within the organisation Question 3 Log into www.cipd.co.uk and access the HRPM: Professional Areas. Review Professional Areas appropriate for level 3 (Bands One and Two). Why is the CIPD HR Profession Map important for HR and L&D professionals? Right The CIPD Professional Map provides clear competencies, activities and behaviours for HR professionals to aspire to in order to continuously develop their skills and experience Question 4 Which of the following are appropriate activities for Level 3 in the Professional...
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...1.1 Explain the knowledge, skills, and behaviours required to be effective in an identified HR or L&D role. The CIPD have developed an HR Profession Map (HRMP) that sets the standards for all HR professionals in order to be effective within their role. It is designed to help guide professional development within HR and focuses on 10 professional areas, and 8 behaviors essential to excellent HR practice. It spans across 4 bands, progressing from an entry level HR position such as administrator at band 1, to HR director at band 4. The HRMP identifies two core professional areas “that sit at the heart of the profession and are applicable to all HR professionals”(CIPD website) Insights, Strategy and Solutions, and Leading HR. Insights, Strategy and Solutions - This area deals with the professional’s understanding and insight into an organisation. Through knowledge of how the business works an HR professional can put into practice strategic solutions to effectively manage an organisation’s specialist requirements. Leading HR - To effectively lead in HR one must act as a ‘role-model leader’. This includes developing yourself professionally, whilst also leading, supporting, and tracking others development. Adding value and making a positive difference with the organisation, and then evaluating this impact is also pivotal within this area. The remaining 8 professional areas cover specialist activities and knowledge that include: Organisation Design, Organisation...
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...Developing Yourself as an Effective Human Resources or Learning and Development Practitioner Activity 1 * briefly summarise the CIPD Profession Map (i.e. the 2 core professional areas, the specialist professional areas, the bands and the behaviours) The CIPD HR Profession Map has been developed with the help of HR professionals around the world. Many organisations use the CIPD profession map to measure their HR capability, address areas for development, and to develop their employees within HR. The HR profession map is made up of ten professional areas, eight behaviours and four bands of professional competence (Bands and transitions.) The Professional areas describe the activities you need to undertake and what you need to know for each of the 10 professional areas at each band level (Levels 1 – 4.) There are two core professional areas; Leading HR, and Insights, Strategy and Solutions. The core areas are applicable to all HR professionals, even those just beginning of their HR careers. There are 8 further Specialist professional areas: Employee Relations, Service delivery and information, Organisation Design, Organisation Development, Resourcing and Talent Planning, Learning & Development, Performance and reward, Employee Engagement and Employee relations. The behaviours describe the 8 key behaviours each HR professional needs to be successful within their role. Each behaviour is described across each of the band levels. The eight behaviours are; Role...
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...Methodology………………………………………………………………………………………………..1 1.0 Understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an effective HR or L&D practitioner……………………………………………………………………………………………..2 2.1 Explain the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an effective in an identified HR or L&D role. 2.0 Know how to deliver timely and effective HR services to meet users’ needs…………………..3 3.2 Identify the needs of those using HR services within an organisation and explain how conflicting needs are identified and priorities. 3.3 Identify different methods of communication and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. 3.4 Describe how to build and maintain effective service delivery. 3.0 Be able to reflect on own practice and development needs and maintain a plan for personal development……………………………………………………………………………………………4 4.5 Explain the concept and importance of CPD. 4.6 Undertake a self-assessment of capabilities as an HR or L&D practitioner and identify development needs. 4.7 Evaluate options to meet identified development needs. 4.8 Produce a plan to meet personal development objectives 4.9 Reflect on performance against the plan, identify learning points for the future and revise the plan accordingly. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………………………6 Appendices SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………..7 HR Professions Map……………………………………………………………………………………….8 My Personal Devlopment Plan……………………………………………………………………………9 ...
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...Foundation Core Units Multiple Choice Test Section 1 Developing Yourself as an Effective HR/L&D Practitioner Question 1 “Effective HR professionals really have to succeed by understanding the business, the market and the customer as well as the Chief Executive or the Marketing Director. It’s about understanding what the organisation would look like if it was really humming, really succeeding. Translating that back into culture, working practices, learning, motivation, reward, selection – those are the strategic choices…to make” - Geoff Armstrong, CIPD. Aside from this, what other skills and qualities do you think are necessary for HR professionals today? Being able to distance yourself from staff, as HR are a separate entity from the rest of the business Being able to create a HR strategy and sticking to this regardless of changes in the work environment Having an understanding of the purpose and role that HR plays within a successful organisation Responding to events as and when they occur, rather than trying to create any contingency plans/procedures Question 2 How do the skills listed in Question1 help you as an HR professional carry out your role more effectively? By keeping your distance from staff it is easier when you need to advise staff on matters such as grievance or disciplinaries By sticking to a strategy that you have decided upon regardless of what happens, it shows that you do not buckle under pressure Having an understanding of HR’s roles...
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...identified HR or L&D role Jackie Orme, ex-chief executive of CIPD said: “The HR profession is changing. More will be required of the HR professional of the future, and today’s practitioners need to be equipped with the capabilities to meet these demands. Roles are more diverse, career paths more complicated and the capacity to impact on the strategic future of the business greater than ever before” As part of the overhaul, the CIPD has introduced an HR Professional Map (HRMP), which will set out the new foundations for professional competency in HR and the criteria for new and revised CIPD qualification. The map highlights 10 professional areas at four different levels and the eight key behaviours HR professionals need to operate. CIPD’s HRPM sets out the activities, knowledge and behaviour needed for success. Use the standards in the CIPD HRPM for professionals and their organisation to: • define great HR • diagnose areas of success and improvement • build HR capability • recognise achievement through professional qualifications and membership The 2 core professional areas: The HRPM has two cores sitting at its heart – Insights, strategies and solutions and Leading HR. The cores are the building blocks of a successful HR career irrespective of the role, location and stage of the career. The cores combine strategies for sustainable organisational performance ensuring actionable and purposeful plans and simultaneously install leadership values in HR professionals...
Words: 520 - Pages: 3
...Contents Page Number Introduction………………………………………………………………………......................4 Question One………………………………………………………………………………………….....5 Question Two…………………………………………………………………………................11 Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………………...............16 Recommendations........................................................................17 References..................................................................................18 Bibliography................................................................................19 Appendices.................................................................................21 Appendix 1 – Implementation Plan Appendix 2 – Reflective Statement Introduction Further to the proposed management development programme made to Whitstable Party Planning Company and the 30 minute taster training session that was arrange for line managers, this report will provide advice and research on methods of learning that can be implemented into Mr Handley’s business. Topics from the proposed management development programme included Leadership, Engagement, Annual turnover analysis, Change Management, Feedback, Equality and Diversity and Handling Difficult Conversations. Learning is critical to build business competence and gain competitive advantage in the market. The report will consider a number of current learning interventions, and why they may or may not be suitable for implementation at Whitstable...
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...------------------------------------------------- Name: Ine Nurmalasari ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Centre Name: ICS ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ICS Student Number: 20967681 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- CIPD Membership Number: 42454541 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Qualification Title: Foundation Human Resource Practice ------------------------------------------------- Unit Title: Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources 40552A ------------------------------------------------- Unit Code: 3HRC ------------------------------------------------- Assignment number: 40552/01 First Submission Date | 30-Sep-2014 | Re-submission Date (if Applicable) | 3-Oct-2014 | Word Count | 1,289 | ------------------------------------------------- Candidate declaration: ------------------------------------------------- ‘I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided work.’ ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- I have read the assessment regulations and understand that if I am found to have ‘copied’ from published work without acknowledgement, or from other candidate’s work, this may be regarded as plagiarism...
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...Date Word count CIPD Membership Number Contents LO3: Understand the role of HR in the managing of contemporary business issues and external contents. 3.1 The forces shaping the HR agenda ………………………………………………………………………………4 3.2 How HR contributes to organisational effectiveness ……………………………………………………4 3.3 HR’s roles and functions in management structures ……………………………………………………5 3.4 HR’s contribution to business ethics and accountability ………………………………………………5 LO4: How organizational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and developed 4.1 The role of HR in strategy formulation and implementation ………………………………………..6 4.2 Techniques and tools used to analyse organisational and business environment …………7 4.3 Vertical and horizontal integration ………………………………………………………………………………7 LO5: How to identify and respond to short term changes in the business data for planning purposes 5.1 HR’s role in business planning ……………………………………………………………………………………8 5.2 Environmental planning and the sources of business data for planning purposes ………8 5.3 Evaluate how agreed strategies, policies and plans are put into action within organisations … Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9 Appendix …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10 SWOT ANALYSIS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11 PESTLE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12 3.1 Southern Dental operates in a global business environment, HR as a strategic part of the...
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...FOUNDATION CHRP CL&D ASSESSMENTRecording, analysing and using HR information (3RAI)3RAI_F203A_HR_June – Core Unit Assessment – Version 3 June 2012Student name: | | CRITERIA | PASS/REFER | COMMENTS | LO1: Understand what data needs to be collected to support HR practices | 1.1 Explain why an organisation needs to collect and record HR data. | | | 1.2 Identify the range of HR data that organisations collect and how this supports HR practice. | | | LO2: Know how HR data should be recorded and stored | 1 2 3.1 Describe different systems for recording and storing HR data and the benefits of each. | | | 3.2 Explain legal requirements relating to the recording, storage, and accessibility of HR data. | | | LO3: Be able to analyse HR data and present findings to inform decision-making | 3.1 Analyse and interpret HR data. | | | 3 4.3 4.4 Present findings in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner to inform decision-making within an organisation. | | | ASSESSMENT OUTCOME | PASS/REFER | | Students should please note that the above Assessment Outcome for this Unit is provisional and is subject to Internal EHWLC verification (IV) and external CIPD Verification (EV). Tutor: Date: Tutor’s signature: RECORDING, ANALYSING AND USING HR INFORMATION (3RAI) OriolTrilles CIPD Level 3 Foundation Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College Report: Understand what data needs to be...
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...Activities Level 31 Credit value 6 Unit code 3DLA Unit review date Sept. 2011 Purpose and aim of unit This core unit will provide the knowledge and skills required to deliver planned learning and development (L&D) activities, for example one-to-one, small group and large group sessions. The need for learning and development arises for diverse reasons, including both individual self-assessment and organisational assessment. A learning and development needs analysis may identify organisational challenges or problems affecting employees, for example major organisational change; the introduction of new operations or systems and/or the maintenance of existing operations or systems. The identification of learning and development needs may also arise during an induction process. This unit will review adult learning principles and the learning cycle, but the main focus will be on the importance of creating and maintaining a positive learning environment and the knowledge and skills required for the actual delivery of an activity or session. This unit is suitable for persons who: are aspiring to, or embarking on, a career in HR/L&D are working in the field of HR/L&D in a support role and wish to develop their knowledge and skills have responsibility for HR/L&D activities and decisions within an organisation without a specialist function wish to develop their knowledge, skills and capabilities in delivering learning and development activities. Learning outcomes On completion...
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...Understanding Organisations and the role of Human Resources The author of this assignment will describe his findings on how HR activities in an organisation support a organisations strategy and how they assist the achievement of business objectives in a modern world through internal and external factors. An organisation will encounter all kinds of problems and can be affected by culture, size, law and many others. By looking at these factors a person can understand how Human resources and Learning and development can help to ensure an organisation will survive in its environment. According to Shein.E (1988) Organisational Psychology in: Mullins.L (1985) Management and Organisational Behaviour a pitman publishing imprint “a formal organisation is the planned co-ordination of the activities of a number of people for the achievement of some common, explicit purpose or goal, through division of labour and function, and through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility.” The purpose of (company name ) Is to forward customers tangible goods to (company Name) to build cars, to become globally recognised and to be the most dominant and profitable supplier of third party logistics service to the chosen clients by offering standards of excellence unachievable by competitors. A Swot analysis quoted by Mullins.L (1985) Management and organisational Behaviour Financial Times Pitman Publishing Imprint “can offer a number of potential...
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