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Hr Level 3 Cipd


Submitted By cat832
Words 2475
Pages 10
1.1 Explain the knowledge, skills, and behaviours required to be effective in an identified HR or L&D role.

The CIPD have developed an HR Profession Map (HRMP) that sets the standards for all HR professionals in order to be effective within their role. It is designed to help guide professional development within HR and focuses on 10 professional areas, and 8 behaviors essential to excellent HR practice. It spans across 4 bands, progressing from an entry level HR position such as administrator at band 1, to HR director at band 4.

The HRMP identifies two core professional areas “that sit at the heart of the profession and are applicable to all HR professionals”(CIPD website) Insights, Strategy and Solutions, and Leading HR.

Insights, Strategy and Solutions - This area deals with the professional’s understanding and insight into an organisation. Through knowledge of how the business works an HR professional can put into practice strategic solutions to effectively manage an organisation’s specialist requirements.

Leading HR - To effectively lead in HR one must act as a ‘role-model leader’. This includes developing yourself professionally, whilst also leading, supporting, and tracking others development. Adding value and making a positive difference with the organisation, and then evaluating this impact is also pivotal within this area.

The remaining 8 professional areas cover specialist activities and knowledge that include: Organisation Design, Organisation Development, Resourcing and Talent Planning, Learning and Development, Performance and Reward, Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, and Service Delivery and Information.

The Learning and Development area is most relevant to my current role as an HR administrator. Through the HRMP I have identified myself to be at band 1 within this area, and will briefly summarise the activities and

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