...though we create our own personal meanings out of a literary work, we must also learn to reach an objective understanding. You have to be able to use evidence from the text itself to support any points you are making. A literary analysis explains what you as a reader see inside a literary work. This automatically requires examples and support from various parts of the text. (Blueprint B v2.0 p. 234) Guidelines | 1. Decide on one of the two books assigned by your teacher. | | 2. Divide your book into three parts. Use one week to read each part. | | 3. Write reading logs as you read your book. There are three of them on the next page, one for each part of your book (beginning, middle, end) | | 4. Create an outline for your essay by using the template below. | | 5. Write your first draft. Follow the instructions closely, Blueprint B, pp. 234-239 | | 6. Do the ”Checkpoints for Revising” on page 239, Blueprint B. | | 7. Receive peer response from a classmate or two. Use the “Peer Response Sheet” and the ”Rubric” below. | | 8. Reflect on your progress so far and ask yourself; “How can I improve this text?” Make notes in your “Self Assessment Sheet” below. | | 9. Improve your text! Turn it into a final draft – 700-1200 words. Remember to use the ”Kulturama Manual of Style". | | 10. Complete the ”Self Assessment Sheet", the ”Source Evaluation Sheet" and fill in your ”Rubric". | | 11. Export this file as ZIP and upload in Schoolsoft. | Reading...
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..."Jane Austen: Irony and Authority" Critic: Rachel M. Brownstein Source: Women's Studies 15, nos. 1-3 (1988): 57-70. Criticism about: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (1775-1817) Nationality: British; English [(essay date 1988) _In the following essay, Brownstein focuses on several of Austen's novels, including Pride and Prejudice, to support her argument that Austen uses irony to convey a "discursive authority" from which women can derive pleasure in a patriarchal society.] It is a truth universally acknowledged, right now, that language is involved in giving and taking both power and pleasure. Whether we begin by asking if the pen is a substitute for the penis, or think about why we read stories of love and adventure, or consider, from any point of view, pornography or psychoanalysis, we end by analyzing ways people please themselves and assert authority over others by using words. (To observe that critics writing about pleasure and power have managed to get what measure of the good stuff they can is to state the merely inevitable.) Claiming that women writers are powerful--i.e. effective and influential--has been a focus of feminist critics concerned to dispute the canon, to rehabilitate forgotten writers, and to revise women's relation to the languages of power. That Jane Austen, unforgotten, canonized, and stunningly authoritative, has been a problem for feminists is not surprising: in the struggle for power between politically radical and conservative critics...
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...She used real life examples throughout her argument, which is conducive to a thought out essay. The first step to a proposal argument is defining a problem or need, which is what Riley did. 3) The guidelines for portraying people with disabilities is, in my opinion, particular. The guideline aims to define the vocabulary of what people with disabilities prefer to be associated with. Personally, I find the guidelines necessary because many people are misinformed or don’t know how to identify disabled people properly, so this can prove useful. 4) In the case of Colin, and his depiction in the movie “The Secret Garden”, Riley’s stereotypes prove to be true. In the film, Colin, a bedridden boy, is depicted as “pitiable and pathetic; sweet and innocent; a miracle cure”. The expected outcome of a character who is disabled. Now, this can create issues within the disabilities community because of the portrayal of a disabled person. Thus, bringing back to light Riley’s “Guideline for Portraying people with Disabilities in the Media”. Link:...
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...women in society? In both novels society is presented as an underlying constraint on both of the protagonists lives. Beth Hanson wrote, “A woman can move only downwards” and that “feminine compliance, through the surrender of self is death of a different sort, for to be selfless is not only to be noble, it is to be dead”. This outlook on societal pressures ultimately leads to Tess’ demise in ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’ as she falls from the ideal image of a women in the Victorian era and her “selfless” acts does in fact end in her death. Hardy presents ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’ as a bildungsroman where we see Tess’ life unfold from innocence to regret and follow her as she is metaphorically ‘kicked’ down the social ladder. In ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Lizzie, the female protagonist, is represented as a strong and defying character by Austen. However despite her lack of care for societal pressures she and her sisters are chained down and ultimately need a man, the “governing sex” to set them free. Both Hardy and Austen use societal context to shape the female protagonists lives and show the patriarchal influence on women in the Victorian period. In the first phase of the novel, “The Maiden” and the first phase of Tess’ life she is presented as a “girl” naïve and unaware. Hardy separates the novel into sections to represent Tess’ development and also to foreshadow the later events that will change her life. The term “maiden” in a traditional sense simply means virgin symbolising...
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...Sept 3, 2014 The Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice is a play written by Shakespeare, the most influential writer in history. The Merchant of Venice is about a variety of relationships: “Father-daughter; husband-wife; male friends; female friends; money lender-borrower; and Christian-Jew.” The relationship explored in this essay is the father-daughter relationship of Shylock and Jessica. Shylock is a Jewish moneylender in Venice, and he is so immersed in the business that he neglects his daughter Jessica. Shylock despises Christians, because of the mistreatment he suffered at their hands, and he encourages Jessica to do the same. Jessica is very different from her father. She is in love with Lorenzo, a young Christian boy, who her father disapproves of. The relationship between shylock and Jessica is very dysfunctional. Example is when Jessica is talking with Launcelot and she says “I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so; our house is hell, thou a merry devil” (p.30). Jessica detests her home life and wants to leave it behind. She also states “Alack, what a heinous sin is it in me to be ashamed to be my father’s child...I shall end this strife, become a Christian, and thy loving wife” (p.31). Jessica is confined to her father’s wants and wishes, but she is very unhappy. Therefore, when a chance of freedom came she took it. Jessica chooses to elope with Lorenzo, the one she is in love with and convert to Christianity. Shylock was a bad father. For instance, he says...
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...Virtues Virtues are important traits and morals for each person to learn. It means a behavior showing high moral standards. The essay by Kwame Anthony Appiah approaches the topic of ethical behavior with this sentence “Does the virtuous act make the agent virtuous or does the virtuous agent make the act virtuous?” He points out it is difficult to evaluate a situation and decide if it was the individual or the action that improved the circumstances. Humans are known for their flawed nature for a reason as Appiah points out “[the] Playful man. . . angry man. . . serious man. . . same fellow, different situations.” There are morals for each person, they can follow some and not the other but they are all important morals in the end. (Appiah 401) Humans will not always address situations of ethical dilemma with the same matter or approach. For example, external factors like hunger level, fatigue and stress will influence a person’s response to a certain or particular situation. Given a different day and time that same individual may react quite differently because of their feelings. Everybody can relate. I also notice many actions that I may do resulting in this matter without realizing it. It’s from our human tendencies to respond to different scenarios with a moral dilemma. Through our actions and experiences, a character is created. In the essay by Appiah, he explains the differences between situational ethics and virtue ethics. Situational ethics is often argued that many...
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...Essay about attitudes and reasons for marriage, based on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. At the end of the XVIII century, families with daughters used to be worried about setting good marriages for them. Getting a good husband was the main objective of young ladies at that time. Austen uses the Bennet family of Longbourn to illustrate the good and bad reasons behind marriage. Since they had so many girls to be married, Mrs. Bennet made huge efforts to make her daughters well married. Her husband's estate was entailed to his nephew, Mr. Collins, upon Mr. Bennet's death. So, Mrs. Bennet wanted her daughters to have financial stability in case of their father's death. Women who could not find a husband were often referred to as old maids and lived their whole lives with their parents. It’s possible to understand why Mrs. Bennet did not want this for any of her daughters. The Bennets' marriage was not ideal. Mr. Bennet had married his wife because she was beautiful in her youth and her ability to supply him with children. But her beauty faded and so did their enjoyment of each other, eventually. He enjoyed his time alone in his studies where he could be away from his wife and daughters. Mrs. Bennet enjoyed gossiping about neighbours and finding future husbands for her daughters. Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth's best friend, married Mr. Collins for money. Jane Austen plainly states that Charlotte accepted his proposal for the pure and disinterested desire of an...
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...Prejudice and bias might be good, sometimes When we think about prejudice and bias, we tend to think about stupid and evil people doing stupid and evil things. And this idea is nicely summarized by the British critic William Hazlitt, who wrote, “Prejudice is the child of ignorance.” But, I think this is mistaken. I want to try to convince you that prejudice and bias are natural, they’re often rational, and they’re often even moral. And I think that once we understand this, we’re in a better position to make sense of them when they go wrong, when they have horrible consequences, and we’re in a better position to know what to do when this happens. Start with stereotypes. You may look at me, you know my name, you know some certain facts about me, and you can make some certain judgments. You could make guesses about my ethnicity, me religious beliefs, my hobby. And the thing is, these judgments tend to be accurate. We’re very good at this sort of thing. And we’re very good at this sort of things because our ability to stereotype people is not some sort of arbitrary quirk of the mind, but rather it’s a specific instance of a more general process, which is that we have experience with things and people in the world that fall into categories, and we can use our experience to make generalizations about novel instances of these categories. So everybody has a lot of experience with chairs, apples and dogs. And based on this, when you see some unfamiliar examples, you could guess...
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...Irish Settlers in America The Irish immigrants faced prejudice, segregation, and discrimination. The Irish settlers are part of my heritage and the Ethnic group I chose for this essay. I had a very difficult time finding enough information for this assignment and I did not expect there to be so little information on this topic. I am not sure about the rest of my background but I have always been proud to be an Irish American descendent. That was until I read some of the ways they treated other immigrants in the new nation. Irish immigrants had a rough start in the United States, stuck in urban poverty and taunted by some of their neighbors. They and their descendants overcame the obstacles and prevailed (Kenny, 2008). Irish immigrants were not treated as bad as the African Americans were treated but were treated pretty closely. They did get a few extra benefits like being able to sell themselves as slaves instead of someone else selling you. As they arrived in American cities, they were crowded into districts that became centers of crime, vice, and disease and they commonly found themselves thrown together with free Negroes. Irish and African Americans fought each other and the police, socialized (and occasionally intermarried), and developed a common culture of the lowly (Barnett, Valla, and Williams). They also stated that ‘‘It is a curious fact,’’ wrote John Finch, an English Owenite who traveled the United States in 1843, ‘‘that the democratic party, and particularly...
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...IB Diploma Programme Theory of Knowledge Essay Topic: Can we know when to trust our emotions in the pursuit of knowledge? Consider history and one other area of knowledge. Candidate Name: Akanksha Vardhan Candidate Number: 002602-064 School Name: BD Somani International School School Number: 002602 Word Count: 1597 Can we know when to trust our emotions in the pursuit of knowledge? Consider history and one other area of knowledge. Bertrand Russell, the 20th century British philosopher, once said, “Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.” [1]In our daily conquest to acquire “justified true belief”, [2]it is important that we are aware of the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ influences that contribute to the experience, the pursuit of knowledge, in a way that we are able to consciously weigh the validity of our knowledge claims. Many romantic writers and poets in the early nineteenth century emphasized the importance of emotion in making sense of the world. John Keats once said, “Axioms in philosophy are not axioms until they are proved upon by our pulses” [3] referring to the superiority of our core emotions (happiness, fear, anger, surprise or even disgust) - the strong feelings deriving from our moods, circumstances or relationships with others[4], in gaining an accurate picture of the truth. However, is it possible that the ‘truth’ itself is more complex and what...
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...Högskolan i Halmstad Sektionen för Humaniora Engelska 61-90 The Importance of Class and Money A Marxist Analysis of Jane Austen’s Persuasion Therese Andersson C-essay Tutor Kristina Hildebrand Abstract This essay analyzes how issues related to money and social class are presented in Jane Austen’s Persuasion. The method used will be a close reading as well as aspects of Marxist literary criticism, a theory that will be presented in the second chapter. Background information about the author and her time will then be given in the third chapter. In chapter four, the character of Sir Walter Elliot will be analyzed, in chapter five Elizabeth Elliot, and in chapter six William Elliot. Some of the other characters will be analyzed, more briefly, in the seventh chapter. Conclusions will then be drawn in the eighth and final chapter. 2 Table of contents Abstract.....................................................................................................2 Table of contents.......................................................................................3 1. Introduction.........................................................................................4 2. Theory and method..............................................................................5 2.1 Close reading............................................................................................5 2.2 Marxist literary criticism................................................
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...A MARXIST READING OF JANE AUSTEN’S PERSUASION Abstract This essay analyzes how issues related to money and social class are presented in Jane Austen’s Persuasion . The method used will be a close reading as well as aspects of Marxist literary criticism, a theory that will be presented in the second chapter. Background information about the author and her time will then be given in the third chapter. In chapter four, the character of Sir Walter Elliot will be analyzed, in chapter five Elizabeth Elliot, and in chapter six William Elliot. Some of the other characters will be analyzed, more briefly, in the seventh chapter. Conclusions will then be drawn in the eighth and final chapter. 1. Introduction ......................................................................................... 2. Theory and method .............................................................................. 2.1 Close reading ............................................................................................ 2.2 Marxist literary criticism ................................................................................ 3. Background .......................................................................................... 3.1 Jane Austen and her time ......................................................................... 3.1.1 Titles and ranks .......................................................................................... 3.2 Class in Jane Austen’s novels .....................
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...Introduction During the end of Edo period, Japan was forced to sign on the unequal treaty, the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, by the United States forces that demanded the opening of five ports for the foreign trade while securing the U.S. diplomatic privilege of extraterritoriality (Tipton, 2002, p.26). This agreement curtailed the Japanese sovereignty for the first time in history, and alerted Japanese politicians to the dangers of further foreign encroachment. After the fierce debates among Japanese intellectuals, they realized ‘Gunboat diplomacy’ is the essence of the international political game. Thus, some of enlightened leaders such as Sakamoto Ryōma (1867) emphasized the necessity of modernize Japan as Western states by strengthening the military and economic power in his writing Eight-Point Program in order to survive in the arena of power politics. This idea was adopted as a center pillar of Meiji Restoration and enabled Japan to build up military power comparable to Western states within a short period of time. However, Japan needed to show its advanced military strength to be recognized as a growing power and to join ranks of powers in international politics (Ebrey, 2009, p.371). Therefore, the Meiji government planned the way to be a ‘regional hegemon’ through military expansion in Asia. It first defeated Qing Dynasty in Sino-Japanese War in 1895 and representatives of both states signed at the Treaty of Simonoseki that included the Article to cede full sovereignty...
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...Putting Cruelty First Author(s): Judith N. Shklar Reviewed work(s): Source: Daedalus, Vol. 111, No. 3, Representations and Realities (Summer, 1982), pp. 17-27 Published by: The MIT Press on behalf of American Academy of Arts & Sciences Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20024800 . Accessed: 20/08/2012 16:09 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . The MIT Press and American Academy of Arts & Sciences are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Daedalus. http://www.jstor.org JUDITH N. SHKLAR Putting Cruelty First friend said to me, with deeply religious Roman Catholic must you liberals bring everything down to cruelty?" irritation, "Why What could he have meant? He was, and is, the most gentle and kindly of men, and a principled defender of political freedom and social reform. As a Christian, as a dreadful vice. He was not he obviously defending cruelty regarded cruelty or abandoning liberal politics; rather, he was explicitly rejecting the mentality abhor brutality...
Words: 6554 - Pages: 27
...HOW TO WRITE ESSAYS Visit our How To website at www.howto.co.uk At www.howto.co.uk you can engage in conversation with some of our authors – all of whom have ‘been there and done that’ in their specialist fields. You can get access to special offers and additional content but, most importantly, you will be able to engage with, and become a part of, a wide and growing community of people just like yourself. At www.howto.co.uk you’ll be able to talk to, and share tips with, people who have similar interests and are facing similar challenges in their lives. People who, just like you, have the desire to change their lives for the better – be it through moving to a new country, starting a new business, growing their own vegetables, or writing a novel. At www.howto.co.uk you’ll find the support and encouragement you need to help make your aspirations a reality. How To Books strives to present authentic, inspiring, practical information in their books. Now, when you buy a title from How To Books, you get even more than words on a page. HOW TO WRITE ESSAYS A step-by-step guide for all levels, with sample essays Don Shiach howtobooks ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author and publishers are grateful to Nicholas Murray and the Rack Press, Kinnerton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2PF for permission to reproduce History from Nicholas Murray’s collection ‘The Narrators’. Published by How To Content, A division of How To Books Ltd, Spring Hill House, Spring...
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