...Cisco systems were founded in December 1984 in California, by a husband and wife team from Stanford University, Leonard Bosack and Sandra Lerner. At Stanford, Bosack found a way to connect the two local area networks where he and his wife worked, 500 yards across campus. ! They initially tried to sell the inter networking technology that Bosack had developed to computer companies, but none were interested. With no buyers they decided top start their own company, Cisco Systems. ! Cisco’s primary product from the beginning was the inter networking router; a hardware device incorporating software that automatically selects the most effective route for data to flow between networks. Cisco thus became the first company to provide a multi-protocol router when it shipped its first product in 1986. One year later after initial start, Cisco was selling $250,000 worth of routers per month. Sales for the fiscal year ending July 1987 were 1.5 million, and the company had only eight employees at the time. ! In the beginning, Cisco marketed its routers to universities, research centers, the aerospace industry, and government facilities by contacting computer scientists and engineers via ARPANET. In 1988 the company began to target its internetworking routers to mainstream corporations with offices in multiple locations that used different networks. ! Cisco had a high rate of sales growth in the early years, however they were increasing in need of cash if they were going to continue...
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...NT2640 Cisco Routers Richard P Walsh 11/24/2015 Cisco routers come in various series and models. Each series and model has different purposes and performance levels for the tasks required of them. For the purpose of this report, I chose 1 model from the 3 main series. The first is the Cisco 1861, then the Cisco 2811, & finally the Cisco 3845 The Cisco 1861 is an Integrated Service Router, that has an integrated, managed Ethernet switch, and has eight 10/100 PoE ports. It is an All-in-One unified communications solution, which integrates voice, data, security, and video into one platform. The Cisco 1861 can be easily expanded by attaching a Cisco recommended Catalyst Portfolio of switches. The Cisco 1861 eliminates the cost of adding multiple servers and provides a lower price solution that is easy to set up and manage. Cisco IOS Software security feature is also an option that can be activated with hardware-based encryption on the motherboard and provides a variety of security features such as a Firewall, IP Security, and an Advanced Encryption Standard, just to name a few. This router is highly recommended for SBMs and small branch enterprises consisting of eight to fifteen employees. Some of the specifications are; DRAM * Cisco IOS Software – 256 MB * Voice Messaging – 512 MB Compact Flash Memory * Cisco IOS Software – 128 MB * Voice Messaging – 1 GB, Compact Flash Onboard Ethernet Ports * 1 10/100 Fast Ethernet * 8 10/100-Mbps LAN ...
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...Lab #1 – Assessment Worksheet Cisco Router Hardware & Software Discovery 1. What Cisco “show” command displays various information and details about the router or switch such as Model #, flash memory, RAM, IOS version and physical interfaces? Show Version 2. During the Instructor’s TELNET session to LAN Switch 1 and LAN Switch 2 – what was the captured terminal password for LAN Switch 1 and LAN Switch 2? Cisco 3. What is the size of the IOS file used for the Cisco 28xx Routers? 239Kb 4. What is the command used to enter the global configuration mode for interfaces on a Cisco Router or Switch? Router>enable 5. The default hexadecimal value of the configuration register setting for the Cisco 28xx Router is? 0x2102 6. What are the specific settings for the configuration hexadecimal value 0x2102? -ignores break -boots into ROM if initial boot fails -9600 console baud rate default value for most platforms 7. What is the key sequence used to interrupt the boot sequence of a router and initiate the password recovery sequence? Pause/Break key on the keyboard 8. Using the password recovery process how can you break the router boot sequence to see the router saved passwords and what can you do in that mode. Ctrl – C to skip to the initial setup procedure to view, change and delete passwords 9. What is the command used to back up the running-config file to TFTP? “copy running – config TFTP” 10. What process takes place...
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...Höôùng daãn caáu hình caùc chöùc naêng cô baûn cuûa Cisco router HÖÔÙNG DAÃN CAÁU HÌNH CAÙC TÍNH NAÊNG CÔ BAÛN CHO CISCO ROUTER MUÏC LUÏC 1 Khaùi nieäm veà Router .................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Nhieäm vuï vaø phaân loaïi......................................................................................... 3 Nhieäm vuï: ..................................................................................................... 3 Phaân loaïi....................................................................................................... 3 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 Caùc khaùi nieäm cô baûn veà Router vaø cô cheá routing............................................. 5 Nguyeân taéc hoaït ñoäng cuûa Router – ARP Protocol: ..................................... 5 Moät soá khaùi nieäm cô baûn............................................................................... 7 1.2.1 1.2.2 2 Khaùi nieäm veà caáu hình Router. ................................................................................. 13 2.1 2.2 Caáu truùc router. ................................................................................................. 14 Caùc mode config ............................................................................................... 16 3 Caáu hình caùc tính naêng chung cuûa router. ............................................................... 19 3.1 3.2 Moät soá quy taéc veà trình baøy caâu leänh...
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...Securing VTY Now that telnet is working, it’s a good idea to restrict which hosts have access to your router’s VTY lines. The general rule is to only allow the PC’s on your private network access to the router. Why? Because later on, when your router is connected to the Internet, it will prevent anyone on the Internet from gaining access to it. In the Cisco IOS you control access to your router with an ACL. An ACL is a powerful IOS tool that allows you to secure your router using a combination of IP addresses and protocols. In simple terms, an ACL is a list of rules that either permits or denies a host (or group of hosts) access to another host (or group of hosts) through your router. It’s a filter. After you create your ACL, it’s applied to a VTY line or Ethernet interface, and you specify whether it’s filtering incoming or outgoing traffic. I’ll go into more detail about ACLs later in this chapter. For now, let’s look at the ACL for telnet line by line in Listing 2-4. Listing 2-4. How to Secure VTY (Telnet) with an ACL lab-r1(config)# ip access-list standard VTY-ACL lab-r1(config-std-nacl)# permit lab-r1(config-std-nacl)# exit lab-r1(config)# line vty 0 4 lab-r1(config-line)# access-class VTY-ACL in CHAPTER 2 ■ CONFIGURING YOUR ROUTER 29 Step 1: Create and Name Your ACL The first thing you do is create and name your ACL. The name “VTY-ACL” is used in Listing 2-4. You can use any name that makes sense to you, but it’s a good idea to use ...
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...CCNA Exploration 2: Chapter 2 toets antwoorden / CCNA Routing Protocols and Concepts exam 2 answers CCNA Exploration 2: Routing Protocols and Concepts Chapter 2 Exam Answers 1. What happens to a static route entry in a routing table when the outgoing interface is not available? The route is removed from the table. The router polls neighbors for a replacement route. The route remains in the table because it was defined as static. The router redirects the static route to compensate for the loss of the next hop device. 2. The routers in the diagram use the subnet assignments shown. What is the most efficient route summary that can be configured on Router3 to advertise the internal networks to the cloud? and and and [pic] 3. Hosts on two separate subnets cannot communicate. The network administrator suspects a missing route in one of the routing tables. Which three commands can be used to help troubleshoot Layer 3 connectivity issues? (Choose three.) ping show arp traceroute show ip route show interface show cdp neighbor detail 4. Refer to the exhibit. How will packets destined to the network be forwarded? Router1 will perform recursive lookup and packet will exit S0/0. Router1 will perform recursive lookup and packet will exit S0/1. There is no matching interface associated with network so packets will...
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...Cisco Network Solutions for the Telco DCN: SONET/SDH OSI Environments This document is directed to competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs), and Post, Telephone and Telegraphs (PTTs), collectively referred to as telcos (short for telephone companies). This document describes Cisco network solutions for transporting data between Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) and the Operations Support System (OSS) in a telco data communications network (DCN). The DCN transports network management traffic between network elements and their respective OSS, making them a vital link between the service network and the network operations center (NOC). The solutions presented in this document will help telcos connect their SONET/SDH network elements to a router-based network using the Open System Interconnection (OSI) protocol, which simplifies the DCN and reduces equipment costs. Version History Version Number 1 Date April 28, 2004 Notes This document was created as a joint effort between Don Schriner in the Cisco CTO Consulting Engineering Group and Alliene Turner in Cisco IOS Documentation. This document was updated. This document was updated. 2 3 May 6, 2005 January 3, 2008 Contents The document presents the recommended Cisco architecture for building the OSI network. Several methods for implementing and scaling an OSI network are included with detailed configuration examples. Specific...
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...Wide-Area Network Design – ACME Manufacturing Axia College of the University of Phoenix August 7th, 2011 ACME Manufacturing Company Overview One of the biggest challenges in technology today is creating a solution based upon a company’s needs while trying to be economical. ACME Manufacturing is a growing company that has 5 different locations throughout the world. Company headquarters is located in Atlanta, Georgia. Three distribution centers are located in Chicago, Illinois; Phoenix, Arizona; and New York City, New York; with a recent plant coming online in China. The challenge comes by identifying what the company needs. Beyond the obvious networking requirement the company also wants a diverse set of services available at all locations. The company requires the following services to be available: * Network - Local and Wide-area * Voice Communications (VoIP or PBX) * Video Conferencing * Remote Access * Department connectivity over WAN (VLAN) The plan will be to interconnect all locations stateside and connect China into the Atlanta office allowing further contact with all other satellite offices. Atlanta will be the center location due to the headquarters being at this location. All departments will be interconnected via the network to include three distribution locations, Chicago, Phoenix, and New York. Engineering in Atlanta office will be connected to HQ, manufacturing plant in China, and the three distribution locations...
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...(imp) Q. Cisco is committing to produce Viking at a single source Foxconn. Moreover, the Viking production mostly takes place within two-hour driving distance of the Hong Kong fulfillment center. “Cisco ran the risk of being overly dependent on a single supplier and whatever financial and operational constraints it had”. What are the potential risk factors in and around Hong Kong? Some risk factors are natural disasters (flood,tornado, earthquake), medical emergencies (bird flu or similar outbreaks that halt trade), accidents (fires), sabotage, political unrest. Can you add to this list? Discuss which of these adverse events are more likely. Suppose that a severe typhoon damages the infrastructure (power lines and bridges) in Hong Kong and Guang Zhou, and makes it useless for three months. What actions can Cisco take to satisfy customer needs for routers? Organize your thoughts/discussion/proposed plan in 2-3 items so that it can be briefly presented to executives in an executive summary. Answer Part C(Imp) 1. What are the challenges and risks faced by technology companies in new product introduction? Answer 2. What were the risks and benefits of using Chinese contract manufacturing from the start? Answer 3. In selecting Foxconn and expanding its role in the supply chain, what were the potential risks and values to Cisco? Answer 4. What should Cisco do to mitigate these risks and ensure successful development and launch of the Viking router? Answer ...
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...Configure encrypted passwords (console and Telnet ports) on all devices Configure MOTD and Login banner for one of the switches Create Server VLANS, Faculty VLANS, Instructional VLANS and Administrative VLANs on all switches Assign ports to VLANs on all switches Assign mode of access of VLANS Configure trunks between switches Make Switch1 as primary root bridge for all VLANs Configure security to protect from bogus BPDUs Configure Hostname: 1. Enable 2. Router# configure terminal 3. Router(config)#hostname (SpringfieldSw1, SpringfieldSw2, SpringfieldSw3, SpringfieldSw4) 4. End 5. Copy run start Creating Passwords: 1. Conf t 2. Enable password Cisco (or some other password) 3. Enable secret Cisco (or some other password) 4. End 5. Copy run start Create Console Password: 1. Conf t 2. Line con 0 3. Password “cisco” 4. Login 5. End 6. Copy run start Create Telnet Password: 1. Conf t 2. Line vty 0 4 3. Password “cisco” 4. Login 5. End 6. Copy run start...
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...primary tools in ensuring the security of a modern network is the implementation of a network firewall. A network firewall is designed to allow or deny packets entry or exit to the network based on user defined rules (Beal, n.d.). Traffic can be allowed or denied entry to the network based on a variety of criteria. Traffic can be inspected and allowed, based on IP, port number, application, or its entry or exit security level (Beal, n.d.). For these reasons the internal network will be guarded by the Cisco ASA 5512-X Firewall. The ASA 5512 firewall provides up to 1Gbps throughput with stateful packet inspection with is sufficient to support the maximum speed of the networks external network connection (Cisco, n.d.). Additionally, the device supports more than one hundred thousand simultaneous connections which is many times more than required for the network (Cisco, n.d.). The Cisco ASA 5512 Firewall also provides IPS services providing a proactive defense against network intrusion (Cisco, n.d.). When properly configured this device will provide the essential...
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...During the past few weeks, I have been asked to evaluate and plan for a new network environment for International Software Systems Inc. This a company that employs about 200 people and have offices in India and in different parts of the United States. The company produces software for retail and contracts with the Social Security Administration and supports the SunTotal learning application, with helpdesk support and data recording. The network runs on a Cisco 2900 Series Integrated Services Router, this router is used because of the capability for WAN users. In the office you will have the standard devices connected to the router like printer, computer and phones, but the office all have the capability to have conferences calls and video meetings and the routers has advance encryption measures for security thus providing higher scalability which enables WAN link security and VPN services. The network engineer monitors the server on a daily basis and provides security updates and patches on the weekend along with the Database Admin personal. The network structure of the company is very important because every system runs on it. The data that the company has stored on its servers is very sensitive, so there need for communication protocols. There are numerous communicating devices and when these different devices want to communicate, they must use a language which is understandable among these devices. Communication Protocols are rules and regulation (language) these devices...
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...delay, delay variation, and complexity they add to the service. The next server would be a redirect server; which makes mobile and nomadic users reachable as well as users who have new phone numbers it is a part of the availability service as well as geographic location services provided by the location server. The type of switches this company uses is the Cisco switches they are used to create a network by connecting and controlling all of your organizations computers, printers, and servers and it can also increase efficiency, productivity, and allow your devices to talk to one another through information sharing and resource allocation. Cisco offers two types of network switches: * Cisco unmanaged switches, which are found in home networks work right out of the box and are not designed to be configured but, they have less capacity than managed switches. * Cisco managed switches are great for small business uses and they are configurable which allows them to offer much greater flexibility and networking capacity. * Cisco managed switches can be monitored and adjusted either on-site or remotely. * All Cisco switches offer high-performance, reliability, and security no...
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...Packet T P Tracer - Connec a Router to a LAN ct Topology T Addressing Table A g Device Interface G0 0/0 R1 R G0 0/1 S0 0/0/0 (DCE) G0 0/0 R2 R G0 0/1 S0 0/0/0 PC1 P PC2 P PC3 P PC4 P NIC NIC NIC NIC IP Addr ress 192.168.10 0.1 192.168.11 1.1 209.165.20 00.225 209.165.20 00.226 192.168.10 0.10 192.168.11 1.10 Subnet Mask S 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 Default G Gateway N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Objectives O Part 1: Di isplay Route Information er Part 2: Co onfigure Rou uter Interface es Part 3: Ve erify the Con nfiguration © 2013 Cisco and its affiliates. All rights reserve This docume is Cisco Public. d/or ed. ent Page 1 of 5 Packet Tracer - Connect a Router to a LAN Background In this activity, you will use various show commands to display the current state of the router. You will then use the Addressing Table to configure router Ethernet interfaces. Finally, you will use commands to verify and test your configurations. Note: The routers in this activity are partially configured. Some of the configurations are not covered in this course, but are provided to assist you in using verification commands. Part 1: Display Router Information Step 1: Display interface information on R1. Note: Click a device and then click the CLI tab to access the...
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...Switches and Router Christina Bennett IT242 Switches and Router One of the main reasons that Cisco is number one in the enterprise networking market place is their Internetwork Operating System (IOS).The IOS provides a similar function to Microsoft Windows or Linux: it controls and manages the hardware it is running on. Basically, the IOS provides the interface between you and the hardware, enabling you to execute commands to configure and manage your Cisco device. “Originally, the IOS was developed for Cisco routers, but over the last few years, Cisco has been porting the IOS to it so there platforms, including the Catalyst switches”. (Cisco.com) There are actually many ways of accessing a Cisco device, including the following: console, auxiliary (only certain Cisco routers), telnet, web browser, and an SNMP management station .A console interface provides serial connection access to a router— with console access, you can enter commands in a text-based mode. In order to access your Cisco device from a remote station, however, you first need to create a basic configuration, including IP addressing. Therefore, to perform your initial configurations, you need access to the console port of your Cisco device. Before you can actually begin configuring your Cisco device, you first have to connect it to your network and set up a terminal connection to its console interface. No two routers are setup in the same manner; however, the command modes they use are pretty much alike...
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