...Film Form and Analysis Cinematography Cinematography describes the process by which a film strip is exposed to light to create an image. It encompasses many factors: the camera’s distance from the action, camera angle and direction, type of lens, camera movement, and lighting, among others. The art of cinematography also includes mise-en-scène—the arrangement of objects and movements in the frame. Shot Types The amount of visual information included in the image depends on the distance of the camera from the action and on the focal length of the camera lens. Throughout the history of cinema, filmmakers have favored certain combinations of camera distance and focal length, or shot types. * Extreme long shot: Captures a scene in its entirety; used for establishing location in exterior shots. Used frequently in epic genres such as westerns and war films, it reduces human beings to mere dots on the screen. * Long shot: Accommodates at least the entire bodies of figures (if that is all the shot includes, it is called a full shot). Captures movement, background, and broad gestures and expressions. * Medium shot: Contains a figure from the waist or knees up. It is a functional shot, favored in classical Hollywood editing, often used for scenes with dialogue. * Close-up: Includes very little if any background, concentrating on an object or, if an extreme close-up, a fragment of an object, such as the human face. Close-ups often accord great significance and symbolic...
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...Even at its most ecstatically upward-rushing, it is troubled by passing dissonances, undercut by harmonic rootlessness. All of it is the music of Scottie's mind, and this character is, in the last analysis, completely mad. Mr. Stewart delays that realization with all his practiced reasonableness; the final tableau atop the San Juan Bautista Mission tower is all the more stunning in its finality. Herrmann, steeped in Victorian melodrama, gets to write a fanfare for the triumph of Fate. With all dialogue finally out of the way, the whole orchestra rises to its feet to proclaim, ''This man is...
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...The use of full-length films to teach negotiation. Olivier Fournout This is the text of a lecture given at the conference “New Trends in Negotiation Teaching”, presented by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School (PON) and the Institute for Research and Education on Negotiation in Europe at ESSEC Business School (IRENE), Nov. 14-15, 2005. Key words: negotiation, leadership, film, fiction, phenomenology, negotiation of meaning, teaching of negociation, pedagogy, imagination, interaction. ----------------------- It is a year since I started courses on negotiation and leadership in which I use full-length films as the main pedagogical tool. It is this experience that I would like to talk about here. I will organize my lecture around three points: first, I will describe the course itself and its background; then, I will try to clarify my pedagogical principles; and finally, I will give you a very quick sample of this pedagogy by showing you some extracts from Lost in La Mancha, and I will make a few comments. 1- The course and its background. This course is given at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (the National Graduate School of Telecommunications in Paris). The three sessions on negotiation are fairly modest in size : 12 hours. I built them around three films. The first one is Le souper (The Supper) where we get an idea of the negotiation between Talleyrand and Fouché a few weeks after Waterloo, when France’s whole future...
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...THE RULES OF THE GAME: NOUVELLE EDITION FRANCAISE/THE KOBAL COLLECTION DEEP FOCUS CANON FODDER As the sun finally sets on the century of cinema, by what criteria do we determine its masterworks? BY PAU L SC H RA D E R Top guns (and dogs): the #1 The Rules of the Game September-October 2006 FILM COMMENT 33 Sunrise PREFACE THE BOOK I DIDN’T WRITE I n march 2003 i was having dinner in london with Faber and Faber’s editor of film books, Walter Donohue, and several others when the conversation turned to the current state of film criticism and lack of knowledge of film history in general. I remarked on a former assistant who, when told to look up Montgomery Clift, returned some minutes later asking, “Where is that?” I replied that I thought it was in the Hollywood Hills, and he returned to his search engine. Yes, we agreed, there are too many films, too much history, for today’s student to master. “Someone should write a film version of Harold Bloom’s The Western Canon,” a writer from The Independent suggested, and “the person who should write it,” he said, looking at me, “is you.” I looked to Walter, who replied, “If you write it, I’ll publish it.” And the die was cast. Faber offered a contract, and I set to work. Following the Bloom model I decided it should be an elitist canon, not populist, raising the bar so high that only a handful of films would pass over. I proceeded to compile a list of essential films, attempting, as best I could, to...
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...MAYS ACROSS CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL BOUNDARIES BY GINNY MARIE MUELLER Undergraduate Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the University Scholar distinction The University of Montana Missoula, MT May 2011 Approved by: James C. McKusick, Dean The Davidson Honors College Kathleen Kane, Faculty Mentor English David Moore, Faculty Reader English 1 Mueller, Ginny, B.A., May 2011 English Literature Corn and Culture: The Influence of Zea mays across Cultural and Historical Boundaries Faculty Mentor: Kathleen Kane Second Faculty Reader: David Moore Corn's status as a critical food crop, and its location within indigenous new world cosmographies, illustrate the important sociocultural role the plant has played for millennia. However, modern society has elevated Zea mays far above the status of mere plant, fashioning it into a commodity intimately connected to systems of control and capitalism. Consequently, corn has played an essential role in colonization, industrialization, and the advent of overproduction. The beliefs and literature of numerous new world cultures, along with the literatures of modern Western cultures, offer a striking analysis of corn's current position in western society. The far-reaching impacts that corn has on our socioeconomic and subsistence systems reveal a great deal about globalization, commodification, and dominance. This paper examines corn through a cultural studies lens, documenting the influence of this iconic foodstuff...
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...Tide has successfully changed the way families did their laundry. This innovation of using synthetic compounds has greatly reduced the time and effort consumers spent while doing their laundry (American Chemical Society 2007). Tide captured more than 30 percent of the laundry market in the early 1950s and therefore emerged to be the top selling detergent (Back to EurekAlert! 2006). 1 Situation Analysis According to Lamb et al. (2012), situational analysis includes SWOT analysis that affects the performance of an organization. Organizational resources such as financial resources, production costs, marketing skills, technology, employee capabilities and brand image should be taken into consideration. Environmental scanning is also essential as it affects the organization’s future as it can help in identifying market opportunities and threats. Additionally, PESTLE analysis will be conducted to analyze the relationship between an organization and its external environment. With that, we will be able to design an integrated marketing communications program. 1.1 Internal Analysis To analyze the resources of the master company which is Procter & Gamble we need to analyze it based on three factors tangible resources, intangible resources as well as human resources. Firstly, the tangible aspect includes...
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...Movies and the Impact of Images 187 Early Technology and the Evolution of Movies 192 The Rise of the Hollywood Studio System 195 The Studio System’s Golden Age 205 The Transformation of the Studio System 209 The Economics of the Movie Business 215 Popular Movies and Democracy In every generation, a film is made that changes the movie industry. In 1941, that film was Orson Welles’s Citizen Kane. Welles produced, directed, wrote, and starred in the movie at age twenty-five, playing a newspaper magnate from a young man to old age. While the movie was not a commercial success initially (powerful newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst, whose life was the inspiration for the movie, tried to suppress it), it was critically praised for its acting, story, and directing. Citizen Kane’s dramatic camera angles, striking film noir–style lighting, nonlinear storytelling, montages, and long deep-focus shots were considered technically innovative for the era. Over time, Citizen Kane became revered as a masterpiece, and in 1997 the American Film Institute named it the Greatest American Movie of All Time. “Citizen Kane is more than a great movie; it is a gathering of all the lessons of the emerging era of sound,” film critic Roger Ebert wrote.1 CHAPTER 6 ○ MOVIES 185 (c) Bedford/St. Martin's bedfordstmartins.com 1-457-62096-0 / 978-1-457-62096-6 MOVIES A generation later, the space epic Star Wars (1977) changed the culture of the movie industry. Star Wars, produced, written, and...
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...An artistic movement whose influence on film has been as profound and enduring as that of surrealism or cubism on painting, the French New Wave (or Le Nouvelle Vague) made its first splashes as a movement shot through with youthful exuberance and a brisk reinvigoration of the filmmaking process. Most agree that the French New Wave was at its peak between 1958 and 1964, but it continued to ripple on afterwards, with many of the tendencies and styles introduced by the movement still in practice today… French New Wave The New Wave (French: La Nouvelle Vague) was a blanket term coined by critics for a group of French filmmakers of the late 1950s and 1960s, influenced by Italian Neorealism and classical Hollywood cinema. Although never a formally organized movement, the New Wave filmmakers were linked by their self-conscious rejection of classical cinematic form and their spirit of youthful iconoclasm. "New Wave" is an example of European art cinema. Many also engaged in their work with the social and political upheavals of the era, making their radical experiments with editing, visual style and narrative part of a general break with the conservative paradigm. Using portable equipment and requiring little or no set up time, the New Wave way of filmmaking presented a documentary type style. The films exhibited direct sounds on film stock that required less light. Filming techniques included fragmented, discontinuous editing, and long takes. The combination of objective realism...
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...ISSN: 1818-9687 5. Revisiting the debate on the Africanisation of higher education: An appeal for a conceptual shift TEBELLO LETSEKHA 44. 19. Improving schools: The importance of culture JACKY LUMBY Mentorship challenges in the teaching practice of distance learning students 54. 71. A managerial perspective of the role of secondary school learners in the development and implementation of a code of conduct Adolescents' gender stereotypes, differences and other aspects of behaviour in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa C.F. STEINMANN TUNTUFYE MWAMWENDA VOLUME 8 / 2013 29. ELIZE DU PLESSIS Practitioners’ Corner Good policy, bad results: An investigation into the implementation of a plagiarism policy in a faculty at a South African university ESRINA MAGAISA THE INDEPENDENT Formerly The Journal of Independent Teaching and Learning The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning is a peer-reviewed journal, which focuses on making a difference to educators at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. It publishes original contributions of interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of education. The following types of contribution will be considered for publication: • research-based empirical, reflective or synoptic articles that would be of interest to the educational practitioner • review articles that critically examine research carried...
Words: 32538 - Pages: 131
...A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) m START m CHAPTER 7 m CONTENTS m CHAPTER 8 m LIST OF FIGURES m CHAPTER 9 m PREFACE m CHAPTER 10 m CHAPTER 1 m CHAPTER 11 m CHAPTER 2 m CHAPTER 12 m CHAPTER 3 m APPENDICES m CHAPTER 4 m GLOSSARY m CHAPTER 5 m INDEX m CHAPTER 6 EXIT A Guide to the Project A Guide to the Management A Guide to the Project Body of Project Management Knowledge Management Body of (PMBOK Guide) Body of KnowledgeE KnowledgeE L L ® P MP AM SA S 2000 Edition Project Management Institute Newtown Square, Pennsylvania USA ❍ NAVIGATION LINKS ❍ ACROYMNS ❍ ACRONYMS LIST LIST ❍ ACROYMNS LIST Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide).--2000 ed. p. cm. Includes biobliographical references and index. ISBN 1-880410-22-2 (alk. paper)--ISBN 1-880410-23-0 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Industrial project management. I. Title: PMBOK® guide. II. Project Management Institute. HD69.P75 G845 2001 658.4’04—dc21 00-051727 CIP A Guide to the A Guide to the Project Project Management Management Body of Body of KnowledgeE L KnowledgeE PL ISBN: 1-880410-23-0 (paperback) ISBN: 1-880410-22-2 (hardcover) ISBN: 1-880410-25-7 (CD-ROM) MP AM SA S Published by: Project Management Institute, Inc...
Words: 88066 - Pages: 353
...Employment News 11 - 17 February 2012 www.employmentnews.gov.in 21 Union Public Service Commission EXAMINATION NOTICE NO. 04/2012-CSP DATED 11.02.2012 (LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS : 05.03.2012) CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION, 2012 (Commission's website - http://www.upsc.gov.in) F. No. 1/4/2011-E.I(B) : Preliminary Examination of the Civil Services Examination for recruitment to the Services and Posts mentioned below will be held by the Union Public Service Commission on 20th May, 2012 in accordance with the Rules published by the Department of Personnel & Training in the Gazette of India Extraordinary dated 4th February, 2012. (i) Indian Administrative Service. (ii) Indian Foreign Service. (iii) Indian Police Service. (iv) Indian P & T Accounts & Finance Service, Group ‘A’. (v) Indian Audit and Accounts Service, Group ‘A’. (vi) Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Central Excise), Group ‘A’. (vii) Indian Defence Accounts Service, Group ‘A’. (viii) Indian Revenue Service (I.T.), Group ‘A’. (ix) Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Group ‘A’ (Assistant Works Manager, Administration). (x) Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’. (xi) Indian Civil Accounts Service, Group ‘A’. (xii) Indian Railway Traffic Service, Group ‘A’. (xiii) Indian Railway Accounts Service, Group 'A'. (xiv) Indian Railway Personnel Service, Group ‘A’. (xv) Post of Assistant Security Commissioner in Railway Protection Force, Group ‘A’ (xvi) Indian Defence Estates Service, Group ‘A’. (xvii) Indian Information...
Words: 50586 - Pages: 203
...GMO MYTHS AND TRUTHS An evidence-based examination of the claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically modified crops Michael Antoniou Claire Robinson John Fagan June 2012 GMO Myths and Truths An evidence-based examination of the claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically modified crops Version 1.3 by Michael Antoniou Claire Robinson John Fagan © Earth Open Source www.earthopensource.org 2nd Floor 145–157, St John Street, London EC1V 4PY, United Kingdom Contact email: claire.robinson@earthopensource.org June 2012 Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in this paper, or otherwise published by EOS, are those of the authors and do not represent the official policy, position, or views of other organizations, universities, companies, or corporations that the authors may be affiliated with. GMO Myths and Truths 2 About the authors Michael Antoniou, PhD is reader in molecular genetics and head, Gene Expression and Therapy Group, King’s Cols: lege London School of Medicine, London, UK. He has 28 years’ experience in the use of genetic engineering technology investigating gene organisation and control, with over 40 peer reviewed publications of original work, and holds inventor status on a number of gene expression biotechnology patents. Dr Antoniou has a large network of collaborators in industry and academia who are making use of his discoveries in gene control mechanisms for the production of research, diagnostic and therapeutic products...
Words: 78055 - Pages: 313
...In memory of Amos Tversky Contents Introduction Part I. Two Systems 1. The Characters of the Story 2. Attention and Effort 3. The Lazy Controller 4. The Associative Machine 5. Cognitive Ease 6. Norms, Surprises, and Causes 7. A Machine for Jumping to Conclusions 8. How Judgments Happen 9. Answering an Easier Question Part II. Heuristics and Biases 10. The Law of Small Numbers 11. Anchors 12. The Science of Availability 13. Availability, Emotion, and Risk 14. Tom W’s Specialty 15. Linda: Less is More 16. Causes Trump Statistics 17. Regression to the Mean 18. Taming Intuitive Predictions Part III. Overconfidence 19. The Illusion of Understanding 20. The Illusion of Validity 21. Intuitions Vs. Formulas 22. Expert Intuition: When Can We Trust It? 23. The Outside View 24. The Engine of Capitalism Part IV. Choices 25. Bernoulli’s Errors 26. Prospect Theory 27. The Endowment Effect 28. Bad Events 29. The Fourfold Pattern 30. Rare Events 31. Risk Policies 32. Keeping Score 33. Reversals 34. Frames and Reality Part V. Two Selves 35. Two Selves 36. Life as a Story 37. Experienced Well-Being 38. Thinking About Life Conclusions Appendix Uncertainty A: Judgment Under Appendix B: Choices, Values, and Frames Acknowledgments Notes Index Introduction Every author, I suppose, has in mind a setting in which readers of his or her work could benefit from having read it. Mine is the proverbial office watercooler, where opinions are shared and gossip is exchanged. I...
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...Colorado at Boulder Aamodt, M. G., & Kimbrough, W. W. (1982). Effects of group heterogeneity on quality of task solutions. Psychological Review, 50, 171-174. Abbey, D. S. (1982). Conflict in unstructured groups: An explanation from control-theory. Psychological Reports, 51, 177-178. Abele, A. E. (2003). The dynamics of masculine-agentic and feminine-communal traits: Findings from a prospective study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 768-776. Abele, A., Gendolla, G. H. E., & Petzold, P. (1998). Positive mood and in-group—out-group differentiation in a minimal group setting. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 1343-1357. Aberson, C. L., Healy, M., & Romero, V. (2000). Ingroup bias and self-esteem: A meta-analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 4, 157-173. Abougendia, M., Joyce, A. S., Piper, W. E., & Ogrodniczuk, J. S. (2004). Alliance as a mediator of expectancy effects in short-term group psychotherapy. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 8, 3-12. Abraham, A. (1973a). Group tensions as measured by configurations of different self and transself aspects. Group Process, 5, 71-89. Abraham, A. (1973b). A model for exploring intra and interindividual processes in groups. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 23, 3-22. Abraham, A. (1974-1975). Processes in groups. Bulletin de Psychogie, 28, 746-758. Abraham, A., Geffroy, Y., & Ancelin-Schutzenberger, A. (1980). A method for analyzing group interaction: Development...
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...AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT COINTEGRATION BETWEEN MORTGAGE RATES AND HOUSING PRICES: CASE OF THE UNITED STATES by MOHAMAD SAMIR HAMMOUD A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Financial Economics to the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the American University of Beirut Beirut, Lebanon March 2009 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT COINTEGRATION BETWEEN MORTGAGE RATES AND HOUSING PRICES: CASE OF THE UNITED STATES by MOHAMAD SAMIR HAMMOUD Approved by: ______________________________________________________________________ Dr. Simon Neaime, Professor Economics First Reader ______________________________________________________________________ Dr. Marcus Marktanner, Assistant Professor Economics Second Reader Date of project presentation: March 4, 2009 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT PROJECT RELEASE FORM I, Mohamad Samir Hammoud authorize the American University of Beirut to supply copies of my project to libraries or individuals upon request. do not authorize the American University of Beirut to supply copies of my project to libraries or individuals for a period of two years starting with the date of the project defense. ____________________ Signature ____________________ Date ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Professor Simon Neaime who directly and indirectly promoted my productivity by making me experience interesting challenges...
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