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Civil Disobedience Examples

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Civil Disobedience is a tradition carried on by those willing to accept the consequences. Muhammad Ali is one example, he firmly stood up and opposed joining the military draft. That soon caused him to be stripped of his boxing title and was sentenced to five years in prison, but was appealed and avoided his prison sentence. Another example is Henry David Thoreau, who spent a night in jail for not paying his taxes, in protest of the Mexican American War. The influence of Henry Thoreau's writing has been read by civil rights leaders in the United States and around the world over the years. He believes when the government is doing wrong that the people should refuse to follow the law, like he did due to the practice of slavery in some territories. And the only purpose of the government was to ensure individual freedom and not misuse …show more content…
which caused this case to go all the way to the Supreme Court, they soon came to a decision to prohibit bus segregation. This boycott also caused the city to be deprived of thousands of dollars in bus fares. On November 5, 1872, Susan B. Anthony voted in the presidential election even though women were not allowed to vote at the time. Two weeks later, she was arrested and was found guilty of illegal voting the following year. More examples of civil disobedience in our American history is the Boston Tea Party, 1970 student strike, and LGBT movement. This shows how unjust the government is for people to refuse following laws the government creates. There are many instances in American history where people demonstrate civil disobedience, all have been looked upon and kept going. Although civil disobedience has been going on for centuries nothing has changed, even though most people will disagree with my opinion. This is why we need majority rule, so every American can be pleased with the government and won't have a need to go against the law created by people who don't see what citizens really

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