...Civil Rights Diary HIS/145 2/21/14 Roger Daene Civil Rights Diary There is so much to know about African Americans, who were in the civil rights movement, in the 1960s. These African Americans risk so much just do what they believed in. James Meredith was one of those people who stood his ground and made a difference in the world. It was an opportunity that not so many people have taken because of the fear of what could have happened. The civil rights movement changed American lives today, so that we as African Americans had the chance to experience what these powerful men did not. I remember when James Meredith enrolled to our school at the University of Mississippi. I was amazed he went to those lengths to get into this school with all whites. He did not care about what he was getting himself into by going to an all-white school. I can only imagine what he went through when trying to get accepted and I am here to tell you all about it because I do not know if I would’ve been strong enough to go through the discrimination, court cases, and worse. I can say that I commend him for becoming the first black student to attend University of Mississippi. I remember hearing about a black student applying to attend our school, then finding out that he was denied admission. This only made him want to come more, so he took it court. James legal defense fund of the NAACP headed an eighteen month court battle which he won, but it opposed twice by Governor Ross Barnett. The governor...
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...Civil Rights Moments Diary Antonette Brown HIS/145 March 21st,2012 Amy Champ February 21, 1965 Dear Diary, This afternoon I went to the Audubon Ballroom to hear the great Malcolm X speak. When I got to the ballroom things was different there was protesters or police. Any other time Malcolm X meeting in the heart of Harlem had police everywhere. As usual I was with my boyfriend who followed every step of Malcolm, he believed that things needed to change and Malcolm stood for that and he’s what this country needed. Hand and hand we walk into the meeting room, and again I didn’t see any more police. We went to take our seats next a woman and her son who I think was no older than 7. As I sat down I glanced over to where I normally sat and saw a big black man with a navy blue trench coat. I took my focus off the man when the crowd became quiet and listened to Benjamin X introduce Malcolm X. When Malcolm walked up to the microphone he gave the normal Muslim greeting for peace. Right at that moment two black Muslims who I’ve seen before were standing about halfway back in the room to the right of the stage where Malcolm was standing. Get your hands out of your pocket! One of the me yelled. Malcolm and others was trying to get everyone to calm down specially the women and children who start crying. The little boy who was sitting next to me with his mother had his head buried in his mother’s dress. Sunny (boyfriend)...
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...Civil Rights Diary Name HIS/145 May 31, 2015 Dr. Timothy Civil Rights Diary Today was a day to change everything as we all know it. I am sure we will still be talking about this day in 20 years. I heard about what could have gone on, but I did not believe it was going to be as bad it what I saw. I would not believe it, if I was not there to see it for myself. I was going to register for my classes to begin the fall semester. There was a negro scheduled to enroll into my school, University of Mississippi. I knew it was coming as word spread around the campus about how Governor Ross Barnett was coming to the front doors to stop him from enrolling into our school. Governor Barnett already gave a speech about it on September 13th, 1962 and how he would not allow this to happen "The Riot At Ole' Miss" (2015), "“I speak to you now in the moment of our greatest crisis since the War Between the States,” Barnett declared. ”We must either submit to the unlawful dictates of the federal government or stand up like men and tell them, never! I submit to you tonight, no school will be integrated in Mississippi while I am your governor!”. President Kennedy ordered 500 federal marshals to University of Mississippi because of what Governor Ross Barnett had said. I guess President Kennedy does not agree with Governor Barnett’s views. James Meredith, the negro, met all the registration requirements for the school, which is only white students, but was refused admission from the school...
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...three marches in 1965 that marked the political and emotional peak of the American civil rights movement. They grew out of the voting rights movement in Selma, Alabama, launched by local African-Americans who formed the Dallas County Voters League (DCVL). In 1963, the DCVL and organizers from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) began voter-registration work. When white resistance to Black voter registration proved intractable, the DCVL requested the assistance of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, who brought many prominent civil rights and civic leaders to support voting rights. Planning the First March With civil rights activity blocked by Judge Hare's injunction, the DCVL requested the assistance of King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Three of SCLC's main organizers— Director of Direct Action and Nonviolent Education James Bevel, Diane Nash, and James Orange— had been working on Bevel's Alabama Voting Rights Project since late 1963, a project which King and the executive board of SCLC had not joined. When SCLC officially accepted Amelia Boynton's invitation to bring their organization to Selma, Bevel, Nash, Orange and others in SCLC began working in Selma in December 1964. They also worked in the surrounding counties along with the SNCC staff that had been active there since early 1963. The Selma Voting Rights Movement officially started on January 2, 1965, when King addressed a mass meeting...
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...Those of us who've been invited to participate in the first reunion on the fortieth anniversary of the Freedom Rides have been asked to write down our memories of the summer of 1961, as one part of an oral history project. Mine won't be typical, but that's alright. None of them will be, for we were a remarkably diverse group, the 300 or so of us who were arrested in Jackson in May-June of that year, convicted of "disturbing the peace", detained at the Hinds County Jail, and transported upstate to the maximum security facility at Parchman State Penitentiary to serve our six month sentences. South Carolina My road to Jackson probably began in December, 1960. Benjy Rosen, my roommate at Middlebury College in Vermont, had agreed to join me on a non-stop run to Florida for the first week of Christmas break. With the savings from a job on an oil rig the previous summer and a great deal of help from my Dad, who was a corporate executive in New York, I'd bought a new Morgan+4, a British racing car. We thought it'd be cool to use it as an airplane - straight to Florida from Vermont in 30 hours, a week in the sun, and back home to New York for Christmas. We got lost, of course, and found ourselves at a small filling station, surrounded by fields, on a back road in South Carolina. It was a two person operation - an older white man in overalls was the owner and watched us from the doorway of the station, and a young black man almost our age pumped the gas. Groggy from the overnight...
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...Civil Rights Diary: Assassination of Malcolm X Karina Yanez HIS/145 June 18, 2013 Professor Lisa Antaki Civil Rights Diary: Assassination of Malcolm X Malcolm X also known as Malcolm Little. Malcolm X was killed on February 22, 1965 while he was at Audubon Ballroom fixing to give his speech. While he was fixing to give his speech there were two men that started to argue and was interrupting him. As he heard the two men arguing he said “Now, now brothers break it up. Be cool, be calm.” When everyone heard that situation three men started walking towards Malcolm and started shooting. Malcolm was shot several times and while they shot him he fell back over the chairs that he was standing in front of. Everyone just ducked down and covered their selves in some kind of way for protection while the shooters tried taking off running. As they tried running away, there were some of Malcolm’s guys that were beating the two men up as the police tried to rush in and capture them. As the police were trying to get the men, a lady discovered that Malcolm was still breathing, so they immediately took him to the hospital so they can save him. It didn’t work. Nobody really knew why the three men (Talmadge Hayer, Norman 3x Bulter, and Thomas 15x Johnson) killed Malcolm X. Still till this day they tried and figured it out but nothing. To me I feel like it had to be because he was once part of the Nation of Islam and wanted to get out because of what he was preaching...
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...Civil Right Diary 3/10/2014 HIS145 It was September 30, 1962. I was casually strolling through the memorial union on my way to my next class. I recall hearing apparent rumors that a black man was attempting to enroll at the university. I had heard that he got turned down to be a student after they had found out that he was black. At first I did not want to believe it. Although, I was late for class, I wanted to see it for myself. I had made it to where all the noise was at. To my dismay, my eyes did not lie. It felt unreal. At first it was U.S Marshalls. There were hundreds of them, fighting with what seemed like thousands of angry whites. They had guns and other weapons. I could hear other students screaming his name, along with racial slurs and expletives that gave me a hair-raising experience. Even a lot of my friends were out there. They were spitting and trying to grab on to anything that they could use. I think they were looking for weapons. I looked at the doors of my school, and it was barricaded so this black man could not get in. I knew tonight was going to be bad, but I didn’t realize exactly what was going to happen. Smoke was all around the campus. It felt battle ground more than anything. When I looked around I saw cars burning out of control, even with it being hard to see with all the smoke and gases. Minutes prior I was walking about the campus and felt like I was inexplicably transported to the frontlines of Normandy. Troops were everywhere! A barrage...
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...Women of the Civil Rights Movement: The role of women in the Civil Rights Movement In The American Journal of Legal History, Bernie D. Jones reviews the work of Legacies of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Grofman (2000), and describes the ends to the means. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act indisputably were effectual for altering the framework of the questionable American life, for the most part in the southern states. As a consequence, both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were accountable for the stoppage of vast opposition to the civil rights movement and the fitting fusion into the American Society by African Americans. By way of the Acts, public facilities that avidly participated in segregation became outlawed. Throughout the nation, as a result of the enforcement of the Acts, the former, not so easily attainable education opportunities and employment prospects that consistently had been refused, now, awarded African Americans impressively large supporting political control. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 pioneered immeasurably. Women were given distinctive safeguarding subject to employment discrimination law. Emphatically, invigorating the women’s movement, consequently, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 served movements of other ethnic civil rights. (p. xvi) VOICE OF OMISSION No other group in America has so had their identity socialized out of existence as have black women. We are rarely...
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...applied as correctly it was intended to, reasonable and just. Every law has its purpose, and there are many laws for every situation. This also applies to business. There are many laws addressed for the business environment and for every situation in it. The purpose of this laws in business, are intended to ensure that all business related issues and situations are running properly, without affecting their businesses and customers, and/or any consequences in between. In the case of companies, laws are addressed for them to comply correctly and properly with the function and purpose of their business, employees and customers. There are also in the business environment, the labor area, laws that are intended to protect the employees and their right as workers. And there are also many laws addressed to protect and ensure the best interest for the customers. But in business and more importantly addressed to companies, there are laws that prevents them to dominated markets too aggressively and/or completely, or controlling it at all. These laws are mostly as monopoly’s laws, which are addressed directly to prevent any monopoly action or state from any company. These normally are intended for bigger or larger companies, that are seen to be growing in and aggressive way or that their action on the market are seen as an apparently monopoly action, for example, when a company buy, acquires or merge with another company, giving a significance growth and dominance over the market. These action...
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... There are times when employees must take time off such as for the birth of a newborn, care of a newborn, adoption of a child etc,. Under The Family Medical Leave Act the employer is required to give an employee their exact job or a similar job as they had prior to leave. The pay and benefits are also required to be the same. Age discrimination is when an applicant or employee is treated differently because of their age. The Age Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination against persons over the age of forty and restricts mandatory retirement requirements, except where age is a bona fide occupational qualification. (Mathis, 2008) This law prohibits discrimination in any facet of employment, such as hiring, firing and pay. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. (Mathis, 2008) The purpose of this act is to require employers to consider only job-related criteria when making employment...
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...T.V.E.E History 222 Short Paper John Moss Professor Gunshore History 222 African American History Since 1877 January 21, 2012 Topic: Women in the Civil Right Movement Women played a significance role in the Civil Rights Movement Viewpoint: Women played a major role in the Civil Rights Movement Evidence: “?[Women in the Civil Rights Movement] helps break the gender line that restricted women in civil rights history to background and backstage roles, and places them in front, behind, and in the middle of the Southern movement that re-made America. . . . It is an invaluable resource which helps set history straight.” —1 Four of the six women were born in nineteenth century but five of them died in this century: Wells-Barnett in 1931; Terrell in 1954; Bethune in 1955; Roosevelt in 1962; Baker in 1986; Parks is still alive. There are also some common threads that weave their way through each of these women’s lives. They all valued education, not just formal schooling but a love of learning making them truly life long learners. Each woman kept her mind open to new possibilities and each cared deeply about people 2 In 1963, for example, Betty Friedan, founder of the National Organization for Women, published The Feminine Mystique, which exposed the strict and confining gender roles instilled in U.S. society in the 1950s and 1960s -- and, arguably, today 3 Ida Wells-Barnett was one of two black women to sign the call for the formation of the National Association for...
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...from banishment from local parks, street, and alleys. They have even been fined and jailed under these various types of banishments ordinances. Have their constitutional rights been violated? City ordinances are being created to run the homeless individuals out of the city limits, and to move the problem to other cities or jurisdictions. The complaints are being forged by citizens, merchants, and law enforcement agencies that deal directly with the homeless. Cities like Palo Alto, and Seattle have passed sit-and-lie ordinances. In addition, they have also passed statutes prohibiting soliciting, panhandling, consumption of alcohol in public places. These statutes are directly intended for the homeless, and city officials continue to target the homeless. The homeless do not have the funds to pay for fines imposed by local courts; this type of practice only reconfirms those cities continually trying to make it difficult for the homeless. The ordinance opponents are from the civil rights groups, church groups, and the homeless that have continuingly oppose new ordnances for the sake of bettering city images and business sales. Since the sit-and-lie ordinances have been upheld in federal court in 1994, city councils around the country have passed similar controversial ordinances. The American Civil Liberties Union appealed to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and lost on a 2 to 1 decision in 1996. Although, Judge Harry Pregerson feels that the ordinance was unconstitutional...
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...Based on some inquiries and research, I have found that Mr. Smith’s reasoning to support his claim against our company under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and constructive discharge was directly related to our company’s implementation of the work schedule policy. Mr. Smith claims that the constructive discharge is a legal ground for him since this new policy made work intolerable and has directly impacted his decision to resign. He affirmed that he indeed has a case and that his legal right under the constructive discharge is justifiable and relevant. Mr. Smith argued that when he checked the calendar for the four days on and four days off, he found that he will be forced to work at least two of these holy days per month when his work schedule was Monday thru Friday previously. He also stated that the new work schedule also demands a 12 hour day impacts him and again, directly influenced his decision to quit. Mr. Smith alleges that his religious rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were violated when he was forced to work on holy days and this is a religious observance that is protected under the Act. He feels that he has grounds by proving that this changed was motivated by greed on the company’s part and not by necessity. Mr. Smith felt confident that he can prove that there is no undue hardship that has effected this change by the employer, yet there will be undue hardship for the employees that value their religious...
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...MEMO To: CEO From: Date: Re: Constructive Discharge case Message: With respect to the case filed by a former employee against the company under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, constructive discharge, I would like to draw your attention towards the legalities of constructive discharge. Constructive discharge occurs when employees resign because their employer's behavior has become so intolerable or heinous or made life so difficult that the employee has no choice but to resign (Constructive dismissal). Since the employee is required to work on his religious holiday so it can be considered as a case of constructive discharge. It is unlawful if an employer discriminates against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964). Here, the employee can raise issue based on discrimination based on religion. As a way to avoid constructive discharge case, we can introduce flexibility in the working days, the employees may be having certain reservations in working on a particular day, the same can be asked beforehand before finalizing the days for the employees. Also, flexibility in terms of shift can be provided to the employees. Secondly we need to sensitize the issue to the employees of our company that the decision has been taken to increase the productivity of the company and will help us...
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...under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, constructive discharge, on the charges that the company requires its workers to work on religious holidays. The reason for this charge is the introduction of 12-hour shifts with four days at work. These four days can start any day of the week. This rotating shift is the reason for the case against the company (Sullivan, & Craig. C, 2008). Constructive discharge is a legal term which means that employees resign because their employer's behavior has become so monstrous or made the life so difficult for the employees that they may consider themselves to be fired. The employee must prove that behavior of the employer was unlawful or a breach of contract. The fact that the employee left after the new policy came into force and that according to the employee it infringed on his religious rights is the basis of his claims for constructive discharge. According to the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers are prohibited from discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Under this law denying a reasonable accommodation of an employee's sincerely held religious beliefs or practices, if an accommodation will not impose more than a diminished cost or burden on business operation is discrimination. So, imposition of compulsory 12-hour shifts requiring work on any day of the week has been construed to be religious discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964(Perritt...
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