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Civil Rights Vs Civil Liberties

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To know the difference between Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, you must first know what they mean. In the video,, “Civil Rights are an wide-ranging set of rights that were created to protect individuals from unfair treatment from discrimination and to give equal treatment when it comes to education, employment, housing, public accommodations, and much more.” It guarantees equal citizenship in all facets of society regardless of race, gender, sex, disability, and etc. Those citizens are protected from discrimination from the majority. Civil Liberties involve personal basic rights and freedoms that are protected from interference from the government. Civil liberties are rights and freedoms …show more content…
They are usually executed during the holidays where people can tend to over enjoy themselves on wine and alcohol. We really do not think much about these checkpoints, unless we happen to be the person pulled over for driving under the influence, but where does DUI checkpoints fit in with the Fourth Amendment? DUI checkpoints are legal under the law and do not require a warrant because there is no individualized suspicion, every single vehicle is being stopped. In the article on, “Michigan Dept. 7 of State Police v. Sitz, a majority of the Supreme Court Justices determined that the needs of the state to prevent drunk-driving accidents outweighed the minimal intrusion on sober drivers who just happen to get caught up in the DUI dragnet. Thus, the Justices argued, DUI checkpoints did not constitute an unreasonable search and seizure.” Along with protecting individual’s privacy, we must look to see if we are also protecting individuals from being …show more content…
It is well documented that minorities (Black, Mexican, Muslim, etc.) are more likely to be stopped and frisked on the streets and on the highways. Police officers perceive young minorities, especially, black boys as violent and older than they actually are. In the article, Smith, Amanda L. 8 and Susan E. Mason. 9 "The Age of Racial Profiling in the Context of Terrorism." Modern Psychological Studies, vol. 21, no. 9 2, Spring2016, “Racial profiling refers to the law enforcement practice of using only race or ethnicity as probable cause to search or arrest an individual. The public has found racial profiling to be unjustified in the context of common crime, but tends to support the practice in the context of terrorism.” Law enforcement started using the highly controversial method of racial profiling with race or ethnicity as the primary factor for stop and frisk decisions when the war on drugs was implemented by President Ronald Reagan in the 90’s. The communities where drugs were rampant, at that time, happened to be where mostly minorities lived, so a profile, which was given to officers and the public to find a subject, consisted of a physical description of the suspect, behavioral classification and social or criminal ties was replaced with racial or ethnic

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