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Ending High School: Personal Narrative Analysis

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Ending High School, I had no plan and no motivation to continue my education. Except when it came to what I was passionate about, art and technology. My high school was limited in these classes, so I did not have much exposure to either before going to college. I took a year off from schooling because of doubts in the career that I had been thinking of pursuing. During that time I looked into many universities, colleges, courses, and majors while I worked to support myself. I stayed clear of the seemingly conventional colleges with basic majors. I looked into technology-driven schools, those that were regularly hands-on. When first explaining to friends and family my list of possible majors, they questioned if some of them would even result in a degree.
I continued to fight myself on a choice: to go for my passion, or to go for a more conventional degree. Eventually, …show more content…
Having achieved that, I realized that my lack of prior experience was not a limit to my chance of success. From then on, I gave each project my all. But it was not just about getting good grades, in fact, I often faced difficulties and technological frustrations with lost files or programs crashing. Sometimes I would lose hours worth of work, and at first, that would bother me. Over time though, I found that I would get better at the things that I had to repeat, and so I started looking at failure as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. The skills that I learned at NEIT prepared me for the realities of my industry.
During my last quarter in the associate's degree, I was hired by NEIT to work in the admissions department as an assistant. I got the pleasure to make the packets every new student gets during their first visit. With this opportunity, I was able to cut down on my commute and focus on my work even more so. I basically lived at NEIT before there were even dorms - some days I would be at the school from

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