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Treating Atherosclerosis Essay

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Atherosclerosis is a disease where the arteries of the body can become blocked or hardened by Atheroma or plaques (fatty substances) that form inside the artery. These plaques reduce blood flow. Due to the blood flow being restricted, damage can occur to the vessels as blood pressure is increased to force blood into these narrowed arteries and also due to the insufficient amounts of blood reaching certain parts of the body which lack in oxygen. A blood clot can be formed when a plaque is ruptured, and if a blood clot forms in a blood vessel leading to the brain or heart, this could cause a patient to have a stroke or heart attack. {1}
Having atherosclerosis means that there is a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. These diseases affect the flow of blood. Heart attacks and strokes are an effect of cardiovascular disease {1}. The main focus of this report is to explore the idea of whether ACE should be the main treatment for atherosclerosis and what other treatments are available which could prove to be more effective.
Treating Atherosclerosis …show more content…
In my personal opinion, I think angioplasty is the best treatment for atherosclerosis, as it has a high success rate and works on a majority of people. {2} Angioplasty also uses stents which can be used in emergencies and is a good way of widening the blood vessels which can help reduce blood pressure as blood can easily pass through then. It also safe and effective and doesn’t require as much alteration to the body as CABG does. Angioplasty doesn’t require as much time for recovery as not much damage is done in comparison to CABG. CABG is still an excellent alternative to situations where angioplasty isn’t suitable. Also ACE inhibitors only lower hypertension and don’t cure the actual effects atherosclerosis but reduce risks of heart

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