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Contextual Project Work

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The Contextual Project Work is the Real-life Project .It is a practical activity during which a student applies the concept to the current context of his personal life, social life or to the current job he/she is doing. The Contextual project work enables a student to learn by connecting to the Real world. This Contextual Project work learning demonstrates the activities in the real life to which the students can relate to the incorporating not only content, the what, of learning but the reasons why that learning is important. Contextual learning, then, engages students in meaningful, interactive, and collaborative activities that support them in becoming self-regulated learners. The over-all purpose is to nurture and encourage in them high level of self-motivation and autonomy, building on academic skills developed by the students. This activity can be undertaken by individual students or in small groups for the purpose of encouraging cooperation and team cohesion. It is always desirable to have such project undertaken in small groups …show more content…
In line with this understanding, Dr. Susila of the Texila American University gave us a clear and concise orientation into some relevant land marks in the history of Public and Community health. Public Health nursing, as recorded in Module one, is summarily as old as the ancient. Public health refers to all organized measures (whether public or private) to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong life among the population as a whole. Public health nursing is the practice of promoting and protecting the health of populations using the knowledge from nursing, social, and public health sciences.
The global history of public health nursing also recorded the relevance of the ancient people who possessed knowledge of personal hygiene, community responsibility and medicine as at

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