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Civil War Slavery Causes

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Slavery was one of the biggest causes of the Civil War. The moral, economic, and political differences between the North and South were significant. The Confederate or Southern economy heavily relied on slave labor to sustain plantations, particularly the production of cash crops. John C. Calhoun articulated the Southern view asserting the necessity of slave labor for the growth of the Southern economy, and the constitutional rights of slaveholders themselves. However, opposing Northerners such as William H. Seward condemned slavery as a moral evil of slavery and that it was not in line with the liberty and democracy that America was founded on. States’ rights versus federal authority was another deeply divisive issue in the 1850s. This issue …show more content…
The North, which by then had significantly embraced urbanization and industrialization, had a more diversified economy. This is in contrast to the South where it remained more agricultural, reliant on slave labour and farming. This economic difference led to competing interests in Congress between the two regions. The 1860 election which resulted in Abraham Lincoln winning the election, was fearful to the South as Lincoln was representing northern values and industrial interests. His win can be seen as the main start for southern secession, due to the party itself opposing the expansion of slavery into new territories. This signaled to the South that the influence of slavery was not an important issue and their influence within the Union was shrinking. Southern states eventually chose to withdraw from the union rather than stay and accept Abraham Lincoln as their president. The Civil War was not started by one person, but rather something that would have happened inevitably, the social and economic differences and beliefs between the North and South were too great and a war or significant disagreement would have happened

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