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Classification of Ratios


Submitted By laurence42
Words 1242
Pages 5
Classification of ratios

Activity Ratios

Activity ratios investigate the ways in which various resources of the business are managed.:

1. Inventory (stock) turnover period measures the average length of time items are held in inventory (stock) before being sold.
Means : The average time in days stock is being kept for.
Whats Hot : The shorter time, the better.

Inventory turnover period = Inventories x 365 Cost of sales

2. Settlement period for trade receivables (debtors) measures how long on average customers take to pay the amounts they owe. Companies will usually try to minimise the amount tied up in trade.
Means : How quickly an average debtor takes to pay. Shown in days.
Whats Hot : The quicker the better. Means money comes in quicker.

Settlement period for trade receivables = Trade receivables x 365 Revenue (=Sales)

3. Settlement period for trade payables (creditors) measures how long on average the company takes to pay those who have supplied goods and services. As trade creditors provide a free source of finance for the business, some businesses try to maximise their settlement period for trade creditors.
Means : How long, on average, it takes a business to pay its trade creditors in days.
Whats Hot : Maximum time allowed. After that it looks bad to suppliers

Settlement period for trade payables = Trade payables x 365 Purchases

4. Revenue (= Sales) to capital employed examines how effectively the assets of the business are being used to generate revenue. Generally speaking, a higher asset turnover ratio is preferred to a lower one, though a very high ratio may suggest that the company has insufficient assets to sustain its level of business.
Means : How effectively the assets of the business are being employed in generating sales
Whats Hot : High, but

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