...visit www.tutorialrank.com EED 435 Week 1 Co-Planning Arts Integration Scenario EED 435 Week 1 Arts Standards Scavenger Hunt EED 435 Week 2 Co-Planning Arts Integration Scenario Paper EED 435 Week 2 Visual Art Lesson Plan Template EED 435 Week 2 Visual Arts Integration Strategies Template EED 435 Week 3 Drama Lesson Plan Template EED 435 Week 4 Classroom Observation Reflection Paper EED 435 Week 4 Assignment Dance, Movement, and Music Integration Strategies Template EED 435 Week 5 Arts Personal Philosophy Paper EED 435 Week 5 Multicultural Unit EED 435 Week 5 Arts Integration Strategies Presentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EED 435 Week 1 Arts Standards Scavenger Hunt (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Arts Standards Scavenger Hunt located on your student website ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EED 435 Week 2 Co-Planning Arts Integration Scenario Paper (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper based on the scenario you chose from the Co-Planning Arts Integration Scenario in Week One. Include the following in your paper: A description of the development stage and critical thinking skills of the children in the scenario you chose An explanation of how the developmental stage and critical thinking skills...
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...ASHFORD ECE 353 Week 3 DQ 2 Memory Facilitation ASHFORD ECE 353 Week 3 Journal Connecting to Classroom Practices ASHFORD ECE 353 Week 4 DQ 1 Theories of Concept Representation ASHFORD ECE 353 Week 4 DQ 2 False Belief Tasks ASHFORD ECE 353 Week 5 DQ 1 Planning in Problem Solving ASHFORD ECE 353 Week 5 DQ 2 Learning in Context ASHFORD ECE 353 Week 5 Journal Course Reflection ASHFORD ECE 353 Week 5 Final Paper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASHFORD ECE 353 Week 1 The Piagetian Model For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com The Piagetian Model. There is little argument that while not perfect, Piaget’s theories have had a profound impact on the field of cognitive development. Provide an analysis of his model as well as the challenges to it. In a two- to three-page paper, please include the following components: § Define the four main stages of Piaget’s theory, along with their age ranges § Discuss the three crucial processes by which children move from one stage to another § Focusing on the first three stages, describe one significant limitation of children’s thinking in each § Review the findings of either Diamond or Gelman from your course text in regard to how they challenged an aspect of Piaget’s theory Please use at least two resources in addition to the course text. Your paper should be two to three pages, plus title and reference...
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...in EDUC 111 guides your beliefs about teaching, students, and learning. As future teachers, you have a responsibility to articulate your views in a professional manner. Using the following questions, describe in narrative, your beliefs about teaching, including which philosophy/theorist you support. Paper should be 2-3 pages in length (12” font, 1” margins, double-spaced) and submitted through Moodle. Include an introduction and conclusion. References, if used, should be in APA format. In a heading or cover page, state your NAME, SECTION #, and the group/program you are most interested in teaching (certification level, specialization). Discuss your views on education by responding to the following questions: 1. What characteristics do you, as an effective teacher, need to possess? Why? 2. What would be your role as the classroom teacher? What theory/philosophy is this based on? 3. How do students at this age (the age you want to teach) learn best? 4. What would be the purpose of assessment in your classroom? Be specific. 5. What would be the purpose of discipline in your classroom? Be specific. 6. What do you hope to accomplish as a classroom teacher? RUBRIC for Belief Statement TOTAL 10 points |CATEGORY |2 |1.5 |1 |.5 | |Quality of Information |Information clearly |Information clearly |Information clearly |Information...
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...Using Student Self-Reflections to Improve Student Study Habits in the Mathematics Classroom A Capstone Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching: Mathematics Nancy Daly Department of Mathematics and Computer Science College of Arts and Sciences Graduate School Minot State University Minot, North Dakota Summer 2011 ii This capstone project was submitted by Nancy Daly Graduate Committee: Dr. Laurie Geller, Chairperson Dr. Cheryl Nilsen Dr. Rebecca Anhorn Dean of Graduate School Dr. Linda Cresap Date of defense: Month day, year iii Abstract Type the abstract here. Do not indent. It should be one block paragraph. The abstract is a summary of your paper. iv Acknowledgements Type your acknowledgements here. Indent each paragraph 0.5 inch. You can thank whomever you choose. v Table of Contents Page Abstract .................................................................................................................. iii Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ iv List of Tables ....................................................................................................... viii List of Figures ........................................................................................................ ix Chapter One: Introduction ................................................................
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...that could be asked in a professional environment will be developed. From there this paper will analyse the questions that will be asked as a professional. Through appropriate literature, the impacts of bias and strategies of how to overcome or avoid biases will be discussed. Additionally, ways in which the strategies will be implemented will be covered. Furthermore, ways to measure the success of the strategies and interaction with clients, in this case, people within a school will be identified. Questions In relation to a personal bias of Caucasian preference, a question was formulated addressing that. The question is, as a teacher how can I look past the...
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...Parental Involvement in Classroom Management Reflection Paper Landon Hayes Grand Canyon University: EDU-536 June 5, 2012 Parental Involvement in Classroom Management Reflection Paper It is so important for parents to be actively engaged in their child’s education. The earlier those parents become involved in their child’s education the more powerful it will be in the long run. Communication is the key element for positive parental involvement especially with that child’s teacher. I was able to reflect on how important communication is with parents while writing a practice letter for this particular assignment. Writing the practice letter about a child’s disruptive behavior taught me a few things about being an effective communicator with parents. The first thing that it taught me was that the teacher should always be precise about the specific disruptive behavior that is taking place. The parents need to know the specific behavior that their child is displaying in the classroom. The parents and the teacher can then work together with one another to help reduce the disruptive behavior. The next thing that this letter to the parents taught me was that even though you’re writing to tell the parents about a disruptive behavior, the teacher should also include positive things about the child. Parents don’t want to hear everything that is negative about their child so it is important for them to hear the good things that their child brings to the classroom. As a teacher, we...
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...ESE 697 Week 6 Final Paper To Buy This material Click below link http://www.uoptutors.com/ESE-697-ASH/ESE-697-Week-6-Final-Paper Throughout the course, you have been demonstrating your understanding of differentiation and lesson planning for children with mild and moderate disabilities through the design of lesson plans in various content areas. For the Final Project, you will demonstrate competency in planning instruction for students with mild and moderate disabilities by developing a lesson plan portfolio that you can use and share with other colleagues, for work interviews, or for personal use. Your Lesson Plan Portfolio will consist of the five complete, original lesson plans that you designed throughout this course. Each week, you received feedback from your instructor, and possibly from your peers, to continuously improve your differentiated lesson plans. Below there is a description of each part of the portfolio that you will submit this week as your Final Project. Part 1: Introduction to your portfolio Provide a brief introductory paragraph that explains the purpose of your portfolio and the competency you are demonstrating through your five lesson plans. Part 2: Lesson plan portfolio Use the feedback you received each week, along with what you have learned throughout the course, to revise each of the five lesson plans to ensure each component sufficiently addresses the required areas (below). Combine the lesson plans into one document to present your revised...
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...Laura Miccoli This paper presents the results of an investigation into the value of using drama in a Brazilian university classroom. Drawing on Di Pietro (1987) and Via (1976) on the advantages of using drama in language learning, from Mezirow (1990) and Schön (1991) on the importance of reflection for promoting meaningful learning, and from Donato and McCormick (1994) and Lukinsky (1990) on the e¤ectiveness of portfolios as a tool to promote reflection, the paper presents a case study of the use of drama in an oral skill class, describing the course structure and classroom procedures. It includes learners’ voices as taken from their portfolios, and evaluates results, presenting setbacks and possible solutions. Finally, it encourages the use of drama and portfolios for transformative and emancipatory learning. Introduction As teachers we are always looking for ways to improve our classes and motivate our students. Yet, teaching conditions may not be as ideal as we would like them to be. Sometimes we get too many students; often they have di¤erent proficiency levels; sometimes both problems arise in the same class. This was my situation: I had to teach a conversation class where the level of proficiency of the 37 students ranged from basic to advanced. Knowing that a traditional format would not work, the experiences of interactionists like Di Pietro (1987) and the actor/teacher Via (1976) helped me decide to bring drama and play production into my classroom. For students’ individual...
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... Form 1 for FS 5Documenting and Assessing Student Progress | | | Episode 1Documenting and Assessing Student Progress | | | Episode 2Assessment Tools in the Learning Environment | | | Episode 3Log Me | | | Episode 4Product Oriented Assessment | | | Episode 5Available Tests and Measurement | | | Episode 6Student Reflection | | | General Reflection | | | FORM 1 FOR FS 5 DOCUMENTING AND ASSESSING STUDENT PROGRESS (answered by my resource teacher) 1. List the procedures you follow to correct different types of student work (e.g. Daily papers, homework, test, projects, etc.) * According to my resource teacher, he corrects class’ homework orally/ on- the- spot to the class, however those essays, he is the one who checks it. And when it comes to checking of projects he prefers using rubrics for checking. 2. List the methods you use to record student progress (e.g. grade book, anecdotal records, progress charts, etc) * According to my resource teacher, he uses the traditional class records in recording the students’ progress. 3. List any time saving tips you have discovered for correcting papers or recording information. * For Mr. Arnaldo, he uses his leisure time checking, correcting and recording the class’ output. If he has a vacant time, he tries to make himself busy by checking or recording students’ progress so whenever he goes home there’s no more work task for him. 4. What is your school’s policy for grading...
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...________________ COURSE DESCRIPTION English 4W aims to expose students to the three major forms of literature (poetry, prose fiction, and drama) through the art of close reading, which literary scholars broadly define as the practice of scrutinizing a text carefully in order to discern complex patterns of meaning. It is impossible to spend sufficient time on the works we will be exploring within the bounds of class-time, so you will be required to spend time reading and writing on your own; this is a practice that will enable you to bring your personal experiences with these works to our discussions in class and participate in an engaged way as part of our community of learning. But our community of learning is broader than the classroom—it also includes the community organizations you will be partnering with for your service-learning. We will be investigating and interrogating a versatile metaphor—cultivation—and how it impacts the cultures and communities in which we live. “Cultivation” leaves its trace on culture both linguistically in the morphology of the word and symbolically by informing the figures we use to talk about the establishment, maintenance and the dissolution of a culture -- as when a character in Shakespeare’s play Richard II refers to England as a “sea-walled garden” that is corrupt and “full of weeds, her fairest flowers choked up,...
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...Course Syllabus INFT 101 Instructional Technology for Successful Online Learning Course Description Designed to equip students for success as they transition into the online classroom, this course offers strategic information tailored to ensure academic excellence in this unique learning environment; this information includes Liberty University’s foundations and beliefs, LUO’s resources for success, Blackboard navigation techniques, time management strategies, the adult learner’s responsibilities, methods for identifying and avoiding academic misconduct, scholarly research tactics, and approaches for selecting the appropriate courses towards completion of the preferred degree program. Rationale This required course provides an orientation to the online classroom, learning strategies, and technology skills required for success in online learning. This course offers students an opportunity to develop and strengthen the skills necessary for academic achievement within Liberty University’s online program. I. Prerequisites None II. Required Resource Purchases None III. Additional Materials for Learning A. Computer with basic audio/video equipment B. Internet access (broadband recommended) C. Microsoft Word (Microsoft Office is available at a special discount to Liberty University students.) IV. Measurable Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student...
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...WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY-SUPPORTED LEARNING? It is used to encourage students especially in facilitating student centered learning activities. It is more than technology enhance instruction. It recognizes that learning is supported in many different ways, even if there is no formal teaching involve. Students study and learn based on the way they are tested. The type of assessment anticipated appears to influence how and what they learn. therefore, the quickest way to change the way students learn is to change the way learning is assessed. In a technology-supported classroom, the student learns from and with the technology. Technology is seen as a source of information that the students learn from in the same way that the teacher are the source of information.. the students master facts from the concepts from technology and with the aid of technology. Reflection: It is said that traditional-paper-and pencil are not adequate to assess learning in a constructivist technology supported learning. In assessing student learning we only not depend on the skills they have(process-oriented performance based) but also for the output which is the (product-oriented performance based)...
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...UNIVERSITY OF THE EAST Recto, Manila NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM NARRATIVE REPORT BANDOY, Mary Aldzel B. September 19, 2015 Prof. MIRANDA, Perla F. STC 112 – 11M NARRATION OF NSTP CLASSROOM AND BARANGAY OUTREACH ACTIVITIES June 13 (NSTP classroom) The class was held in room EN 500 and was headed by professor Ma’am Perla F. Miranda. New faces, new friends, new environment. At first, I was hesitant to be in this class because I thought that I won’t feel the belongingness I yearn for in a group. But it turns out that I have enjoyed the company of my professor and some of my block mates. We were instructed to make ourselves known in front of the class and were tasked to memorize at least 20 names of our block mates. It was very exciting for me because I were able to know the names of these people in my class and they were able to know my name. It was a great day because I get to bond with some of them even if it’s just for a little time. June 20 (NSTP classroom) NSTP Core Values: Maka-Diyos, Makakalikasan, Makabayan, Makatao. These core values taught in STC 111 were reviewed and role played by us. The class was divided into four groups and each group was assigned to present their understandings on the assigned core value by role playing which was graded by the other group. We were third to present and impart our own ideas in front of the class about makabayan. Somehow the performance was not quite good enough for the other group so we were graded...
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...Technology and Assessment S C Assessing Effects of Technology on Learning: Limitations of Today’s Standardized Tests Michael Russell & Jennifer Higgins Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative Boston College 332 Campion Hall Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 www.intasc.org Assessing Effects of Technology on Learning: Limitations of Today’s Standardized Tests Michael Russell & Jennifer Higgins Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative Boston College Released August 2003 Michael K. Russell, Project Director/Boston College Copyright © 2003 Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative, Boston College Supported under the Field Initiated Study Grant Program, PR/Award Number R305T010065, as administered by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education. The findings and opinions expressed in this report do not reflect the positions or policies of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, or the U.S. Department of Education. Assessing Effects of Technology on Learning: Limitations of Today’s Standardized Tests Michael Russell & Jennifer Higgins Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative Boston College Over the past decade, students’ use of computers...
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...How do I . . . Write a Reflection? Why reflective writing? Reflection offers you the opportunity to consider how your personal experiences and observations shape your thinking and your acceptance of new ideas. Professors often ask students to write reading reflections. They do this to encourage you to explore your own ideas about a text, to express your opinion rather than summarise the opinions of others. Reflective writing can help you to improve your analytical skills because it requires you to express what you think, and more significantly, how and why you think that way. In addition, reflective analysis asks you to acknowledge that your thoughts are shaped by your assumptions and preconceived ideas; in doing so, you can appreciate the ideas of others, notice how their assumptions and preconceived ideas may have shaped their thoughts, and perhaps recognize how your ideas support or oppose what you read. Types of Reflection Experiential Reflection: Popular in professional programs, like business, nursing, forensics and education, reflection is an important part of making connections between theory and practice. When you are asked to reflect upon experience in a placement, you do not only describe your experience, but you evaluate it based on ideas from class. You can assess a theory or approach based on your observations and practice and evaluate your own knowledge and skills within your professional field. This opportunity to take the time to think ...
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