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Co-Occuring Disorders Case Study

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Individuals who have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness and struggle with substance abuse are characterized in a population that is difficult to assist. Substance abuse and mental illness is a prominent issue amongst homelessness individuals. According to United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (2013) approximately half of the individuals living on the streets, and 70 percent of Veterans undergoing homelessness, can be characterized with substance abuse condition. Many of the individuals also suffer with moderate to severe mental illnesses. Not only is substance abuse and mental health affecting adults, and Veterans but it is also affecting homeless adolescents.
Often when an individual is suffering with both substance abuse and mental illness, it is often called co-occuring disorder (COD). According to SAMHSA, co-occurring disorders may include two or more substance abuse disorders and mental disorders listed under DSM-IV (Co-Occuring Disorders, 2002). There is twelve steps in helping an individual overcome COD, however, with an individual suffering with COD and living on the streets, it often difficult for one to find and receive help. One dealing with substance abuse often struggles with finding a shelter that …show more content…
Housing First is grounded on the confidence that housing is an individuals need and right. This program gives individuals the choice on what kind of goals they would like to achieve. Individuals are not forced to receive any psychiatric treatment. However, one is offered treatment, guidance and 24-7 counselors to help him overcome substance abuse and deal with his mental illness. Individuals living in the Housing First program must be able to pay 30% in which they receive from SSI toward rent and meet with staff members at least twice a month (Tsemberis, Gulcur, & Nakae,

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