...Language Company Inc., 2012). Mandatory access control mechanisms are more than Discretionary Access Control (DAC) but have trade offs in performance and convenience to all users (The Open Web Application Security Project, 2002). Users can access lower level documentation, but they cannot access higher level without the process of declassification. Access is authorized or restricted based on the security characteristics of the HTTP client. This can be due to SSL bit length, version information, originating IP address or domain, etc. Systems supporting flexible security models can be SELinux, Trusted Solaris, TrustedBSD, etc. DAC checks the validity of the credentials given by the user. MAC validate aspects which are out of the hands of the user (Coar, 2000). If there is no DAC list on an object, full access is granted to any user (Microsoft, 2012). SELinux SELinux has three states of operation. These states are enforcing, permissive, and disabled. SELinux was developed by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and implements MAC in a Linux kernel (Sobell, 2011). Enforcing is the default state for Linux. This is enforcing the security policies. No programs or users are able to do anything not permitted by the security policies. System is somewhat degraded in performance in this state. Permissibe mode is the diagnostic state. SELinux sends warning messages to log file and does not enforce the security policy. This is useful for debugging and troubleshooting...
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...C8057 (Research Methods in Psychology): Writing Laboratory Reports Writing Lab Reports & APA Format Structure and Content of a Laboratory Report This following provides a brief overview of the structure and content of various elements in a laboratory report, based on APA guidelines. The APA publication manual can be referred to for more detail. The purpose of a lab report is to communicate research in a clear, systematic and standardised way. Primarily, a lab report should communicate the following things: → Why did I bother? Why did I do this experiment and why is it an interesting contribution to science? → How did I do it? How did I carry out this research (this should be detailed enough so that the experiment could be replicated precisely)? → What did I find? What were the results of your study? → So What? What do your findings mean in terms of your hypotheses and what theoretical contribution do they make? IMPORTANT! The advice that we give you in this handout is not inflexible, it is a guide! For example, when we say that the title should be fewer than 15 words, the world will not end if your title is 16 words. So, please use your common sense. In case you don’t have any, the snail of sense will appear to give you some advice. Format There are several sections to a lab report: → Title → Abstract → Introduction → Method o o o o o → Results → Discussion → References → Appendix (Optional) Title Your title should ideally be fewer than 15 words. A good title alerts the reader...
Words: 7238 - Pages: 29
...C8057 (Research Methods in Psychology): Writing Laboratory Reports Writing Lab Reports & APA Format Structure and Content of a Laboratory Report This following provides a brief overview of the structure and content of various elements in a laboratory report, based on APA guidelines. The APA publication manual can be referred to for more detail. The purpose of a lab report is to communicate research in a clear, systematic and standardised way. Primarily, a lab report should communicate the following things: → Why did I bother? Why did I do this experiment and why is it an interesting contribution to science? → How did I do it? How did I carry out this research (this should be detailed enough so that the experiment could be replicated precisely)? → What did I find? What were the results of your study? → So What? What do your findings mean in terms of your hypotheses and what theoretical contribution do they make? IMPORTANT! The advice that we give you in this handout is not inflexible, it is a guide! For example, when we say that the title should be fewer than 15 words, the world will not end if your title is 16 words. So, please use your common sense. In case you don’t have any, the snail of sense will appear to give you some advice. Format There are several sections to a lab report: → Title → Abstract → Introduction → Method o o o o o → Results → Discussion → References → Appendix (Optional) Title Your title should ideally be fewer than 15 words. A good title alerts the reader...
Words: 7238 - Pages: 29
...Ratio analysis meaning and its importance There are various analysing financial tools in an organization to analyse financial statement among them ratio analysis is also one. It is a very important tool which helps to analyse the monetary issues of the business in order to make proper financial decision within a specified period of time. Thus ratio analysis is a technique of financial analysis that determines trends and exposes strength and weakness of the firm with meaningful comparisons. Some of the importance of ratio analysis is as mentioned below * It helps in evaluating the firm performance * It helps in inter firm comparison * It simplifies financial statement * It helps in determining financial position of the concern * It is helpful in budgeting and forecasting * Operating efficiency of the business * It helps in investment decision making Types of ratio analysis There are various types of ratio analysis which are as mentioned below 1. Profitability ratio 2. Liquidity ratio 3. Efficiency ratio Here is the real published account of Liberty Medical Group from which I am going carryout the ratio analysis for year 2008 and 2007 Liberty Medical Group Balance Sheet - Two-Year Comparison Transaction | Year 2008 (£) | Year 2007 (£) | Cash and equivalents...
Words: 2983 - Pages: 12
...Conte nts Company Information Notice of Annual General Meeting Directors ’ Report Financial Highlights Statement of Compliance with the Code of Corporate Governance Review Report to the Members on Statement of Compliance with Best Practices of Code of Corporate Governance Nis hat (Chunian) Limited - Financial Statements Auditors’ Report Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Account Statement of Comprehensive Income Cash Flow Statement Statement of Changes in Equity Notes to the Financial Statements Pattern of Shareholding Cons olidated Financial Statements Directors’ Report Auditors’ Report Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Account Statement of Comprehensive Income Cash Flow Statement Statement of Changes in Equity Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements Proxy Form 66 67 68-69 70 71 72 73 74-111 113 23 24-25 26 27 28 29 30-62 63 4 5 6-16 17-19 20-21 22 JUNE 2013 3 Nishat (Chunian) Limited Company Information Bo a rd o f Dire c to rs : Mr. Shahzad Saleem Ms . Farhat Saleem Mr. Y ahya Saleem Mr. Manzoor Ahmed Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khan Mr. Mus htaq Ahmad (Res igned on July 16, 2013) Mr. Manzar Mus htaq (Res igned on July 16, 2013) Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khan Mr. Shahzad Saleem Mr. Manzar Mus htaq (Res igned on July 16, 2013) Mr. Mus htaq Ahmad (Res igned on July 16, 2013) Mr. Shahzad Saleem Mr. Manzar Mus htaq (Res igned on July 16, 2013) Mr. Umar Shahzad Mr. Saqib Riaz Allied Bank Limited As kari Bank Limited Al Barka Bank (Pakis tan) Limited Bank Alfalah Limited Barclays Bank plc...
Words: 51489 - Pages: 206
...МОСКОВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ИНСТИТУТ СТАЛИ и СПЛАВОВ Технологический университет В.А. Косарев Глобальные компьютерные инфокоммуникации Учебное пособие по курсу «Мировые информационные ресурсы» Часть 1 Москва 2007 г. 1 Рецензент доктор техн. наук, проф. Карцов С.К. Косарев В.А. Глобальные компьютерные инфокоммуникации: Учебное пособие по курсу « Мировые информационные ресурсы». Часть 1. – М. МИСиС, 2007.159 с. В данном учебном пособии в компактном изложении рассмотрены технические решения в области построения и использования глобальных компьютерных сетей, которые являются коммуникационной средой взаимодействия, хранения и накопления мировых информационных ресурсов. В нем обобщен и конкретизирован обширный материал как известных монографий, например, Олифер В.Г. и Н.А.,Столингса В. и др., а также последних публикаций в научно-технической периодике по принципам построения, характеристикам сред передачи данных, топологиям и схемотехнике глобальных компьютерных сетей. Материал книги рассчитан на студентов, знакомых с технологиями локальных вычислительных сетей. Данное пособие рекомендуется использовать для теоретического обучения, подготовки к практическим занятиям и выполнения курсовых проектов. Книга предназначена для студентов заочной формы обучения технических специальностей «Прикладная информатика» 080800 и «А втоматизированные системы обработки информации и управления» 2202200 Московский государственный институт стали и сплавов ( Технологический университет)...
Words: 38247 - Pages: 153
...The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Introduction, Commentaries, and Translation What are the Yoga Sutras and who is Patanjali? Over fifty different English translations of the Yoga Sutras are extant, standing as a human testament to how Universal Truth is celebrated in terms of a rich diversity. Rather than the common and external type of knowledge (emanating from book knowledge), the following translation and commentary are a result of an intimate familiarity and direct experience both with an authentic yogic tradition and with western culture, psychology, and language that has been refined, tested in fire, and integrated for over thirty five years of intense practice (sadhana). This work is dedicated toward revealing the universal message of authentic yoga that the sage, Patanjali, first wrote down approximately 2000 years ago. Patanjali is not the inventor of yoga, but rather yoga's most popularly known scribe. What has become known simply as the "Yoga Sutras" (sutra means thread) or almost equally as common, as the "Yoga Darshana" (the vision of Yoga), is actually a compendium of an ancient pre-existing oral yoga tradition consisting of both practical advice and theoretical context. The most accepted format of the Yoga Sutras consists of four chapters (called padas) written in the Sanskrit language approximately 2000 years ago in Northern India while utilizing the terminology of the time, i.e., Samkhya philosophical trappings. The dates ascribed to the Yoga Sutras...
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