Premium Essay

Cobbletone Alley Creative Writing

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Words 1013
Pages 5
“Why do you sleep on the streets?” She asks, breaking the intense aura that has everyone in a groove. “America is the richest country in the world.” interested in his answer she patiently waits.
“America may be rich,” he says. “But I’m not.” However, he is concerned about the lifeless bodies of two soldiers lying at the foot of the alley. Knowing the troops are on route and without a doubt, they will see them. They need to move the bodies, but the sound of the moving trucks and heavy artillery shake the foundation of the cobblestone street, and that cautions the six to make a move before their chances of escape decrease, from slim to none. In any case, before they can act, dozens of soldiers have spotted their dead comrades.
The Germans have blocked off the alley with a large truck, rotating a portable spotlight mounted on a trailer. A brilliant beam exposes the small group of rebels. This could be it. Freddie considers, as the blinding spotlight has them all at a disadvantage, with no way out. Without warning a hail of bullets ricochets off the cobblestone alley bouncing around in a dangerous game of Russian roulette, the devastating sounds of gunfire imprison the night as hot projectiles strike the French rebels, leaving two of them dead. A sporadic barrage of bullets is exchanged and Michelle fires several rounds in the direction of the massive …show more content…
Freddie crawls into the entrance of the secret passage with Michelle’s help suffering from a deep bayonet wound. The entrance closes just as more Germans storm the alley. Once inside the darkened tunnel, they crawl rapidly, stumbling onto the dirt floor they had just abandoned. Using Michelle's shoulder as a crutch Freddie struggles to stand, placing the automatic weapon at the entrance to the tunnel. He pushes the barrel into the opening, “This is it,” he says, holding his side with one hand, and the trigger with the other on.“They’re coming,” staring at Michelle with a grimace on his

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