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Beowulf: A Content Analysis

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Storytelling has been the rope that ties all of the history and advancements of the written word together. From the oral tradition to logs in a chat room, our primary means of communication is in the form of a story. “Today I did this” or “Beowulf is strong”, these ideas are not far removed from each other, except through time. Eventually with the invention of the printing press, our means of storytelling have not changed much, or evolved nearly as quickly. The book, the tangible word, has stayed primarily relevant since its invention. It has indeed molded and conformed to new technological practices, but primarily, the book has stayed just that, a book. It is able to traverse the gap and be considered both new and old media because of the …show more content…
This convergence of old and new media is, as Henry Jenkins says, “The flow of content across multiple media platforms, the cooperation between multiple media industries, and the migratory behavior of media audiences who will go almost anywhere in search of the kinds of entertainment experiences they want” (2). Just like with my mother, her experience with, as well as the books, new media is based on a consumer need to get the form of entertainment they want. With the Kindle, online resources, and other electronically based technology, the book has had to evolve to fit its new platforms. These new platforms, however, have not changed the book as a whole. This old media is still the same media just in a new form. This stems from a need to tell stories. After the invention of the printing press, storytelling was streamlined and it opened the doors of access to the general public. No longer was a monk required to scribe a manuscript, and literacy rates grew proportionately to the rate of book production. The production became streamlined and literacy continued to grow, until it reached the point we are at today. The utilization of the internet age by books is not a change in the media, but rather a more streamlined production outlet. The distinction comes from the ability to still hold a book in hand, and to visit a …show more content…
It is, respectively, “in” to have a record player. Record stores still exist and sell old media, but this sale is different from books. While records are considered old media, just as books are, their new found popularity is based from a pop culture perspective. The popularity of books, however, comes from a different source. In that books have the right formula. Music is constantly being improved upon, and potentially will continually always be, but books has reached a stagnation of advancement. While the medium with which one might read them has evolved, books as a whole are still the same block of words on a page, whether virtual or not. This quality of communication has persisted across time because of its roots in

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