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How Did Hitler Build The German Economy 1933 To 1939

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Adolf Hitler / the German economy 1933 to 1939
The German economy has grown stronger since the Nazi party took office in 1933 and took control of Germany, the amount of unemployment cause by the treaty of Versailles would have been over 6 million but only in one year it drop from 6 million to only 3.3 million and rapidly dropping. Germany as a whole has grown stronger since the early days of the treaty of Versailles where reparation had to be repaid. The statistics in Nazi Germany was off because they did not add any women, Jews or RAD to the list. Therefore there would be significantly unemployment of six million in January 1933. It was basically propaganda to trick the people that the people that Germany has recovered and growing stronger. …show more content…
There is an organization within the German Labor Front which is called the Strength through Joy Movement aka. (DdF) which was in charge of workers leisure time e.g. Holidays, cruise which was ultimately a government union. This was created to keep the workers happy after ending the trade unions to from but there was another reason which was eliminate social barriers because only the rich can go on holidays. They also planned and design The Volkswagen - People's Car where most workers could afford it.
I believe that without the Nazi party the German people and nation would be still in the depression or just out of it but would still have a high rate of unemployment and would have some serious problems.
Hermann Goering was the mastermind behind the Four Year Plan which sought to make Germany self-sufficient in all industries so that as a nation she could survive the war but sadly it could not be achieved, by 1939 Nazi Germany was still in need 33% of raw materials imported. Hitler also he ordered the Scientists to make oil from coal and to find substitutes for resources that couldn’t be found in Germany or has a low supply of such coffee, cotton, and

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