Code Mixing and Code Swicthing in Learnin Activities
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1.1. Background of the Study
Language is important to communication between human. Many students speak more than one language in their classroom activities, even if their study about English language. During their learning activities, they switch or mix between two or more than language. Even the differences between two languages are great, there is a possibility to mix and switch the languages. For example,( Indonesian language and English language have different pronunciation, intonation, grammar, and different way in arranging word into sentences.
The function of language is for communication between human being. So, people as the social human need to communicate with each other. People use language to express their feeling, to send a message from their mind.
To make a good communication, people have to understand well what other said even if they use different language. When people make interaction, people hardly understand to each other if every speaker uses their own language.
Those reasons, above show that many people in many communities used more than one language. When the speaker who has one language and can speak other language, he may be consider as bilingualism or multilingualism depend on how many he mastering the language. It means that a person is bilingual because he can speak in two language, and multilingualism in the person who can speak in more than two languages. In the communication case people who is bilingualism or multilingualism some time they switch the code of language that they use in communication when the other speaker don’t understand what they said or their language. This kind of linguistic behavior of changing the one code to another code is called as code switching.
In this case, it is assumed that the students of second grader of SMA 1 Doro sometime switch and mix the code when they speak in English learning activities. Therefore, in this study, the writer wants to know the language that the students switch or mix, even they are multilingualism.
1.2. Reasons for Choosing the Topic
Code switching or code mixing is a common phenomenon among bilinguals or multilingual. The participants of classroom are called multilingual because they can speak at least three languages. Those are Javanese as their mother tongue because all of the participants of the classroom are Javanese. After they has mother tongue, Javanese, they master Bahasa Indonesia as second language. Even, English as foreign language that they learn in the school.
The writer assumes that there are little previous researches about code switching and code mixing which are conducted in the classroom particulary. The writer intends to look into code switching or code mixing used by the participants and their functions of using it. It is expected that the topic can be used as a reference to be a consideration of problem solving in the study of sociolinguistics, especially in the study of conversational code switching and code mixing in the classroom.
1.3. Statement of the problems
Code switching and code mixing is always happen in learning activities, especially in English learning process to make student easier in understanding the subject. Almost student in Indonesia doesn’t speak English well because English is a foreign language for them, so, the teacher need to switch and mix the language in learning activities. It is the phenomena in Indonesian learning process, that phenomena is the source of the research and it can be the statement of the problems, and that statement can be formulated as how is code switching and code mixing in student learning process of second grader in SMA 1 Doro?
1.4. Objective of the Study
In English learning activities in SMA 1 Doro, the teacher mix and switch the English language to make student can comprehends the material that teacher teach, it is the case that the writer want to know about it. So, the objective of the study can be formulate such as To know code switching and code mixing in student learning process of second grader in SMA 1 Doro
1.5. Significances of the Study
This study is important for both the reader and in academic because it has many advantages. It is also as reference for them. 1. Theoretically a. The readers have knowledge about code switching and code mixing and enriching their vocabulary of English words. b. The reader are able to recognize the forms of code switching and code mixing used by participant in the classroom and reason why they use them and the forms can be applied as Indonesian new words. c. This study is hoped to contribute toward a better understanding of group membership, values, relative prestige and power relationship. 2. Academically a. The result of this study becomes one of the references in studying sociolinguistics, especially an English code switching and code mixing. b. The elaboration of this research will be used by other researchers to do a study of the same topic, but in different perspective.
1.6. Limitation of the study
There are many activities in English learning process that very interesting for the researcher to make the research about the English learning activities, because most of the English teacher always mix and switch the English language in their learning activities, in this research the writer only focus on English code switching and code mixing in second grade of SMA 1 Doro.
1.7. Definition of Key Terms 1. Code switching
According to Longman dictionary of Language Teaching& Linguistic (Jack and Richard: 2002), Code switching is a change by a speaker (or writer) from one language or language variety to another one.
In this study, code switching refers to alternative use of two of mare languages, since change of situations likes presence of the third person, and to give formal atmosphere in the classroom. 2. Code mixing
According to Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching& Linguistic (Jack and Richard: 2002), Code mixing is a mixing of two codes or languages, usually without a change of topic.
The word code mixing is the combination of one language and another, it contains about a language that is used by the speaker than combined with another in the classroom 3. Speaking
Speaking is the action of conveying information or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken language take from According to the Oxford English Pocket Dictionary.
Speaking here is a student and teacher speaking activities in the classroom of second grade in SMA 1 Doro. 4. Learning
According to the Oxford English Pocket Dictionary, Learning is the process or experience of gaining knowledge or skill.
In this study the researcher describe the learning activities in second grade of SMA 1 Doro.
2.1. Bilingualism and Multilingualism
In a society which is remote to another society, caused by geograpical condition, this society can still keep its culture too. It is usually called a society. But on the contrary, where many societies establish a relationship with other societies, of course they will undergo cultural contact including languange contact which may result in language phenomenon ( Chaer and Agustina, 2004:84).
From the explanation above, the writer concluded that people can live by their selves but need each other to live. To live well with each other people need to communication, and the tool to communicate is called language. The function of language is communication. So, people as social being always communicate to each other.
In order to make good communication, people have to understand what another said even they have different languages. Every country in the world has different language to each other, so every people in each country has own mother tongue that is different to each other. When people who come from different country meet and make interaction, they can hardly understand to each other since every speaker has his own mother tongue.
Those reasons above show that many people in many communities use more than language. When a speaker who has one language but can speak other languages, he may be considered as bilingualism or multilingualism depend on how many language he or she masters.
It means that bilingualism is individual habit to use two languages in their societies. Meanwhile, multilingualism refers to ability an individual to use two or more languages in societies. Bilingualism is an important practical and theoretical problem its practical importance streams from the one language.
Hamers and Blanc (1993:6) states that bilingual is defined as having or using two languages especially as spoken with the fluency characteristic of a native speaker.
Mackcy 1962: 12, Fishman: 73 in Chaer 2004: 81 stated that bilingualism is the use of two languages by substituting certain aspect that is done by a speaker in a conversation in using two languages a speaker should consider of two languages. The first is the speaker’s mother tongue (L1) and other is target language (L2). When two languages come into contact, speakers of either language may learn elements of the other language. This acquisition at the normative language produces bilingualism. In the other words, bilingualism is the result of language contact. Language contact situations arise whenever there is meeting of speakers who do not all share the same language and who need to communicate.
From all of the definitions above, the writer can draw a conclution that bilingualism is contact with another people in a second language ad the ability to use it in the envirnment of the native speaker’s language. Basically, bilingualism and multilingualism are almost the same. The bilingualism and multilingaulism is one of the background of the code switching and code mixng pheenomenon existence.
2.2. Code Switching
As defined of the key term, code switching is a linguistics term denoting the concurrent use of more that on language, or language variety, in conversation, the speaker usually whishes that he can speak the same type of code without change it to another because if both speaker and listener understand the codes being used, the communication will be good communication. Especially in multiingual society, in which the speaker may know more than one code, the speaker often presents various codes within his speech. When them embers of society are able to speak one language, switching from one language to another in the same conversation is a common communicative behavior. This condition is known as code switching.
Marasigan (1983:7) says that code switching refers to the use of two languages in the sentences or discourse. Marasigan (1983:122) explain that code switching indicated imperfect knowledge of the grammatical system. In addition, code switching seems to have function to facilitate and support thinking in communication no matter how the outward information may appear.
People are usually required to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they may also decide to switch from one code to another even within sometimes very short utterances and thereby create a new code in a prosess known as Code switching (Wardhaugh, 2006: 101).
Code-switching is more typically used in group of communication than stranger or even acquaintances in many communities. In some types of community’s especially informal situation, code switching is used by stranger to ask support or help their potential partner. The relevant point in the speakers select to their potential partner. Moreover, such motivation does not need to be at all conscious, for apparently many speakers are not aware that they have switched the code. When their attention is drawn to this behavior most of them tend to apologize for it.
The example of code-switching in the situation of teaching learning activity in the classroom:
Students 1 : Saya kira bapak tidak mengajar. (I think you don’t teach, Sir).
Teacher : Oh saya pasti akan mengajar. (Oh I’ll teach you certainly). Why do you come late?.
Student 1 : My motorcycle’s wheel explodes, Sir.
Teacher : Sit down please!
Students 1 : Thank you Sir.
Student 2 : Buku ku gowo pora?(Do you bring my book or not?).
Students 1 : I’m sorry, Aku lali.(I forget)
There are many factors that caused code switching such as: 1. Who: the speaker sometimes uses code switching consciously to hear cause any something. 2. Whom: Generally, everybody wants to balancing language that used by other people. 3. Topic: topic is dominance factor of code switching, and 4. Prestige: some of people who use code switching to keep prestige.
When the speaker uses language switched, it does not mean the message abscure but that is an effort to make the message understable. With respect to all definition above, the writer can be concluded that code switching is generally the use of at least two languages or varieties of a language within conversation during a speech in bilingual or multilingual society.
2.3. Code Mixing
As defined of the key term, code mixing refers to the mixture of two or more languages or language varieties in speech.
Discussing switching is frequently followed by talking about code mixing. Code mixing is also called rapid switching. In which according to Aslinda and Leni (2007:87) code mixing occurs when conservant uses two or more languages in the informal situation to people who we know closely because the characteristic of code mixing is relaxing and informal situation. According Kridalaksana (1982:32) code mixing is using of language from one language to another language to increase language style and various language, involve using word, clauses, idiom, etc.
Actually, code switching and code mixing are similiar. There is no significant differences. The differences between code switching and code mixing is the characteristic each of them. The characteristic of code mixing is relaxing. It is often used in informal situation.
There are many reasons why people use code mixing in their conversation, such as: 1. Who : the participant has own his mother tongue. 2. Whom : the speaker’s desire to get fit express, and 3. Situation : the habitual and participant’s relaxing of conversation in communication.
2.4. Functions of Code Switching and Code Mixing
According to Gumperz in Marasigan (1983) there are seven functions of code switching and code mixing. 1. Quotitation
In many instances, the subject code switched to quote themselves and other or simply to state of a maxim. Subjects quoted themselves or others directly or indirectly to sound more credible to the addressees. Seemly, a quotation as a proff that what they were sating were fact and that the addressees had to believe them. The excerpts below clearly illustrate this, (Gumpersz, in Marasigan 1983:73)
Aku sudah bilang you John( I told you John)
In the example, it can be deducated that the subject switched the codes to preserve the originally of the message. They could have restated the quotation in indonesia but they did not. Perhaps they felt that the message which was originally said in English, would not have the same impact on addressee if they have been translated into indonesia.
2. Message Qualification
Another large group of switches consist of qualifying construction such as clausses, sentences and phrase (verb and noun compliment).
A considerable amount of switching under this category is meant to express the time concept. The subject generally switched from indonesian to English whenever they specified the time. In this example is only among the many switches that can be found in the whole corpus (Gumperz, in Marasigan 1983:82).
3. Personalization and Objectivication
In a very large group of instance function is somewhat more difficult to specify in purely descriptive terms. (Gumperz, in Marasigan 1983:86).
Conversation between A and B.
A: apa kamu punya schedule?(do you have schedule)?
B: no why? .
A: oh… begitu?
In the example above, the head teacher B was trying to maintain his distance from subordinate (A) by answering his questions in English. However (A) have difficulties to answer in English.
4. Facility of expression
The subject switched the code whenever there are difficulties in finding the new words in the time of speaking or writing or merely as a sign of the subject’s lack of familiarity with the style he is using. (Gumperz, in Marasigan 1983:93).
Kamu harus menemukan characterize dari tokoh dalam novel romeo and Juliet.
(You have to find the characterization of character in romeo and Juliet novel)
From the example above the word characterize is force on the sentence even if it is difficulties word to used in that sentences.
2.5. Types of Code Switching and Code Mixing
As the writer has already said, code switching and code mixing is a widely observed phenomenon especially seen in multilingual or cultural society. Before considering the reason for code switching and code mixing, it will be appropriate to deal with of code switching and code mixing.
There are many kinds of code switching and code mixing proposed by Apple and Musyken (1987). 1. Emblematic/Tag
In this kind of code switching, tags and certain set phrases in one language inserted into an utterance otherwise in another.
a). “...exam tidak lama, masa ani sibuk buat revision...”
b). “...saya kira sudah lama pindah, I think..since dua minggu lalu....” 2. Intra-sentential
This kind of code mixing occurs between a clause or sentence. Let’s take a look the following example.
a). “....if kita membiarkan diri kita didera emotionally ia akan menyebabkan stress...”
b). “....jangan lupa tomorrow Tani ada discussion assignment yang akan dilakukan next two weeks....”
3. Intersentential
Intersential is code switching in which exchange of language occurs at tha caluse or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one language or the other.
a). “....last week aku shopping dengan sisterku.
b). “ yang ku pinjem dari library tidak ada. Sudah ku search but I can’t find it. May be ilang....”
3.1. Research design In this research the data that get does not show with statistical quantification or numbering form but with the explanation. Code switching and code mixing is in form of utterances that consist of word, phrases, or sentences. It is made by all participants in the classroom. This is the reason why the writer used descriptive qualitative approach. The study will be held through it to investigate natural phenomenon and the writer use a case study to get research data.
Qualitative research is a research which the result the descriptive data in the form written or oral words from observing people or behavior (Johnstone, 2000:34). According to Denzan and Lincoln (1994:4), qualitative rsearch is many thing to many people. Qualitative method as research procedure that produce descriptive data such as writen words or people’s speech and attitude observed ( Bodgan and Taylor, 1975: 5).
This research uses approach qualitative research. It is code swithing and code mixing interaction of participants in the classroom. That is research deeply to find some information the writer needs. Then the data arrange sistematically by the writer to answer the statement of the problem.
3.2. Object of the study Object of the study is people that reseracher observed. In this research, the English teachers and the students of second grade SMA N 1 Doro as object of the study. There are two English teachers who teach English lesson in second grade SMA N 1 Doro.There are five classes in the second grade which is devided into one science class and four social classes, they are XI Science 1, XI Social 1, XI social 2, XI social 3, XI social 4.
3.3. Population and sample In this research population is all of second grade students of SMA N 1 Doro, but not all students will be observes by the writer. The writer will take the sample of the second grade student of SMA N 1 Doro.
Arikunto (2006:134) states that if the number of subject in the population is less than 100 it will be better for the researcher to take all of the subjects, but if the population is more than 100 the researcher should be taken 10%-15% or 20%-25% baed on some considerations. In this research, the writer took 20% from them as a sample of population. The number of the population is 200 so 20% from 200 is 40 students.
In this research, the writer took the sample using non random sampling technique. Non random sampling technique is a technique where all individualls of the population have no equal chance to be selected as sample. In the other hands, the writer also used purposive sampling, it means that the writer took one class to be a sample. So, the writer took class XI IS 2 which number of students was 40 students to be sample in this research.
3.4. Instrument of the study
The witer get the data using instrument. Instruments of the research is the tools which is used by the researcher in the time of the research. the writer and her notes are the main instruments.
In addition, in order to get the data the writer used the camera, transcript and documentary sheet. 1. Camera
Camera is piece of equipment for taking photographs or moving pictures and record the object (Oxford Dictionary, 2003:56).
Camera is used to collect the data. The research method used to get the data in this study was recording. 2. Transcript
It is written or printed copy of word that has been spoken (Oxpord Dictionary, 2003: 459).
After recording the utterances, the writer transcribed it to be analyzed. A pen and pieces of paper are used to make transcribe. 3. Documentary sheet
To analyze the similar expressions easily, the writer classified them based on their types and function in documentary sheet.
There are two documentary sheets. The firs documentary sheet consists of numbers, types of code switching and expressions. The second consists of number, the functions of cod switching and code mixing and the expressions. The use of documentary sheet was to make the data classification in order to make the analyses easier.
3.5. Technique of collecting data
In order to find out the required for this research, the writer used observation and recording method. In addition, the writer also used several instruments.
There are some steps to collect the data: 1. The first step, the writer observes the teaching and learning process by recording. 2. Next, the writer transcribed the data, and 3. The data has gathered is analyzed using documentary sheet.
3.6. Technique of analyzing the data
The writer analysis the data in this step below: 1. Recording
Listen and see the recording from the participants’ speech since teaching learning process. 2. Transcribing
After listen recording, the writer will make transcript of speeches spoken by the participant in the classroom. 3. Identifying
The writer will separate the sentences which contain the language switching and mixing between Indonesian and English. 4. Classifying
When the data had been arranged, the writer will classified it based on the type and the function of utterances in teaching learning activity. 5. Analyzing
This analysis aimed to find out types and unction of the code switching and code mixing. The writer will decide the data based on the types and the functions of each it.
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