...Comparative Civilizations 12 Anthropology Participant Observation Throughout human history, the rules and orders are established by structured hierarchy. Therefore, a tradition of showing respect to the authority is formed. Interestingly, the ways people show respect varies due to different cultural backgrounds. Some manners of one culture might not be acknowledged or even considered rude by people from another culture. The phenomena of showing respect to people with higher power can be widely observed in various competitions where competitors must first merit required rituals before performing their tasks in front of the judges. I decided to observe the participants of Richmond Music Festival in 2014. This group consists of Caucasians, Chinese born in Canada [CBC] and newcomers from China. By observing this group, I am able to conduct a cross-culture study that might reveal the relationship between cultures and rules regarding manners. The Caucasians can be easily recognized by their white skin color. The CBCs can be easily distinguished from new immigrants from China in the language they used in conversation with parents and their accent. The conversations between CBCs and their parents were in English; while the new comers communicated with the parents in Chinese (either Mandarin or Cantonese). When the CBCs said their names aloud at the reception desk, they didn’t have any accent. In comparison, those new comers spoke English in Chinese Intonation. In addition to their...
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...unto you”. I believe that to get respect, you have to give respect. I believe no matter what age you are, your social status, or your authority over others, you should treat everyone with respect if you want to be treated the same way. Respect is a widely-known term, that many people claim to live by, but few actually do. In many ways, respect is like air. When you have it all around, no one has a second thought about it, but when you take it away, it is all people seem to think about. For example, if you disrespect someone, they will go on and on about how “they should be respected” and “you can’t talk to me like that”. However, in most cases, the person being disrespected, is the one who is never respectful in the first place. This is where the Golden Rule comes into play. If you want to be respected, you have to respect others. Many adults seem to feel that, because they are older, they automatically have some kind of high-set bar of respect they should receive. True, elders should be respected, but if they treat young children or teens like they are a piece of trash, why do they then deserve respect in return? Because of age? Age is but a number....
Words: 557 - Pages: 3
...Describe the major elements of what Anderson calls “the code of the streets.” How does this “code” oppose mainstream values? The code is really only alive in the ghetto, while it may reach parts of the suburbs it is not as predominant as in the ghettos. At the core of the code is respect, the code was described as the framework for gaining respect on the street, along with respect is loyalty and honor. The respect is getting respect and not giving the respect to any person of authority, such as parent or a cop. The loyalty is given to your street family not necessarily to your real family or people of authority again and honor is very similiar to respect. These values are described as what one needs to know to survive on the streets. Survival on the street is the important thing, and obtaining respect is imperative even if it costs your life. Obtaining respect, loyalty or honor on the streets are obtained through very different means than if you were in the suburbs or growing up in a middle to upper class neighborhood. Not only the way these are obtained different but also they are different from the mainstream in who is the receipent of them. To obtain respect, loyalty or honor it is achieved through aggressive behavior not as you would if you grew up in a middle or upper class suburb. For example one would gain respect in the ghetto by stealing something coveted by another person and then displaying the theft proudly. These values are also obtained through obtaining...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix G Ethical Actions Worksheet Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions: * Was there anything in either the University of Phoenix Student Code of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity that surprised you? If so, what was it? Why were you surprised? If not, why not? * * While reading the University of Phoenix’s Code of Academic Integrity, the only thing that surprised me was the act of Self-plagiarism, double dipping, or dovetailing. The reason why this surprised me was I never knew you could self-plagiarize yourself. Once I started reading the description of it, I then began to understand perfectly. While reading the Student Code of Conduct, I do not believe anything surprised me. We as students should be able to go to school whether it is online or on campus where we feel safe and where we are entitled to a decent learning environment. I commend the University of Phoenix for wanting to make sure that all their students are safe and that they want to make sure we get the best education possible in completing our degrees. * * What did you learn about the behaviors considered important for an ethical learner or student in the University of Phoenix learning community? * * * What I learned about behavior considered important for an ethical learner in the University of Phoenix learning community is that, we need to be flexible. No matter what we do we...
Words: 485 - Pages: 2
...Values and Code of Ethics for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Organizations This document was drafted by a special taskforce of the INDEPENDENT SECTOR Ethics and Accountability Committee, distributed to IS members for review over a four-month period from October 2003 through January 2004, and approved by the IS Board of Directors on January 29, 2004. It constitutes the Statement of Values and Code of Ethics that IS will use for its own work. In addition, the Board of Directors of IS encourages IS members, and the field as a whole, to use this document in either drafting and adopting your own statement of values and code of ethics or, for those who have already done so, reviewing and revising, as necessary, your statement of values and code of ethics. As stated within, IS believes that each and every organization in the independent sector should have a code of ethics. IS firmly believes that the process by which a code is adopted is as important as the code itself, and that the board and staff should be involved in developing, drafting, adopting, and implementing a statement that fits Covenant Partners’s unique characteristics. Going through this process with the board and staff also begins to infuse into the culture of Covenant Partners a recognition of how important it is to address issues of values and ethics on an ongoing basis. We encourage all organizations to set aside time in your board meeting or at a retreat to discuss in detail all aspects of an ethical code—and be sure...
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...Code of Ethics Paper A code of ethics is a document that serves as a foundation for the profession or health care specialty, providing ethical guidance. Nursing is a very reputable profession, and as a nurse, it is vital that I provide safe, compassionate, and competent nursing care. It is expected that all nurses carry out their responsibilities and tasks while respecting all patients’ rights and sensitivities. That is why it is so important that nursing care be guided by a code of ethics. For this paper, I have chosen to analyze and discuss the contents of the American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics for Nurses, also referred to as The Code within the nursing profession. I will clarify the goals of The Code and identify ethical principles, including grievance procedures. I will then discuss my personal opinion of The Code, including recommendations for strengthening weak areas within the written code. Nurses Code of Ethics According to the American Nurses Association (2011), “The Code of Ethics for Nurses was developed as a guide for carrying out nursing responsibilities in a manner consistent with quality in nursing care and the ethical obligations of the profession” (para. 1). All nurses regardless of position or specialty practice nursing under this code. As health care changes and advances, nurses struggle with advanced and complicated ethical dilemmas. Nurses need the ethical support and guidance provided by The Code, and every nurse has an obligation to uphold...
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...the adoption of more formal codes of ethics, the American Nurses Association and the International Council of Nurses, were established to guide nurses in everyday choices of care (BOOK>>>>). Understanding the fundamental necessity of professional codes of ethics in nursing is an essential skill. Therefore, this paper will discuss and compare the importance of the American Nurses Association...
Words: 559 - Pages: 3
...Ethical Code and CSR activities: DEFINITION of 'Code of Ethics' A code of ethics document may outline the mission and values of the business or organization, how professionals are supposed to approach problems, the ethical principles based on the organization's core values and the standards to which the professional will be held. A guide of principles designed to help professionals conduct business honestly and with integrity. A code of ethics document may outline the mission and values of the business or organization, how professionals are supposed to approach problems, the ethical principles based on the organization's core values and the standards to which the professional will be held. Corporate social responsibility Corporate social responsibility (CSR, also called corporate conscience, corporate citizenship or responsible business) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. “By Mallen Baker” One of the most frequently asked questions at this site - and probably for all those individuals and organizations dealing with CSR issues is the obvious - just what does 'Corporate Social Responsibility' mean anyway? Is it a stalking horse for an anti-corporate agenda? Something which, like original sin, you can never escape? Or what? Different organizations have framed different definitions - although there is considerable common ground between them. My own definition is that CSR is about how companies manage the business processes to produce...
Words: 3955 - Pages: 16
...University of Phoenix Material Ethical Actions Worksheet Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions: * Was there anything in either the University Of Phoenix Student Code Of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity that surprised you? If so, what was it? Why were you surprised? If not, why not? There was not anything specific that stood out to surprise me. Codes of Conduct are something I am use to following in conducting the way I behave. We have a Code of Conduct for the barbers and stylist’s at the salon I work for. I have also had to follow a Code of Conduct at the hair school I used to attend. Although some of the Codes of Conduct are a little different in one way or another. They are following the same guidelines of respect, honesty and integrity. These codes are put in place to ensure we know the right way from the wrong way, reminding us to never take the quicker way, cheat, lie, or violate others rights. They are only to ensure that everyone receives the same level of respect and provide a safe environment. What did you learn about the behaviors considered important for an ethical learner or student in the University of Phoenix learning community? I learned that behavior plays an important role in both your personal and professional lives. Being an ethical learner requires honesty. The choices you make define who you are as a person to others. Being dishonest only leads to building bad habits. In order to...
Words: 475 - Pages: 2
...of the following questions: * Was there anything in either the University of Phoenix Student Code of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity that surprised you? If so, what was it? Why were you surprised? If not, why not? No because rules are rules they must be followed in order to keep control and on track. Sometimes it maybe kind of hard to follow rules rather they are old or new rules. It’s just I am the type of person that to have balance you must have structure. For instance say your assignment is due today but for some reason you didn’t have time to complete it; so your instructor says you may have more time but, did not give a deadline. Just because there’s no deadline it may take you longer and just because there is no deadline you may decide not to do it at all. So this is why I as a student agree with the student code of conduct and the student code of academic integrity. What did you learn about the behaviors considered important for an ethical learner or student in the University of Phoenix learning community? I believe that, as a University of Phoenix student, I am expected to hold a high regard of respect to fellow classmates and professors. I am learning to become a professional adult, and I will need to become a respectful person. To gain respect, one must also give respect to others. Being open minded is an important aspect of respect. Listen to what people have to say and taking it into consideration. This is very important I think you...
Words: 494 - Pages: 2
...ethical principles governing nursing practice, conduct, and relationships. The Code of Ethics for Nurses, adopted by the American Nurses' Association (ANA) is intended to provide definite standards of practice and conduct that are essential to the ethical discharge of the nurse's responsibility (American Nurses Association, 2012). A nurse cultivates personal ethics through personal, cultural and spiritual values which becomes a moral compass for their professional ethics. Personal ethics in combination with the code of ethics often assist the nurses in personal and social decision making during ethical dilemma. This ability prompts them to better respond to needs of the suffering patient and their own well-being. This paper will discuss the personal, cultural, and spiritual values contributing to nurses’ individual worldview and philosophy of nursing and the moral and ethical dilemma being faced in this profession. Values Contributing to Individual’s Worldview and Philosophy of Nursing Born in a Christian middle class South Indian family, the strict traditional values helped to embed the concept of service, trust, respect, integrity and responsibility through family, friends, education and beliefs. The personal and spiritual belief on the remarks, “Do to others as you would have them do to you”, from the New International Version of Bible has kindled the concept of service, integrity and respect at an early age of one’s personal life. The cultural quench to care for fellow...
Words: 1982 - Pages: 8
...(National Geriatric Nursing Association) and the code of ethics. The role of the Iowa Board of Nursing is to regulate nursing practice by protecting the public by ensuring that the nurses are following the standard of nursing practice as well as being competent in the field of nursing. A few responsibilities of the board is to interpret and enforce the state nurse practice act, accredit or approve nursing education programs, develop nursing practice standards from the regulatory standpoint, administer nurse licensure by overseeing exams to grant licenses and taking action against licenses of nurses who have exhibited unsafe nursing practice, and develop policies, administrative rules and regulations (Frequently asked questions, 2012). On the other hand, the State Nurse Practice Act outlines the responsibilities of the nurse as well as the scope of practice. The role is to protect the client from harm due to unsafe acts. Within the Practice Act specific details are given on what an RN is capable of practicing as well as an LPN. For example, as an RN, this writer is responsible for respecting the client’s rights as well as confidentiality of their information which is completed on a daily basis (Iowa Legislature-Rule Listings, 2014). The NGNA is a professional nursing organization for geriatrics whose main purpose is to improve nursing care given to older adults. This group is voluntary and upholds the values of inclusiveness, respect, innovation and responsiveness (Core Purpose...
Words: 1429 - Pages: 6
...1 Appendix G Ethical Actions Worksheet Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions: * Was there anything in either the University of Phoenix Student Code of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity that surprised you? If so, what was it? Why were you surprised? If not, why not? As a University of Phoenix Students, I wasn’t surprise about the Student Code of Conduct Or the Student Code of Academic Integrity because everyone has to abide by rules an Regulations where ever you may go. Nothing is giving to you. You will have to earn respect in Order to receive respect. I’m truly aware of the conduct of ethically, honestly, with integrity as A responsible Student of the University academic community. It’s a pleasure to no that when You are attending a University they have your heart at best interest to support you in all your Decisions, of needs and, concerns. What did you learn about the behaviors considered important for an ethical learner or student in the University of Phoenix learning community? As a University of Phoenix student, I am expected to follow all rules and regulations of the The learning community, and show self respect and respect for others. As I study to become A productive learner, I will also learn how to collaborate with other students to enable skills And knowledge, to achieve a higher learning...
Words: 434 - Pages: 2
...Professional Roles & Values Project Western Governors University A. Functional Difference Professional nursing organizations such as the Wisconsin Nurses Association (WNA) function as an advocate for registered nurses at the state level. The Wisconsin Nurses Assocation “works to protect, promote, and enhance the practice of professional nursing.” (“WISCONSINNURSES.ORG,” n.d.) The WNA encourages members to follow the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses, provides assistance with professional development, and represents nurses at the state and national level. As a member of the WNA I know my voice is heard in Madison and Washington D.C. due to the actions of political action committees. I have the Code of Ethics to guide my practice. And I have access to numerous resources such as workshops, webinars and conferences to assist in developing my professional career as an RN in the state of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Board of Nursing is a regulatory agency that is part of the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. “The Board of Nursing is involved in education, Legislation, licensing, and discipline of Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Registered Nurses (RNs), Nurse Midwives and Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers (APNP).” (“dsps.wi.gov/Boards –Councils/Board-Pages/Board-of-Nursing-Main-Page/,”n.d.) Chapter 441 of the Wisconsin State Statues provides an overview...
Words: 1697 - Pages: 7
...University of Phoenix Material Ethical Actions Worksheet Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions: Was there anything in either the University of Phoenix Student Code of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity that surprised you? If so, what was it? Why were you surprised? If not, why not? The student code of conduct was kind self explantatory. Its like high school rules you dont harrass people its simple just treat people the way you want to be treated. What surprised me was the the fact that you can carry pepper spray on campus. I felt like that should have been considered as an weapon because the nun chucks from class. I feel like that would have been the lease thing to worry about as a weapon on campus than pepper spray . The only reason i say this is cause the pepper the school didnt give that to that student thats just for her protecting so she can just go around campus spraying people just cause. But on the other hand the nun chuck the school had giving that to that student she just forgot to leave them in that classroom. And the whole knife situation for lunch yea not a good idea. That didnt surprised me i knew that a answer like that would have been exposed or bought up but safety matters and uop just wants the students to be safe. What did you learn about the behaviors considered important for an ethical learner or student in the University of Phoenix learning community? I have learned that being an ethical...
Words: 613 - Pages: 3