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Cognitive Dissonance


Submitted By BRWemyys
Words 1162
Pages 5
My 30 minute trial - Nuremberg style...
In opening, let me state quite unreservedly that I eat and use animal products without compunction. Over the years I have thought about my moral stance on these matters and happily come to the informed conclusion that my consumption and use of animal products sits with my moral values and vice versa. The interview began quite innocuously. As the interview continued I was questioned about my consumption of animal product, then asked if had any companion animals (I have two for my children's sake). As the questioning proceeded I was lead through a faulty path of logic and reason such that the next question not only assaulted my moral stance but appeared to be extraordinarily judgemental. The offending question was, "Would you ever knowingly do something that caused harm to animals when alternatives were readily available?" Dissonance was firmly afoot; my having to answer in the affirmative if I were to be consistent, or answer 'no' in case I be judged as a murderer. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! So having chosen to be true to myself I chose to don the murderer's mantle.

The interview continued by warning me that I may learn information that I have not been exposed to in the past and experience emotional challenges if I elected to proceed. Being the reasonable self-aware psychological adventurer I had nothing to lose so was then set upon by statements about 'unnatural practices'. In the meantime I continued to feel judged - this time the charges of torturer were added to those of murderer, particularly when the question was asked of me; "If you knew that animals raised for meat experienced extreme physical pain from procedures such as castration without anaesthesia, would you continue eating meat?" It was there I was forced to make foul admissions that as a farmhand approximately 30 years ago one of my duties was branding, castrating and mulesing (the removal of strips of wool-bearing skin from around lambs' breeches with shears) all without anaesthetic. I have also butchered animals in past - most of which I have eaten the flesh of afterwards (are you disgusted yet?). The interview continued asking, "Is there anything you would regard as morally unacceptable to do to animals raised for meat -- something so bad that it would stop you from eating meat?" I thought about it, and had to answer in the negative. Having done that I was again asked if I was aware of the various farming practices involving crowding, caging and painful practices. Being a 'self confessed murderer and torturer of animals' I again reiterated my knowledge of these practices and how, despite that knowledge, I choose to maintain my carnivorous proclivities.

Just in case I did not know my own mind the interview went on to suggest some further reading by saying, "After the interview, you'll be given a bibliography and list of documentary web sites that describe these practices in detail." As if I am ignorant on these matters! My own knowledge exceeds the documentary contents in both practice and graphic nature. Is it here that I have to add that there is nothing quite like tanning your own hides and getting your hands and clothes bloodied to really immerse yourself in the horror? Hannibal Lecter pales in comparison to me.

Attempts at dissonance continued and I had to wonder if the change in tack to environmentalism was due to my unrepentant resolve to continue tacitly permitting the atrocities for which I was on trial by failing to convert to vegetarianism. I cannot say that the interview questions solicited anything like Festinger's 'dissonance reduction' [1] within me although I did find myself exploring the possibility that I might perhaps possibly potentially be conceivably by chance maybe unconsciously considering lowering the importance of one of the discordant factors to bring about equilibrium. Nah... Having again decided that I was not the moral monster I forged ahead with my convictions; I was an omnivore who's best effort at vegetarianistic views was to pause in wonder at the possibility that too many farting cows could herald the end of the Earth as we know it - or even inherit the Earth if I succumbed to incomplete protein consumption. I reflected on the Asch experiments knowing my chosen lines were of equal length and not only had I joined Asch's independent subjects in remaining confident about my perception and experience, I was also showing resilience in the face of an apparent disagreeing majority. As I put to my accusers; at some point you have to use the knowledge you have to not only make a judgement call, but to take up your own moral position and stick to it.


You need a sense of humour to read this essy and I hope the analogy above has prompted an insight into how I felt both during and after the interview. As for the remaining points on which we are required to comment I proffer the following views:

The presence of informed consent was interesting and unexpected for an e-interview. I am, however, unable to state why I found it so. I did not actually read the consent (I mean, who actually ever reads that stuff on the net???) and on reflection I suppose had I read it, the tone of the interview may not have seemed quite so judgemental - I still cannot speculate on that because I am simply not inclined to do so having discounted any validity the site has due to its uninformed biases. An interesting segue to prejudice perhaps?The only validity the site has in my opinion is as an experiment in the vein of Asch and Festinger.

The interview questions appeared to pigeon-hole me and my views. Further, the interviewer seemed to show abhorrence at my penchant for animal products at any cost - which is not actually the case; I know very well what it costs. If the interview had been face-to-face I believe it would have been less judgemental for me as I am quite expert at holding up mirrors which may have been fun, in a very convivial way.

The change of tack from questioning my condoning cruelty to dealing the environmental card had an adverse affect in my animal-product-consumption-normative world in which animal cruelty is socially disapproved of but widespread. The conclusion of the Robert B Cialdini reading suggests avoiding the normatively muddled message that a targeted activity is socially disapproved of but widespread [3]. My only criticism of the site lays here. Other than that I commend the site as a very clever - and possibly very successful - attempt at creating cognitive dissonance!


[1] Festinger, L. (1985) A theory of cognitive dissonance.

[2] Asch, S.E. (1951) Effects of group pressure on the modification and distortion of judgements.

[3] Cialdini, R.B. (2003) Course reading 2.3 Crafting Normative Message to Craft the Environment.

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