Premium Essay

Colin Kaepernick's Kneeing For Justice

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Kneeing for Justice
One bold move made by one man alone has been labeled one of the most controversial issues in American history. That man was Colin Kaepernick and his bold move was simply taking a knee. What’s so controversial about this? Nothing, right? It’s the reason why Kaepernick took a knee that has left most people of this country upset and offended. Although many of people have been upset and offended, the rest of the population has stood by Kaepernick’s side and supported him. Colin Kaepernick is the former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. During the 2016 preseason of the National Football League, quietly sat during the singing/recognition of the Star Spangled Banner. Initially, no one noticed his actions but when he sat …show more content…
Instead of having a support system, he soon became a public enemy. Many will say that his actions were very disrespectful toward veterans and all other people who have fought and served for this country. By no means did Kaepernick intend to disrespect those who have fought for our country but bring light to the fact that the flag/country we give so much respect and worship to does not meet the reality of how this country really works. After speaking with an army veteran, Nate Boyer, Kaepernick still wanted to give honor where it’s due so instead of sitting during the national anthem, he began to kneel but for America that still wasn’t enough. It seemed as though the protest was working more towards dividing America than making it a better place. Kneeing did not lighten the situation at all but that is not the real issue at …show more content…
Black people are 3 times more likely to be killed by police than white people. Despite being 13% of the population of those killed by police, 282 people in total, black people were 25% of those who were killed by police. 99% of cases in 2015 have not resulted in any officers involved being convicted of a crime (Mapping Police Violence, 2017). The wrongful deaths of Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Eric Garner, and many more has left Americans very confused. There is no doubt that racism played a key factor in these shootings. In this society, you see a black man you automatically have a negative perception. Racism has reverberations that go far beyond an event. Racist acts, like the choking death of Eric Garner, incite ongoing anger, frustrations, fear, and depression in society (Brown,

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