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Chinese Immigrant Group Research Paper

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Many immigrant groups have suffered and gone through struggles when coming to California in the United States. All have faced discrimination and prejudice. However, one immigrant group had the worst of all, and they were the Chinese. The Chinese immigrant group received the harshest treatment here in California compared to other immigrant groups. This is very visible through the instances that the Chinese were transported in poor conditions, offered little protection, were receiving anti-Asian prejudice, discriminated, and finally had an immigration ban towards them based on their ethnicity. One of the things that were harsher for the Chinese than any other immigrant group was that they were transported to the lowest deck of the ships. The …show more content…
The Chinese had to grow through yet again another spree of killing. There had been disputes between two Chinese companies which resulted in a white man being killed accidentally along with two officers being injured (Osborne, 149). Very shortly after, because of this on the same day, police had gone through a rampage of murdering Chinese people, burning their buildings, and robbing their stores (Osborne, 149). This never happened to other immigrant groups except for the Chinese. The Chinese have been receiving tremendous hate from others to the point of being slaughtered in the open for no fair reason. If a white had been injured in any way regardless of being an accident from a Chinese person, Chinese people would be instantly hunted. No other groups have been hunted for no reason to an unfair one besides the Chinese. For instance, on a ranch, five men shot four Chinese men to just have the land cleared and then set their houses on fire (Osborne, 150). Again, this goes back to what has been previously stated about Chinese people being murdered for no reason. In addition, this discrimination and growing anti-Chinese violence were so tremendous that every time a ship would arrive in San Francisco from China, Chinese people were met with angry non-Asian mobs of people and were immediately strike with clubs (Osborne, 150). They have overall been receiving harsher treatment than everyone

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