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Friday Night Lights Case Analysis

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How to generate new leads from existing content? Best peruse pro guide on How to Repurpose the content

Content Marketing is often looked at as a necessary evil for a lot of marketing agencies; it demands quality research, an in-depth understanding of the subject and is time-consuming. Also, without professional guidance, rapid results are nowhere in the scene. Also, content marketing is a valuable asset to any business that is inclined to reach and communicate with its audience. In due process, we all gather piles of blogs, articles and other formats of content that once prompted online buzz and were shared/tweeted extensively. It can be a good idea to leverage those existing content to expand your current marketing endeavors. You can …show more content…
Alas! That is a long way from reality. I've watched probably the most effective substance makers on the web, and I've seen a pattern. They think like media makers rather than bloggers or online advertisers. In the case that we look to the standard media we see this example of repurposing substance all through it. The news isn't made; it's curated. Someone makes the news by doing something newsworthy, and someone else repurposes it by investigating it. Books are transformed into films and TV shows. Friday Night Lights began as a book. It was made into a film. In due course, it was transformed into a 5- season TV arrangement. The time span of usability of one bit of substance was amplified in light of the fact that it was repurposed. Time is a valuable Internet asset. Repurposing content can be a big time saver for content creators. It’s a super hack with benefits for SEO, reach, and much more. One story can lead to dozens of pieces of content. You may even find value in thinking ahead to your repurposing options before you start a new blog post or …show more content…
You may modify the content and add aesthetic values to it, but, in essence, the book (content) stays the same and focusses on the same audience group.

Repurposing content is a broader concept. First, you intend your content to suit (and hence reach) to different audience groups. So you are targeting a different readers' section altogether. Second, since the different audience will have different preferences, you will like to change the content's format as well. That ways you attract more potential customers from different stages of the buyer's journey. Taking key contents from a powerpoint presentation and creating a simple and attractive infographic can be a good example of content repurposing. Powerpoint presentation might have worked among tech-savvy professionals, but mobile-phone users will find infographics a lot easy to understand. So, when your intention is to reach a new type of audience group, you plan to repurpose your

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