...ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 Writing Assignment 1 Summary of On Becoming a Writer ENG 115 Assignment 3.1 Determining Causes and Effects – Draft Version ENG 115 Industrialization After the Civil War Final Paper ENG 115 The Public Needs to Know ALL ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/ALLASSIGNMENTSENG115/1832 contact us at: help@mindblows.us ENG 115 ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 Writing Assignment 1 Summary of On Becoming a Writer ENG 115 Assignment 3.1 Determining Causes and Effects – Draft Version ENG 115 Industrialization After the Civil War Final Paper ENG 115 The Public Needs to Know ALL ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/ALLASSIGNMENTSENG115/1832 contact us at: help@mindblows.us ENG 115 ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 Writing Assignment 1 Summary of On Becoming a Writer ENG 115 Assignment 3.1 Determining Causes and Effects – Draft Version ENG 115 Industrialization After the Civil War Final Paper ENG 115 The Public Needs to Know ALL ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/ALLASSIGNMENTSENG115/1832 contact us at: help@mindblows.us ENG 115 ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 Writing Assignment 1 Summary of On Becoming a Writer ENG 115 Assignment 3.1 Determining Causes and Effects – Draft Version ENG 115 Industrialization After the Civil War Final Paper ENG 115 The Public Needs to Know ALL ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 To purchase this tutorial...
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...Sam Sepassi World History 102 Essay 10/01/2015 The Industrial revolution Industrialization refers to the development of machine production of goods and new energy resources. The Western World went from rural and agricultural to urban industrial. Hard Times suggests that nineteenth-century England’s overzealous adoption of industrialization threatens to turn human beings into machines by thwarting the development of their emotions and imaginations. This suggestion comes forth largely through the actions of Gradgrind and his follower, Bounderby: as the former educates the young children of his family and his school in the ways of fact, the latter treats the workers in his factory as emotionless objects that are easily exploited for his own self-interest. Industrialization had many positive and negative effects on the citizens of Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. Industrialization had many positive effects on society in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. The creation of power machines and factories provided many new job opportunities. The new machinery increased production speed of good and gave people the ability to transport raw materials. Industrialization also lead to urbanization. Urbanization is the movement of people into cities and city building. Citizens wanted to live closer to the factories that they worked at. Despite its many positive effects effects, industrialization had a negative impact on Europe too. Urban areas doubled, tripled, or quadrupled in...
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...investing in other nations ordeals. The isolationism policy helped foster improvements in American society and industrialization. America's Industrialization also sparked a large economic boom in addition that Americans moved to Urban environments. Industrialization in American society marks the the beginning of America's large manufacturing industry and less reliance on...
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...Prompt Rubric | Checklist Explain why the process of industrialization is called a revolution, and summarize the effects of industrialization on the people of the era. The process that is industrialization is usually referred to as a revolution primarily because of its transformative nature, which has also completely reshaped economies and societies. The first appearance of this so-called revolution caused a large change to the agrarian based economy, shifting it into one which was reliant on industrial production. Due to how large of an impact industrialization had on people's lives, it is crucial to summarize the effects of industrialization on these individuals during the era. To start with, industrialization began a fundamental change in the living and working conditions of many individuals during this period of time. With the introduction of factories and mass production, people started to migrate from rural areas, and into cities in search of jobs. The rise of the population eventually led to dangerously overcrowded slums, along with extremely unsanitary living conditions. More-so, long work days, which usually lasted 12-16 hours each day, along with the extremely repetitive nature of work in factories typically resulted...
Words: 544 - Pages: 3
...Industrialization after the Civil War influenced U.S society, economy, and politics in many ways. Industrialization after the Civil War made the way of living more convenient for people but it was a time were the government was corrupted. One major aspect of industrialization was the railroads and steel. According to how stuff works “railroads were used to transport food and goods, and they also shaped the growth of some cities and brought economic prosperity to some. Railroads were also used as a cheaper method to transport goods. Before the railroads, transporting goods took much longer because people relied on horses and wagons. Relying on wagons and horses took weeks or months opposed to a few days with the railroad. The railroads also provided many jobs for railroad workers. Steel also had a big impact creating a lot of the U.S national landmarks. Steel was used to make bridges and skyscrapers. As railroads did steel also led to more jobs and a better quality of life for many. The next major aspect was Unions. Union groups like Knights of Labor fought for workers rights and accepted African Americans, women, and immigrants. The Knights of Labor grew national membership. According to bits of news “the Knights of labor didn’t allow doctors, lawyers, gamblers, stockholders, and bankers to join because they were considered unproductive members of society” (Bitsofnews, 2007). The last major aspect of industrialization was political corruption. Many businessmen would exchange...
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...Formal Analysis of John Constable’s Seascape with Sailing Vessels on the Horizon John Constable is one of the first Romantic artists to view landscapes for their own beauty. He painted during the Industrial Revolution and as a result viewed industrialization as the degradation of the natural environment. Constable’s dystopic view of the Industrial Revolution is evident in his paintings in which he juxtaposes elements of the natural world and industrial world to convey a certain message. In his painting Seascape with Sailing Vessels on the Horizon, Constable contrasts the pollution of the sea with the serene, vast sky to depict the grandeur of nature and its tenacity even in the face of industrialization. Constable noticeably uses color to describe the contaminated and tumultuous waves of the sea in opposition to the glowing and still sky. The viewer’s eyes first jump to the tide hitting the beach and creating a splash of water at the forefront of the painting. The colors used at this location are navy, mustard yellow, brown, grey, and creamy-white. These colors in the sea connote to filthy, muddled water. Furthermore, there are a couple of distinct dashes of deep, dark grey colors at the splash site that add to the effect of making the water seem dirty. The colors in the sea are most intense at this splash site but the viewer also notices specks of burgundy through out the sea that confirm the pollution and impure composition of the sea. In contrast to the sea, the colors...
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...From the beginning of 1800’s ongoing to the 20th-century, industrialization carried on. The industrial revolution took over creating more opportunities and changes economically, society wise, and politically. Even though sometimes these changes and effects intertwined with one another they differed and affected other people. Economically the industrialization rapidly changed. Inventions, developments fast-growing industries, and factories, increased productions of coal and oil and the rest of the raw materials created jobs, which intertwined social factors. World trade also grew rapidly along with the development of banking systems and investments, stock holders, and even advances in agriculture and communication took off affecting our economic...
Words: 291 - Pages: 2
...Introduction Industrialization increased tremendously during the 18th and 19th century leading to the success growth of United States as far as overall wealth during the rise to power on its wake. This paper focuses on the different aspects of industrialization that occurred and the various groups that were affected during this period of time, and overall what the effect of industrialization did for America. Three Aspects of the Industrial Revolution Referred to commonly as the second Industrial Revolution, three major aspects during this time immensely played apart towards the shaping of our country as we know it and they were our society, the economy and our politics. Society was largely a big part of the industrialization period and underwent the most significant changes. Large amounts of rural to urban migration occurred due employment because of the creation of organizations and companies. The infrastructure and building of railway lines for transportation of raw materials to distinctive states was happening as well during this time. Significant use of iron and steel created several opportunities for industrialization versus agricultural hence making the United States more of an industrialized nation and less agricultural. Our economy at the time played a major role at this time, and was the second aspect of industrialization. During this time rapid growth in society was experienced with the expansion of companies and the improvement of their internal progression....
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...were not always the best and overcrowding in the factories was a problem seen from day one. With this, the greatest social and economic change in America occurs; Industrialization, in which a society or country transforms itself from an agricultural society (human power) into a society that is based on the manufacturing of goods and services through machine power. Individuals in this period are replaced by machines and craftsmen are replaced by large assembly lines. No longer do men, women, and children have to do everything step by step, the use of machines is now implemented, making it so the production of goods and services is more beneficial and effective to all. In the year 1899 industrialization has reached its adolescence stage, in which the U.S. becomes a developing nation. In its previous infancy stage industrialization created few factories and steam ships, neither being significant enough to see a change to the economy itself. In 1899, huge gaps between the rich and poor are present and there is rapid urbanization among the U.S. Industrialization which has continued to grow even into today’s society, making it easier for mass production of complex goods and energy intensive lifestyles. So what are the effects that industrialization has on big businesses within this time span? Industrialization makes it so certain...
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...Jeremiah Warren Professor Bentley Hist. 202 September 20, 2015 Industrialization Paper Prompt: Were the benefits of industrialization worth the costs for most Americans? After reading Jonathan Rees’ book, “Industrialization and the Transformation of American Life” the ways that America changed during the industrialization period are presented clearly and strongly. The book speaks about everything that happened in that time period from immigration to business corruption. Professor Rees really knew what he was talking about in this book and he gives good information for the reader to learn about. In the first chapter, Rees speaks about the many different types of industrialization in America at the time. The first one is of course steel seeing as that was the biggest part of the industrial movement during that time period. Steel was so popular then because it made new technology that people had never seen used. It made new railroads that were durable and went further. The main founder of steel was Andrew Carnegie. He was the one who invented steel and led the way for all of the other railroad companies to start advancing their rails and stretching them across America. “Steel mills are perhaps the quintessential example of late nineteenth century industrialization because of their importance to the American economy and because of their dependence upon mechanization.” This Statement backs up everything that was previously stated. This one sentence shows how steel was...
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...Assignment 1.2: Industrialization after the Civil War Final Paper Belinda Scott History 105: Spring 2014 Prof. Michael Smith Industrialization after the Civil War After the Civil War the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 in 1920 industrialization and proved American life in many ways. However industrialization also created problems for American society. This paper will introduce my previously crafted thesis statement where I stated my opinion on how industrialization after the Civil War influenced US society, economy, and politics. This paper will also identify three major aspect of the industrialization during 1865 in 1920 that influenced United States society, economy, and politics while considering issues such as; geography, entrepreneurship, and legislative representation. This paper will also identify three specific groups that were affected by industrialization and provide two examples of each group describing how the group was affected while considering issues such as race, ethnicity, gender, and child labor. Finally this paper will summarize how industrialization affected the life of the average working American during this period. After the Civil War the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 in 1920 industrialization improved American life in many ways. However industrialization...
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...after the Civil War. Industrialization improved American life in many ways, however, industrialization also created difficulties for American Society. There are many examples to support industrialization after the Civil War. One example would be the proportion of high school graduates. America saw an upsurge in 17 year old graduates upright the Civil War. This meant that the nation was going to have more cultivated people who partook in government matters and a change in the type of people who detained jobs. However, the number of employed children under 15 years old was also increasing. This meant that these kids who were supposed to be getting an education, were being subjugated, sometimes earning a lot less than any other employed group of workers. The living circumstances these children were visible to might have been a reason for them working so young. The living conditions many children were open to were underneath what the poor have seen. Houses that were built to dwell in a family of four was shared by several families. Many of the houses didn’t have water supply and the streets were very dirty. Circumstances like these were meant to be repressed by the poor working people. It seemed that the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer. Industrialization meant that the people with money will devote to have more money and the people that worked could spend the little money they earned buying those products. Industrialization meant exploitation...
Words: 671 - Pages: 3
...Comparative Book Essay The industrialization of the United States is arguable the most important aspect of the entire nineteenth century. It not only changed the way Americans produced goods, it also changed how Americans ran their lives and what the focus of society became. Besides these outcomes of the industrialization period, along with an increase in technology and production, there were other important side effects. The most important side effect of the industrialization period and topic of my paper that was mentioned in all three textbooks, was it’s effect on the relationship between social classes. This topic is a very important section, imbedded throughout Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, George Brown Tindall and David Emory Shi’s America: A Narrative History, and Paul Johnson’s A History of the American People. First we must take a look at the personal views of these authors before looking at how they each analyzed the topic. Zinn has a radical, Marxist interpretation of early US history in which he believes the entire history of the United States was based off of conflict. This includes racial conflict, gender conflict, and in our case, class conflict. Tindall and Shi have, as most history books do, a liberal interpretation of early US history in which they believe the history of the United States is based on consensus and agreement of core values among Americans. They believe the US has a good future because of the agreement on these values...
Words: 1880 - Pages: 8
...Abstract This paper explores industrialization and how the process impacted events in American history. The American Industrial Revolution was immensely consequential and influenced events which have produced the modern society of today. Secondly, this essay will provide descriptions of both, positive and negative, effects that industrialization has had on the lives of Americans and the nation as a whole. Lastly, an analysis of how the Industrial Revolution in American history served as a benefit or a detriment to the nation and the citizens of America. American Industrialization Historically, industrialization of any society marks an experience and phase of historic significance. In addition to practices such as farm production, societies are awarded the process of manufacturing, producing an astounding and substantial impact in every aspect of life (Beck, 1999). As a result of the American Industrial Revolution, modern society benefited from advances in technology, employment increases, and an overall improvement in the quality of daily life. American Industrial Revolution: Positive Effects Developments of industrialization positively affected Americans during the Industrial Revolution. Two advances during this period that had an impact on society and escalated American advancement were transportation and the creation of jobs. Transportation vastly improved the lives of citizens with the completion of roads, canal systems, steamboats, the Transcontinental Railroad...
Words: 706 - Pages: 3
...The Industrial Revolution was marked a major turning point in human history, practically every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. After the Civil War, industrialization took on an unpredictable change of events that had a major effect on improving the lives of Americans. There were so many major aspects of industrialization between 1865 and 1920. The three major ones were influenced society, economy, and politics. Society was a major aspect of Industrialization because the companies were being built, railways were distributing goods to so many different states. The people were also moving from the South and farm areas to live in the Northern urban areas. Iron and steel had become more important to the Industrialization of America. The United States was becoming more industrialized. The society worked in factories to earn money for there families, they also worked at steel plants, and other jobs. The second aspect is economy, it played a big part because the economy had an economic growth from all of the factories that were being built, as well as the trains, and stores. The...
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